310 thoughts on “$100 50 Word Horror Story Contest

  1. Timmy

    We watched in shock as they carried Norma out in garbage bags 2 at a time. She said Timmy was a good boy, he didn’t like that she decided to eliminate Halloween this year!
    The officers rustled to get Timmy in the car as he screamed … Trick Or Treat Mom!!!


    I study Tyler’s drawing. “What’s this?” I ask, pointing to a brown smear.

    “Baby birds,” he replies, smiling.

    I pause. “What happened?”

    “They got smooshed.”

    “Tyler…is this our backyard?”

    He nods.

    “Enough drawing,” I whisper. “Who wants ice cream?”

    He squeals with delight, shooting chills up my spine.

  3. Candy Canes

    He licked the ends until he created a point, one after the other. He turned to me as I sway back and forth trying to reach the hook; he chuckles
    “stay still sweetie … your next!” just as he plunges another candy cane into Nora’s throat!


    The graverobber’s stealth skills were as ghostly as the quiet chill of the dark night as he finally finished digging and lifted open the coffin’s lid. Immediately he noticed the expensive jewelry, then he noticed all of the corpse had decayed…except the eyes that stared him down, alive with madness.


    Screams billow through the deep darking forest. Amanda’s leg immobilized and broken by the bear trap. She desperately tries to set herself free, pulling and tugging at the iron claws. Hours go by, night falls – the forest awakens. It Sniffs, brushing up against her neck, then it growls.


    Screams billow through the deep darkening forest. Amanda’s leg immobilized and broken by the bear trap. She desperately tries to set herself free, pulling and tugging at the iron claws. Hours go by, night falls – the forest awakens. It Sniffs, brushing up against her neck, then it growls.

    Alex passed a woman on the path as he combed the forest for litter. His trash picker tangled in blonde foliage. As he bent down to unwind the wet, hair-like strands, he realized they were rooted in a freezing scalp. Blood swelled. The woman watched, knife glinting in the sun.


    My wife has changed; she’s distant. At first I was worried she’d been cheating. Every morning her scent seems odd. Last night I finally figured out why. At the edge of our property, in all her nakedness she devoured something, though her nakedness was covered in fur.

  9. Halloween Fishing
    First cast out, reel in nothing.
    Second cast out, reel in what? Weird. Some kind of bone? Probably just a wild animal vertebrae.
    Third cast out, reel in …screams from everyone around… a human skull!


    After my husband was bitten by a bat, he became deathly ill so we rushed home. Thankfully he recovered that evening. I fetched some water and when I returned, he said,

    “I’ll need something stronger.”

    Then he extended a wide grin filled with long, grotesque, razor-sharp teeth.


    I lost the bet so it was me who got to break into the scrapyard to find out if the legend was true or not. I saw that there was no pony-sized dog with glowing red eyes and a enormous head. The rumor was false. It had three enormous heads.

  12. “ROADKILL”

    It was dark and raining… It was raining hard. I didn’t see him until he rolled off my hood and over the roof of my car. He was dead on impact, so I placed him in my trunk.

    Father always taught me not to let good meat go to waste.


    It descends to snatch our mortality, riding the coattails of a dark winter. From the ground beneath the black snow, a sinister mist rises — though it’s no mist — tentacles of hunger has come for what it wants, to feed yet again. By spring’s thaw, blood will seep into the earth.


    Winter seemed normal until we became trapped by what came with it. Keeping a watchful eye upon us with its presence, its vengeance — its will to make us all suffer — the unseen takes solace in our fears. Smears and pools of blood it will leave behind until the next time.


    “You’re ugly.”
    “I am not.”
    “You’re weak.”
    “No, I’m not!”
    “Prove it.”
    “Gain blood of the beautiful.”
    “I *am* beautiful!”
    “You know you’re not. Consume the blood of beauty to rewrite your molecules and you’ll be beautiful.”
    “…Okay. If you’re sure.”
    “I’d never lie to you. I’m your reflection.”

    You will be loved. The one with vacant eyes and violence in her smile. You will be loved. The one with strips of flesh sticky like amber sap clinched in her grasp. You will be loved. Even if it kills me. You will be loved.

  17. THE SMOG

    This smog is so thick I can almost taste it. The sight is so abysmal that I almost swim in it. The instinct of fear screams in my heart, but I think, “What’s out there for me, anyway?” I watch my hands slowly evaporate, becoming one with my new world.

  18. NO LOGIC

    What I had been seeing made me lightheaded; no logic was behind the unspeakable vision I witnessed with my own eyes as the creature rose from the center of the pentagram—enormous, monstrous, its head resembling that of a demonic goat. But then again, who needs logic…when you have him?

  19. They fled across the flats under the hammering sun, focusing on the green in the distance. If they could reach it, they might be safe. The sun…
    They were together, the one blessing. But the sun…

    The child crouched in the heat, looking at the earthworm crisped to the sidewalk


    A fellow stopped me outside a cigar store, where he sold me what he addressed a “very unique cigar”. Intriguing, thought I. That evening, I lit it, gently drew in the smoke, and exhaled it out—it exposed a plethora of faces, stretching, swirling in the air, howling in pain.

  21. The Leaf

    “You’ll meet your end when the last leaf falls.” Her curse echoes in my mind. My toes were first to rot away. They say it’s flesh eating bacteria. I know better. There’s an oak tree outside my hospital window. One fragile leaf remains. I pray for strong winds.

  22. Exhausted and surrounded by zombies, she screamed and fought to the end.
    Now the pain was over, she swayed to her feet.
    Through marbled eyes, she saw her home town swarming with the undead.
    A moment of transformation.
    She felt, for the first time, that she belonged.

  23. I’ve already decided when I’ll lay my bony hand upon your shoulder and sweep you into the night.
    Reading scary stories won’t prepare you.
    You won’t feel ready.
    Sometimes I’ll stand behind you and just let my hand hover.
    You don’t believe such things?
    Go ahead…
    Turn around.

  24. After seeing the body parts hanging from the branches, I ran all the way home, locked the door and couldn’t stop laughing.
    In the morning it was snowing and I forgot to get dressed.
    I ran back out to the woods to see if I could do it all again.

  25. The earthquake made a mess of everything, especially the graveyard.
    Slowly at first, I’d feel inside the broken coffins until my clothes got wet.
    I can’t help it.
    Sometimes the locals gather together outside my cave, daring each other.
    They have a name for me.
    I can hear it.

  26. The ship blocked the dark, silent highway. The creatures inside took everyone in our car. Except for me. I walked for days to get to someone, anyone for help. But they don’t believe me. And now I’m stuck in a cage and the person next to me is coughing.

  27. Blood was all she knew. It gave her life, coating her upon birth.

    It oozed with her many ailments. Every blow she got birthed bruises.

    Blood became a waking trial for her. She became sickly and ashamed.

    Agony was all she knew. Blood birthed it, smothering her in its depths.

  28. Flight

    Helena’s wish was granted but it came with a shocking price. The wings ripped through her flesh. Blood streamed down with every flap. She grew weaker the higher she soared. She’d sacrificed her husband only to have the first flight be her last. Helena smiled. It was worth it.

  29. Drifting away, no turning over the shoulder; unless being a salt pillar beckons.
    Yet gaze you must.
    You move backwards, arms transparent, outstretched, for parting is hard, and collide with another.
    Shadows interpenetrate, exchange, but body, as your distance grows, cannot know that you are not anymore when you tug.

  30. Showering:
    The hole in my bathroom ceiling has grown.

    I lather my hair.

    Eyes closed, I wait. The water runs hot. Pipes wail.

    At night, I hear nosies: bad weather or unlatched gates.

    Now, I smile at the truth of it.

    Above me, pushed tight against the gap, an eye blinks.


    I could hear it moving around beneath me, breathing heavily. Wrapping a sock around my hand, I looked under the bed, right into its icy blue eyes.

    “Please,” it moaned. “I want to go home.”

    “Hush,” I said, shoving the sock into its mouth. “You’ll wake the others.”


    I am literally a nobody. My lack of self-esteem and ambition have transferred me into another plane of existence. People not only ignore me, but it’s like I am a ghost to them. They can neither see nor hear me. Best part is, I can still touch things! Like weapons…

  33. The creaking defaced cathedral a memory of its former glory, Fighter in fatigues, back from the battlefield, wanders his city, interrogating cold wind gusts and chattering window shutters. Homebound, he passes through doors without opening. In his mother’s empty bedroom, a silhouette wafts clasping a black-rimmed notice with his name.


    Thomas was used to his head feeling like an aquarium filled halfway, the water heavily swaying back and forth, when he was hammered. But this time was different. He could see the mangled corpses of people he once knew, staring at him. People who were killed drunk-driving.

  35. FLY

    This fly is driving me crazy. Circling my head, filling my ears with his annoying buzz. Somebody please shoo him away before they close the coffin.


    Now he’s sitting on my eyeball and the flames from the incinerator are creeping in. Looks like we’re going to hell together.


    “This bag is one of a kind.” “Exquisite–” he scolds. “Pardon my ignorance; materials – technique?” “Come – feast your eyes.” He guides her down the narrow hall into his den.
    “What’s this?” “Material – – skin. I peel, scrape, boil, dry; replenish.” Her stomach knotted, “Th-ese are people!” His eyes gleamed, “Precisely; ready?”

  37. Lifetime opportunity! Gleeful, the art thief unpacks gear in the silent basement. Up unlit service staircases, lavatory labyrinth, catwalk, leap.
    But Dali’s melted timepiece flows off painted hills, hissing, toward him; his giant ecce homo, done emerging from Earth’s belly-egg, shatters the frame, stepping out to embrace him.

  38. The Knocking

    The knocking from the basement began about a week ago, each night getting. Tonight it was deafeningly loud. Suddenly it stopped. Then I heard the creaking of steps coming up the stairs. The last thing I remember was hearing the knocking coming from outside my door.

  39. The Message

    I awoke to the sound of my little sister’s blood-curdling screams. As I ran across the hall, to her room, the screams stopped. I burst through the door only to find she wasn’t there. I looked around and saw a bone-chilling message written on the wall: You’re next.

  40. The Duck

    “Somewhere, somewhen, a small white duck landed in a quaint little town. The adorable fowl quickly gained a following, growing on the Townsfolk’s minds. That bird was the talk of the town! Then one day, their skulls erupted, and from their heads plopped numerous pristine, cottony-feathered ducks.”

  41. Skin the color of dusty bedsheets. Blue veins hold me together like glued paper. I wish to be free not as a bird but like feathers that blow in the wind. Now skin hangs up on the wall framing perfect heaven outside a window. Soft white curtains with blue lines.

  42. Halloween Night

    It was Halloween night, and other than my friend, who had run ahead, the streets were deserted. I saw the stranger when I turned around the corner. His devilish eyes and evil grin. He had a chainsaw in one hand and the dead body of my friend in the other.

  43. The Lawnmower

    I was heading back from my evening walk around the neighborhood. I passed Phill, the local lawnmower. The roar of the mower was deafeningly loud. When the sound didn’t fade away, I turned around, to see him following me. That’s when I noticed the bloodshot eyes and the devilish grin.

  44. At the line up, the witness couldn’t recognize anyone. He said he only heard someone singing,”Ring around the rosie.” They had a mute suspect so they led him out, but he was rapidly signing that he commited the murder. Mutey thought he was going insane. Then, I sang again.

  45. Strawberries

    “Hand me the knife Evan,” I asked Evan while I was washing strawberries.
    “Evan?” I glanced up. I pointed to it, “The knife, so I can cut strawberries.”
    Evan looked at the knife. Then I saw a stain of red on the cutting board, but it wasn’t from the strawberries….

  46. Spooky Story

    “It was a stormy night,” I heard a boom of thunder, as I listened to the story my friend was telling.
    “Suddenly the lights went out.” She turned off the flashlight.
    “It was in the room.”
    I felt a chill down my spine.
    “And it took-” My friend went silent.

  47. The Game

    “Let’s play a game,” Katie woke up to hear a little girl’s voice. Katie got out of bed and immediately noticed that her least favorite doll, Amelia was missing from the shelf.
    “How about hide and seek?” Amelia’s voice echoed.
    “Where are you?” Katie asked.
    “Right behind you.”

  48. The windpipe has such a savory aroma. Every bite gets tangier and sweeter and more delicious. Even the lips have their benefits. I feel like I could taste their dialect before their life was cut short. The cops haven’t found me. I have a badge of my own, after all.

  49. The Storm

    It was a stormy night. I was washing my hands. I splashed some water on my face and sighed.
    What a day.
    A boom of thunder startled me and I looked up in the mirror to glimpse at a clown-like figure standing beside me before lights went out.

  50. Banging

    I heard the banging of the front door breaking down as it came into our house. I sprinted upstairs and locked the door behind me. I could hear my brother’s ear-piercing shrieks. Then silence. Then there was something coming upstairs and banging on my door.

  51. The Room of Doom

    He was after me. My heart pounded as I sprinted down the corridor. I barged through a door and was engulfed in darkness. It was only when I had locked the door that I noticed the unnatural chill to the room.
    I heard a voice behind me, “Hello there.”

  52. The Man

    I first saw the man through the window of my school. Then as I was walking home, he was standing on someone’s front porch. Then he was in a car. Then he was standing by the lamp post. Now he is in my bedroom window, staring directly at me.

  53. The Child

    “Mommy, can you play with me?” I woke up, startled to hear a child in my house. I got out of bed and followed the sound.
    “Can you let me in Mommy?”
    I opened the front door and saw the face of my daughter who’s been dead for five years.

  54. The Figures

    Everyone in the school just froze. All but me. Through the window, I noticed three cloaked figures heading towards the entrance of the school. Under their hoods was nothing. All of a sudden, as if they sensed it, one of them turned and looked directly at me.

  55. “But I never believed in an afterlife,” I said.
    “That’s why you’re here,” he replied. “Only believers get awarded the prize of oblivion.”
    “What about the rest of us?”
    “You get eternity with nothing to do.”

  56. My older sister Nancy kills my bullies. Mounts their heads on the mantle.
    Once, she catches me staring. She smiles.
    “They deserve it,” she says. “You want more bruises, honey?”
    I’m ashamed to feel gratitude.
    But they stare, once proud mouths gaping.
    I cry, thinking of who they’d never become.

  57. Whooomph! It brought him round when they ignited the burners.
    Crammed in with a corpse, he scratched at the coffin lid and yelled. But knew no one would hear. And that no one could do anything anyway.
    Now he knew why his ex wife took the job at the crematorium…

  58. While she broke through the sticky-red flesh with a sharpened stick, she recalled piercing a marshmallow while camping.

    Steam from her father, a crucified marionette, mixed with the morning fog.

    “But, I don’t think the crows will be scared,” she said, considering the dripping silhouette. “I think they will feast.”

  59. Jimmy watched in horror, as the scene unfolded before him. The tentacled thing moved toward him. Panicked, he raced for the stairs, but it was there to block him. Then he noticed it, an opening into the ceiling. The attic! He reached up and grasped the handle. He pulled, but it didn’t budge. He pulled again, harder, and the door opened, the ladder slid into place. He climbed into the space above, then reached down to close the door. He looked around the dusty old attic. There was an old phonograph, and a mirror, covered by a yellowed lace curtain. A dressmaker’s dummy stood before him, a pink dress still pinned to it, unfinished. Then, he heard shuffling from behind some boxes. He opened his mouth to scream, as the tentacled thing slithered toward him, her babies following.

  60. Mom goes to Vampires Anonymous meetings.
    They ask why she likes blood.
    She needs energy, she says.
    It’s more than that. It’s pride.
    They don’t know the shame when someone laughs, points, makes Dracula or Munsters jokes. It happened to Grandpa too.
    Besides, she only drains half the blood now.


    The bed stirs around two a.m. when my wife pulls back the covers and reaches for the open window.
    “It’s too cold.”
    It’s a familiar argument. I’m a sweaty sleeper. She piles on blankets.
    I don’t protest as she nestles into me. I can’t stop shivering.
    She died last Thursday.

  62. My older sister Nan and I hear Dad talking to the oven repairman.
    What temperature can you roast children?
    The response is indiscernible, followed by laughter.
    We can’t go out my window. We’d fall.
    Can’t go downstairs.
    We wait, hold each other, talk of love and cold, snowy, beautiful places.

  63. I was meeting my friend after a long time.

    The door opened and I stepped inside. The room was huge, fully refrigerated.

    Petrified, my spine chilled – dead bodies and blood all over. My friend emerged with a large shining knife and a broad smile.

    “Welcome to my work place” , said the butcher.


    It sounded like the wisps of the cold night breeze was shifting into a pronunciation that was my name. I looked around; there I saw a well. Slowly, I approached it, looking down into the endless chasm, knowing that I would find what I’ve been searching for my whole life.


    “Just this once,” is what I tell myself every time as an excuse to come back for more. I never realized how much it adds up every time. My transformation is already taking shape, turning me ugly, hostile and even deadly.

    Okay. I will stop…after one more. Just this once.

  66. PUSH

    Sometimes a person needs a push to find his fortune, Dad said when he kicked me out. Today, as I stand overlooking the majestic valley, I finally get it. The insurance money that is. My wife’s broken body lying on the rocks below is a beautiful sight.

  67. A large heart had been sewn to the hands of her red bear. It was a Valentine’s gift from her ex-boyfriend. She lay down from exhaustion to get ready for Halloween night. The day after Halloween, the police found her lifeless body with a real heart sewn into her hands!

    1. A link to post would be helpful. Meanwhile, here’s my second submission. Thanks:

      WELL DONE by Loretta Martin

      “You bitch,” Ronny spat, foamy mist spraying my face. He reeked of sulfur, vomit, urine, and rage.
      As the sunset kissed our wheat stalks, I gazed into constricted pupils as clammy fingers reached forward. My final thought was the eventual headline:
      “Mother Drowns 10-Year-Old Son and Self in Family Well”


    “If I can’t have you, I’ll make sure
    that no one would want you!”
    With that threat, I was shaken. He’s not
    who I thought.
    Leave now, escape!
    I bought a train ticket,
    and waited for the train.
    On the in-coming train,


    Dirty car needs a wash.
    “Mommy, can we go through the car wash
    with you?”
    The kids were always excited to do this.
    They shouted with glee as the water
    sprayed on their side windows.
    Shrieks of
    as a bloody head
    fell onto
    the windshield!

  70. Survivors of the war
    I’m at the top of the tree, shaking in the dark. I pray that the Iraqi soldiers do not notice me. They go and I come down and cover the headless bodies of my comrades one by one. This has been my job for 32 years!

  71. Sartre invented eternity for us as NO EXIT: life everlasting same as temporal, except no eye closings, at all, even to blink. Now that that’s clear, modernity is (un)done. No more writing difference, no imaging what has never yet been. No reaching beyond death as basic ongoing, bored, and terrified.

  72. The smell of death in the air. The feel of a fleshless finger sliding along my arm. The sight a floating shadow beside me. The sound of cries in the walls. All the people murdered before me. They dared me into the Gardener’s haunted mansion. I wish I’d said no.

  73. A Dare Gone Wrong

    The smell of death in the air. The feel of a fleshless finger sliding along my arm. The sight of a floating shadow. The sounds of cries in the walls. All the people murdered before me. They dared me into the Gardener’s haunted mansion. I wish I’d said no.

    (Repost, since there was a typo earlier)

  74. The reaper’s scythe passed over me once; inadvertently, I am certain. The slender upright stalk that was I seemed, perhaps, a fuller, fallen, figure’s sideways shadow, or went unnoticed next to a sheaf previously felled. No answers are given. No moves, alone, bonded to my soil, I cannot but stand.

  75. I was imprisoned at home for a year for fear of it. It is going to kill me and my family. Last night it was going to come home from behind my husband. I had no mercy it and shot it with alcohol. It escaped. It is very small but cruel!

  76. Have Kids They Said:

    First you build it up, a home filled with laughter,
    And love—but it’s not enough.
    So you talk it out, what life will be after,
    The kids show up…and they take control…

    Now they’ve got it figured out.

  77. Concerts champetres played on period instruments? We are, finally, the judges of sound. The doorway, camouflaged by caked paint in the c.1509 Titian’s corner, opens twice per millennium. Tonight! In the grassy field, make lutes of the women, the girls into slender violas: pluck their guts, string the instruments taut.

  78. Nighty Night

    Baby had always been a restless sleeper, but tonight he didn’t make a sound. Mommy awoke to a horrific scream. She bolted to the nursery to find Baby staring back at her with yellow eyes; bloody remnants of the cat strewn about the crib, it’s head in Baby’s mouth.

  79. The Traveller

    As she grabbed her bag from the carousel, she recognized him from earlier; they had struck up a friendly conversation waiting to pass through security at LaGuardia. He flashed a warm smile and suggested sharing a cab when she noticed the blood oozing from his suitcase, onto the floor.

  80. Heimlich

    He assumes the lady at the next table was choking on her food. He tries to clear her airway, until she seizes and screams as thick black fluid explodes from her mouth and nose. As he recoils, writhing, red tentacles burst from her face and wrap themselves around his throat.

  81. Date Night

    He apologized and ran out, as he always did afterwards. With a rag to her bloody nose, she smiled wide. This would be the last time he’d ever lay a hand on her; the bag of angry rattlesnakes she dumped in the cab of his truck would see to that.






    -this is Lt. Cmndr. Kovacs/USS Farragut: organism has escaped. 12 deceased. I’m the only one le—————


    She came to me in a dream, a huge hood atop her cape, faceless, moving fluidly toward me, holding a knife. I snatched it and stabbed her. She fell down, then disappeared. I awoke, happy it was only a dream, until I turned on the light and saw the blood.


    You’re joking; Me, write horror?
    So, I’m a sadist — blood excites me, fearful screams send jubilation through my veins. I mercilessly crush their teeth, cut and peel their skin, observing the infliction as their eyes bulge from the tightening vice. It squeezes – pressing their skulls until – – until it cracks. Pleasure.

  85. CAGED

    Voices, confused- he stares into the night sky. The island’s supposedly deserted. Trees rhythmic in the breeze converse his demise. It is only a matter of time. Enormous dogs surround his cage awaiting their next meal. He no longer wishes to escape. At least he’s safe – for now.

  86. He pushed his long rotting nails through my chest, his other hands digging into my oesophagus when what sounded like hammering woke me.
    I could barely hear the muffled sound of dirt covering the coffin over my own screams.
    Been the last man on earth, Dracula did this

  87. Relax. Take a breath. It’s just me. Harmless little old me. Your neighbor, remember? Quiet. Keep to myself. Wouldn’t harm a fly. Everyone says so. Terribly sorry to startle you. Now, about that music you keep playing. Oh, and uh, this hammer that you let me borrow.

  88. A faint scream came from the mailbox and small sparks spit from inside, cascading to the ground like a welder’s torch in hell.
    I slid my hand into the dark maw of the box, expecting gnashing teeth to rip my flesh.
    The monthly Wells Fargo mortgage bill came again.

  89. I caressed her soft auburn hair, embracing her head close to my chest like lovers do. Her eyes were closed. Her lips slightly pursed and open as if in expectation of the kisses I intended to share.
    Then I walked away, leaving her body behind.


    We dine amidst the soft glow of candlelight.

    ”Oh, Mary.”

    Flame and shadow dance across her face. Her head tilted back. Her mouth slack-jawed.

    I scoop a portion of viscera that’s been splayed across the floor onto my plate.

    ”We would’ve been so happy together.”

    I take another compunctious bite.


    The time is up; it’s over; done.
    It might have been hard, but still, a great run.
    Sure, there were faults. Sure, there were errors,
    But the hero at heart was the one in the mirror.
    It’s too late to go back, ‘lest you qualify
    This one last epilogue from the other side.

  92. Congratulations to our Winner DanSan

    Normally we would wait to announce the winners until we send emails telling them they have won, but we said more transparency, and I’m already getting emails. We also wait until the movie, but again, emails. Here are the winners of our contest. 

    Here is how this works. DanSan will be contacted by email today. If there is no response within 2 days, it will go to our second place. If they do not respond in 2 days it will go to our 3rd place. If they do not respond I’ll donate the money to a charity. 


    Winner: BEDTIME by DanSan (October 26, 2020 at 6:11 pm)

    2nd place “A JAR ON THE SHELF” by J B(October 21, 2020 at 6:12 pm)

    3rd place At First Sight by Tiffany T. Cole (October 23, 2020 at 12:18 pm)


    Please note, if you enjoyed this contest, you might like our new contest . It is the same set up. $100 for 50 words. It is a creepy Christmas contest, and yes you can enter as many times as you like, and yes if you won this contest, you can still win the next one. It was slated to start November 1st, but….if you can’t wait….go ahead and get started. Good Luck! https://www.everywritersresource.com/100-50-word-horror-creepy-christmas-contest/

  93. i’ve been trying to join your movie site and am having trouble. I guess I’m not one of the winners, but would like to know which entries did win.

  94. “What’s your name?”

    “Sam or Samantha”

    “Funny, that’s what my new puppy is going to be named because of those stupid Facebook posts, ‘name your dog after the last thing you ate.’…

    Don’t worry it won’t hurt once I get to the liver.”…

    “Meet Sam or Samatha…. What’s your name?”


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