100 Horror Story Tropes
100 Horror Story Tropes: From demonic dolls to sinister scarecrows, this comprehensive list spans the spooky staples which have dominated the genre across countless tales of terror. Though diverse in the chilling forms they manifest, these creepy conventions collectively tap into universal human fears, the primal dread of the dark unknown. While the well-worn tropes offer creative comfort through familiar frights, the best horror writers can re-imagine even the most cliched conceit to cleverly subvert expectations. What hidden figure lurks behind the iconic masked madman? Does that foreboding fog conceal natural or supernatural threats? Ultimately the suspense lies in what hidden revelations await those brave enough to peel back the genre’s folkloric skin to expose the fresh fears pulsing beneath. So read on dear victim, I mean reader, if you dare…
Here are 100 common horror tropes with a brief explanation of each:
- Killer in the backseat – An unsuspecting victim is stalked or killed by a hidden assailant hiding in the backseat of their car.
- Haunted house – A house is inhabited by ghosts, demons, or other supernatural forces.
- Final girl – The last survivor to confront the killer, usually a young woman who exhibits intelligence and resilience.
- Jump scare – Something pops out suddenly to frighten the audience.
- Found footage – Film footage from cameras of missing or dead characters is found.
- Evil child – A child possesses sinister powers or becomes homicidal.
- Demonic possession – A demon takes control of a human host.
- Cabin in the woods – Young people stay at a remote cabin where bad things happen.
- Cursed object – A supposedly cursed item causes death and destruction to its owners.
- Evil clown – An ominous clown stalks potential victims.
- Torture porn – Graphic depictions of torture and mutilation for gruesome thrills.
- Psychotic killer – A violent, deranged murderer with severe mental illness.
- Hitchhiker attack – An unsuspecting driver picks up a homicidal hitchhiker.
- Home invasion – Victims are attacked and terrorized inside their own home.
- Ghost story – Ghosts haunt people, usually seeking justice or vengeance for something.
- Zombie apocalypse – Civilization is overrun by zombies hungry for living human flesh.
- Virus outbreak – A contagious virus turns people into monsters.
- Creepy kid – A child unsettles people with odd, sinister behaviors.
- Stalker – Someone obsessively follows and spies on the object of their unwanted affection.
- Monster lurking in the dark – A creature hides in the shadows to frighten and attack the unwary.
- Serial killer – One person embarks on a sadistic murder spree with multiple victims.
- Mysterious deaths – A group of unexplained, gruesome deaths point to a deadly menace.
- Ancient curse – Disturbing an ancient tomb or artifact brings about an ancient curse.
- Sinister warning – An ominous warning about a place or situation goes unheeded.
- Small town secret – A small isolated town hides a disturbing secret.
- Superstitions – Traditional superstitions become terrifyingly real.
- Urban legend – A horrific local myth or story comes to life.
- Ghostly visions – A character sees disturbing visions of ghosts or death omens.
- Evil twin – One twin is good; the other is murderously evil.
- Skeletons in the closet – Figurative or literal skeletons represent a buried, shameful secret.
- Dangerous rituals – Performing certain rituals brings about chilling consequences.
- Creepy children’s toy – A child’s toy turns out to be sinister and haunted.
- Alien encounter – First contact with menacing alien lifeforms proves to be a nightmare.
- Lab experiment gone wrong – Scientific experiments have disastrous unintended consequences.
- Maniac cop – A psychopath hides behind a police uniform to stalk victims.
- Foretelling nightmares – Dreams and nightmares foreshadow impending doom or danger.
- Mental patient on the loose – An escapee from a mental institution wreaks havoc.
- Backwoods horror – Travelers encounter inbred, deranged hillbillies and cannibals.
- Vengeful spirit – A restless ghost seeks retribution for its suffering and death.
- Occult rituals – Ceremonies invoke dangerous supernatural forces.
- Creepy motel – Staying overnight in a remote, rundown motel puts you in harm’s way.
- Demons – Malevolent demons possess the living to torment souls and destroy lives.
- Tortured artist – An artist slowly loses grip with reality, leading to madness and murder.
- Mad scientist – A researcher goes too far pursuing dangerous, unethical experiments.
- Creepy mannequins – Inanimate mannequins and dolls become frighteningly animated.
- Small town conspiracies – Local authorities secretly cover up sinister occurrences.
- Frightening folklore – Legends and lore of mythical beasts or spirits prove to be disturbingly real.
- Evil prince/princess – Power corrupts royalty, leading them to commit heinous acts from greed or bloodlust.
- Torture devices – Sinister medieval torture equipment is uncovered or used to inflict agony.
- Gory dismemberment – Victims limbs are graphically ripped from their bodies.
- Cannibal family – A family survives by hunting and eating human flesh.
- Evil apparitions – Ghosts, demons or paranormal entities appear to terrorize the living.
- Cursed land – An area of land is imbued with evil influence, causing disaster.
- Deadly swarm – A swarm of animals or insects attacks en masse.
- Ancient tombs – Disturbing an ancient burial site brings forth a fatal curse.
- Sinister catacombs – Something malevolent lurks in underground crypts and caves.
- Body horror – The human body mutates or transforms into something monstrous.
- Killer fungus – An anomalous fungus or mold spreads aggressively, infecting and consuming living tissue.
- Ax-crazy – An unhinged, unstable character goes on a wild killing spree.
- Creepy carnival – An amusement park or circus hides macabre secrets.
- Scary stories – Telling or listening to scary campfire stories has creepy consequences.
- Gothic romance – Brooding, darkly romantic tales full of mystery and suspense.
- Science experiments gone wrong – Research into strange phenomena yields terrifying consequences.
- Secret attic or cellar – A hidden, forgotten room conceals secrets that should have stayed buried.
- Mysterious symbols or runes – Strange writings or markings signal a dreadful presence or dreadful fortune.
- Ouija board – Amateur occultists meddle with spirits via a Ouija board with frightening results.
- Scary dolls or puppets – Dolls and puppets take on a creepy life of their own.
- Ghost ship/vehicle – An abandoned ship, plane, or car harbors angry spirits seeking revenge.
- Cold spot – Unexplained cold areas signal ghostly activity.
- Premature burial – A victim is buried alive and must desperately try to escape.
- Lights flicker – Electrical disturbances indicate the presence of spirits.
- Seance – A medium contacts evil entities during a seance.
- Psychic visions – A psychic experiences disturbing visions of murder.
- Evil book – Reading an ancient, mysterious book awakens monstrous forces.
- Secret passage – Hidden corridors inside a building enable an unseen killer to surreptitiously stalk victims.
- Fog – Thick fog isolates and disorients victims, concealing dangers.
- Gory sacrifice – Deranged cult members perform a bloody sacrifice ritual.
- Voodoo – nonlocal rituals inflict victims with an agonizing phantom curse.
- Southern gothic – The American South breeds macabre tales of moral corruption, madness, and the grotesque.
- Music box – A vintage music box plays an ominous tune heralding misfortune.
- Mannequin horror – Factory mannequins seem to threateningly move on their own.
- Tortured monsters – Sympathetic monsters are tortured by angry villagers.
- Mad doctor – A surgeon descends into deranged, sadistic human experimentation.
- Ghostly hitchhiker – A spectral hitchhiker gets a ride from unsuspecting motorists.
- Halloween horror – Murder and mayhem coincide with Halloween festivities.
- Gothic castles – Sinister secrets hide within a gloomy, isolated castle.
- Graveyard horror – Restless spirits or vampires rise from local graveyards to attack the living.
- Old shack – Kids explore an abandoned decrepit building and awaken its secrets.
- Snowed in – Isolated in a remote location by a blizzard with little chance of survival or escape.
- Creepy basement – A darkened basement hides horrors like demons, monsters, or burial grounds.
- Family curses – A lineage is cursed to endure tragedy and violence for generations.
- Satanic coven – Occult gatherings invoke sinister forces for evil ends.
- Creepy woods – Malevolent entities stalk victims in dense, remote forests.
- Gothic dollhouses – Miniature dollhouses harbor disturbing secrets.
- Urban decay – Once-splendid architecture falls into creepy ruin.
- Creepy carnivals – Run-down carnivals operated by sinister characters conceal macabre secrets.
- Victorian horror – Repression and hypocrisy in the Victorian era fuels chilling tales.
- Creepy sew dolls – Handmade stuffed dolls meant to represent their owners take on a life of their own.
- Evil scarecrows – Scarecrows menacingly attack the living to protect crops.
- Mysterious cctv footage – Sinister events are captured on camera but never explained.
And so we leave behind this virtual campfire of collected horror, having briefly resurrected 100 distinct yet kindred icons of terror from the mass grave of genre fiction. Like creeping creatures in the night, they have emerged from the shadows to remind us that evil takes many forms – some stranger than others. Their visitations teach us that true horror often hides behind the veil of the familiar, in sinister subversions of sacred havens like homes, hospitals, and hotels. As we bid farewell to them until the next sleepless night when they may haunt us again, let us find comfort in the fact that real horror lingers in more banal guises like poverty, violence and cruelty rather than otherworldly monsters. Yet we must be wary not to become too complacent even as we force these phantoms back into fiction’s confines through stories, screens and imagination’s unreliable projections. For like every fabled serial slayer felled by the final girl, the tropes of horror themselves can never die; long after their overdone conventions fail to shock, these repeating nightmares will resurrect themselves once more to prey upon new fearful minds. When everything old is new again, rest assured that fresh spawns of these 100 creatures will emerge reinvented…if only we dare to dream them back to dreadful life. So try not to dwell on what lingers in the shadows, waiting to bleed into reality when you least expect. Instead as you close your eyes to welcome sweet dreams tonight, simply pray the breaking dawn will keep these tired terrors at bay – at least until your next unsettling encounter with horror! We have many other tropes on our site that may interest you.