5 thoughts on “Interview with Susan Burmeister-Brown

  1. I submitted ss back in August. I was wondering when I might expect comments on my writing? When should I expect something? Thanks for having these contests. Mary T Roberts

  2. HI my name is Natalie Connie I just finished writing a fiction book called I Never Thought It Would Happen To Me.First part ten chapters. Second part ten chapters. Third part is callled being a victim of your own thoughts. Parts 1 and 2 are derived from a poem and wants you read the poem you will know what that short story is about. I believe lthat this book will enable my readers to see them selves in one of these stories.I have no clue as what to l do with this writing. Can youl help me?

  3. I am an Australian writer of narrative verse, sea poems and marine adventures and have just completed a 33,500 word epic novel/poem in Rhyming Narrative Verse entitled Dreams of the Golden Eagle – 35 chapters, 13 Native American characters.

    Set prior to the onset of the Indian Wars, this epic Native American adventure in Rhyming Narrative Verse, involves a web of murder, mystery, intrigue, betrayal, love, hatred and revenge as a fearless chief, in collaboration with the tribal totem, the Golden Eagle, strive to create an alliance with between the warring tribes in a concerted effort to thwart the white invasion.

    Overall, the verse form is very strong and well executed. It creates a rhythm for the story and it quickly fades from conscious becoming an organic part of the telling. All of the novel’s 1,404 four-line stanzas have been written in rhyming trochaic tetrameter where the last syllable of lines two and four of each stanza have been dropped to create excellent flow on readability and profluence. Catalexis perhaps?

    I can find nothing like the work on the internet. Can you advise how I should next proceed?

  4. I wish I had come across Glimmer Train sooner – before it came to a halt. I’ve read all the glowing responses from the writers and I am sad that I missed the train.

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