8 thoughts on “10 Best Organizations for Writers

  1. If You Only Knew

    To make this journey after the suicide of my husband, I learned not to have loved is not to have lived.

    It also taught me the importance of being resilient while facing the challenges that came my way as a single parent, raising seven children ages four to fourteen.

    I came to write this book because in 1975 two psychology professors suggested that I should put my pen to paper and tell my story. It was then I said, “Let’s wait until the youngest one is eighteen.” He is now fifty-two. My crusade is not my own, nor is it just to tell Ellie’s woes. It is for all widowed people who think or feel repressed with no way out.

    Some of the names are changed in order to protect the dignity and privacy of others, as I felt tortured by the degree of ignorance many of them exhibited during the first year after my husband’s suicide.

    It is not my goal to blame or embarrass anyone. I want to make something redemptive of my experience. Though my pain has healed, the memories will always be a part of me. I want to do this by sharing them in some way with others. If others experience similar events, reading my book may provide encouragement and possibly help them to say, “If she can do it, so can I.”

    I want to inspire people to do small things in great ways with their lives. Small things done in a great way can make a difference in our society. That is the priceless experience of going it alone. If hearing my story were to help change the attitude of just one life, get one person to achieve and contribute, then my mission is successful.

  2. Why is the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association of America in strike-through? Is this an editing error or a change of opinion?

  3. Good list. I signed up for a couple and found that I can make Social contacts to help me with my career. Thanks!

  4. Your list is very valuable, but I think you missed one of the best ones. The Arizona Authors Association (arizonaauthors.org) has several virtual events, such as their quarterly Zoom Book Fairs, in which authors can spend five minutes discussing their latest books. This service is free to members, who also receive a full-page ad for any of their new book releases in the bi-monthly newsletter (also free to members). They also get a quarter page ad for free for their articles published. There’s a lot of value there and membership won’t break the bank at only $45 per year. We currently have well over 100 authors, some of them appear on the New York Times Best Seller List as well as in PBS specials. In addition, if you have an established authors’ organization, they will consider sharing links. Check it out!

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