14 thoughts on “10 Words Editors Hate: Do not use!

  1. I agree with this list! I am also aware that I do sometimes fall into the bad habit of leaning too heavily on old cliches. . .

  2. It’s different if it is here or there, but I get submissions that are based around a cliche! It’s so easy to let loaded words do the work for us sometimes.

  3. Superb article. I am motivated to make a list of these cliches and then redo some poems. Your article has challenged me. Keep giving tips…please.- Bravo to what you have taught us.

  4. Totally agree that writers of all stripes need to move on from cliched thought, but I always react badly to being told this or that word is definite no-no. Good to see this article is more nuanced than some of a similar ilk.

    Writers often get criticized for using $10 words too. Elevated language can also be off-putting (although elevated thought is almost always interesting).

    It’s one thing being wary of overused words like these, but I’d also say it’s important for writers to be brave enough to use any word they like as long as they can make it work in the whole.

    Another point is that many of these words and others like them, are commonly used in everyday speech. Dialogue in fiction can be as various as people on the planet. I think if your character wants to talk about her ‘forever warm feelings towards the life and death of her soul’, for example, the words she uses reflect who she is through how she talks.

    Just some thoughts. Thanks interesting read 🙂

  5. Thanks for the insight. There are so many words that could be used, it is pure laziness to pick those where overuse has obliterated meaning.

  6. “Yeats said their were only 2 things that writers should write about” – Really? I doubt it, somehow.

    Otherwise, very helpful. Thank you.

  7. I did everything to get my boyfriend back but nothing worked.

    I contacted a relationship doctor i saw online.

    I told the relationship doctor everything,

    He promised to fix my relationship problem.

    I am the happiest lady on earth right now,

    Never too late to fix your broken heart.

    You can still get your lover back…

    Fix broken relationship/marriage…

    My relationship was restored as promised,

    My Ex-boyfriend came back and promised never to leave me again

    Everything happened just in 3 days..

    I RECOMMEND YOU TO __________________

    R O B I N S O N B U C K L E R 11 @ [[G M A I L. C O M]],,. :-). 🙂

  8. I did everything to get my boyfriend back but nothing worked.

    I contacted a relationship doctor i saw online.

    I told the relationship doctor everything,

    He promised to fix my relationship problem.

    I am the happiest lady on earth right now,

    Never too late to fix your broken heart.

    You can still get your lover back…

    Fix broken relationship/marriage…

    My relationship was restored as promised,

    My Ex-boyfriend came back and promised never to leave me again

    Everything happened just in 3 days..

    I RECOMMEND YOU TO __________________

    R O B I N S O N B U C K L E R 11 [[G M A I L. C O M]],,. :-). 🙂

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