762 thoughts on “2018 50 Word $500 Horror Story Halloween Contest

  1. Before the blood has dried on her lips, she searches hungrily for her next. By her third, a crimson sheen colours her skin, seeping through her pores –beading at her fingertips. They will blacken by tomorrow. Her belly is swollen, she caresses it absently. She feeds until she bursts.

  2. They crept through a hole in the barbed wire fence and found an unlocked door. Inside it was pitch black, but the stench of feces and dried blood told them they were standing on the kill floor. It was a trap. Lights flickered on and the deadly machines clicked awake.

  3. He followed her down the dark alley and shoved her against the wall. She smiled, her heart racing. A flash of fear crossed his face. She rammed her key into his throat, emptied his wallet, and watched his eyes go dim as she hauled another limp body into the dumpster.

  4. Brakes squeal…48…47…the car hits the water with a sickening smack…37…36…fumbling with her seat belt as it slips through her fingers over and over…21…20…lungs burning as blue darkness guides her car downward…10…9…realizing she has no words left except…zero.

  5. Forty Deuce ain’t what it used to be. Like the Disney police laced their magic kingdom dust with Lysol to sanitize the street . Even a sewer rat looks like a dieting Mickey Mouse until he wipes a foamy mouth on your calf that looks like a drumstick in the dark.

  6. The yelp review read temperamental toilet . Whatever. I’d been to CBGB’s in the seventies and survived. I pulled the sandpaper roll but it began unraveling around my hand like a boxer’s wrap , squeezing my arms then neck . I staggered out like a soiled mummy with my briefs at my knees.

  7. “That’s Eve’s old boyfriend.”
    “The bartender ?”
    “Yeah, she said he was too possessive. Oh shit. “
    The bartender walked up.
    “Hey, congrats, man . Eve’s a great gal . Just wanted you to know there’s no hard feelings .”
    “Appreciate it. Thanks.”
    “ Shame you won’t be seeing that sweet little chicken for a while.”

  8. No matter how many times I tell my daughter there’s nothing there, she pleads with me to check under her bed again. I sigh and get on my knees. I can’t say nothing tonight. Nothing has its impossibly long fingers around my throat and won’t let me even say goodbye.

  9. She pulled back the shower curtain, and everything went silent. It wasn’t until she submerged her head again that the voices returned. Screams merged with cries as the soap burned her eyes. She yanked the curtain once more, but stopped cold when she saw herself already lying on the floor.

  10. “You were the last person to see her! People don’t ‘just vanish’!”
    “It’s the truth!”
    “BULL! Look at me when I’m talking to you!”
    “I CANT! I’ll disappear too!”
    The cop forced eye to eye contact.
    “What the hell are you on? What are you talking abou-”
    The boy vanished.

  11. “Any wish–any wish you want”. “Seriously?” “Nobody thought you’d make it to 10 so any wish”. “I want Halloween every night” “No you don’t, you’re not supposed to be scared” “Even with my new heart?” …”You have no idea how many people died to find a match for you”…

  12. From nightmare to nightmare
    and things that go bump in the night.
    You have an uneasy feeling
    like somethings just not right.
    Looking around you stop to check.
    Feeling the hairs stand up
    on the back your neck.
    From the darkness of night.
    You fall victim to a Vampires bite.

  13. Halloween
    Like a shadow moving in the darkness…
    It is something seldom seen.
    A total act of malevolence,
    as monsters haunt your dreams…
    A low rolling fog spread
    feelings of foreboding and doom.
    Ghouls and Goblins step out of the gloom,
    Looking to devour
    Little children in costume.

  14. Watching the news, I grab the last of my homemade ten-piece meal. I dip the meat in barbecue sauce and see they have no leads involving the missing teen. I look at the freezer, smile, and take a bite of the final undercooked finger.

  15. Jimmy slowly walked in, finding his parents sitting at the dining room table. Creepy smiles adorning both their faces, his father beckoned Jimmy to an open seat. A large gleaming knife lay neatly in front of each person.

    “Son, this is truly a joyous occasion. Your first carving.”

  16. My mom insisted we have a fire in the back yard of our new home. Now I know why we moved where nobody knows us as I sit duct taped to a chair over the fire. My mother will have a new life and nobody will ever know I existed.

  17. Bang!
    I breathe in.
    Why is there so much dirt?
    The noise, it stabs my ears.
    The sound of wailing makes it through some small crack. A voice filled with sorrow.
    “Ye, though he walked into the shadow of death…” A faded voice.
    What’s happening?
    I’m in a coffin.

  18. It’s raw by Halloween. Coats over costumes .The chill cuts through my hoodie. Mother nature peeling my skin back like a banana and sticking an icicle where the sun don’t shine. As you can never trust a beaten dog, not a beast on earth bares teeth like she does.

  19. I woke in a daze covered in my wife’s blood and frantically scanned the bedroom. Footfalls pulled my eyes to the hallway and I instinctively gave chase. Outside, I was crushed to find my daughters already clinging to a first responder. They kept crying “We couldn’t wake him up!”

  20. The empty ground was surrounded by only a flat. Some poor children had come to this ground to play cricket.

    The match had started quite quickly. During the progress of the fifth over, the ball had travelled over the boundary and made its way straight through the window of the flat. It was then declared as a six!! A few minutes later they had seen a head moving on almost towards the window and later returned inside the flat.

    The children got quite scared as they knew that there was no one living in that flat. But they needed to get their ball back. They then decided to enter into the flat. Soon they made their way towards the flat and to their surprise the gate was left opened. The courtyard in the front was covered with withered plants. They then made their way towards the first floor of the flat. The door was half opened. The children began getting scared and started shivering on. They had then gathered their nerve and entered the room. The room was empty. They then made their way towards the kitchen and found no one there too. They then pondered on and in no time they made their way towards the bathroom. As they opened the door of the bathroom, they were shocked to find that a person had been lying flat on the floor. Soon recovering from the shock, they surveyed the bathroom and then found a small female child sitting in the far corner. Soon the children had called in for the police and an Ambulance. The police and the Ambulance had made their way in here in no time. The doctor rushed in to check the person. The person lay unconscious though and soon he was shifted into the Ambulance.

    The police in a few minutes had taken care of the small female child. Within an hour the police had made their way down the stairs. The children had followed on and as they arrived down they then decided to water the withered plants.

    The police had wanted to note their names for rewarding them but they had refused giving out their names and in no time they had informed the police that they can use their reward whatever they get for the person’s treatment.

  21. “Have you ever seen a ghost?” said the man with the sad eyes. It seemed a strange thing to ask at a funeral.
    “No,” I answered. “Have you?”
    The man smiled and it made my skin crawl.
    He left me then, without another word, and got back in his coffin.

  22. Jerry and Darlene couldn’t resist the invitation: Monster’s Ball, fancy dress required! They’d worn the best spooky costumes in the joke shop, but were confused that no-one else appeared to be in fancy dress. That is until dinner was announced, and they started to change into their true forms.

  23. Our annual Halloween fire on the beach. “That’s it folks” Grampa said, “I can’t think of any more scary stories. You’ve sucked my imagination dry. Someone else has to take over”. Richie did, gently pushing Grampa into the conflagration. Richie sat down. The fire blazed. “Once upon a time”….

  24. Host

    Ria lifted her head from the sweat-drenched pillow and roared. Another tearing pain inside. Fear ravaged her. She clenched the hammer, ready to crush the first of the eight-legged monstrosities as it emerged. But its myriad siblings overran her. They swarmed from within, crawled all over her, and fed.

  25. He awoke in darkness, drowning in silence. His last moments were with loved ones, solemn and peaceful. His eyelids had grown heavy for the last time; but now he felt the coolness of the heavy dirt surrounding him. Panic flowed in place of his blood- it wasn’t really the end.

  26. It was another night of grim factory work. The dusty town feigned sleep as the clocktower gears thundered and the malevolent hand of death guided the battered, helpless souls into the grinder. Her turn came quickly. What would the little one say when he woke up and she wasn’t there?

  27. Michael ran for hours, muddy boots heavy from the rain and knees screaming with every step. The man with the scorpion tattoo appeared suddenly outside of the tavern again, hunting him into the woods. A local would later identify Michael’s body, wet and cold, right down to the scorpion tattoo.

  28. The End of Man

    Vile species, your time has come.
    I’ve grown weary watching your loathsome kind.
    Destroying every unspoiled place your diseased feet touch;
    tonight is your end.
    With just a thought…billions of you dissipate, destroying you, the smallest atom.
    Virus, the human stain, the planet is cleansed finally again.

  29. Voodoo Priestess

    Wicked monster mother.
    Loved her boys and shunned her daughter.
    Sick of the beatings and cruel names, daughter prayed to
    voodoo priestess.
    A gift is given.
    Sprinkle on mother’s bed, in the morning she will be dead!
    Thousands of carnivorous maggoty worms burrow into her flesh!
    Feasting on her guts!

  30. Forest of Children

    We walk with mother on a winding path,
    stay together, stay in sight, mom warns!
    My siblings didn’t listen.
    Around the bend they went.
    Mother knows they’ve been taken!
    Rooted, bloody tears stream down bark covered cheeks.
    I haven’t seen my siblings since!
    We never speak of said incident.

  31. The Huntress

    Stalking his prey, he becomes prey.
    Unaware his calamitous life is ending.
    Someone has pricked his evil skin.
    Death is upon him, quickly eating from the outside in!
    Caustic poison, blood black not red!
    He is dead before his head hits the ground with a squishy thud!

  32. I stare at the television in disbelief. The announcer looks down at the desk, pausing, as if summoning the words. The screen flashes “BREAKING NEWS!” to the beat of my sinking heart.

    “NBC News will be the first to call it. President Trump has won a second term in office.”

  33. I realise fighting against this creature is futile, for it is comprised entirely of a mass of carnivorous worms, with every fibre of its body assuming the form of a maggot. And so I lie back, assuming as comfortable a position as the situation allows, and let it devour me.

  34. Tommy was trying to sleep while his parents were watching football in the living room. Suddenly, his room’s door opened, and a mouse slipped in.
    – Hey mouse, want some cheese?
    – I don’t eat cheese. Besides, – and the mouse looked towards the living room, – I’ve just eaten.

  35. You turn to your daughter as the train bellows near, but she’s abandoned the stroller at your side. Screaming in vain over the quickening whistle, you lunge forward as she places her doll gently on the rumbling tracks. You picture her new, forgotten hearing aid as the engine closes in.

  36. She sat in a funeral home where an elderly Mexican woman was reposed.
    She overheard how the woman’s son described his mother writhing in pain,
    contorted, back skeletal bones showing…
    Her years involved in brujería, summoning spirits to injure others came knocking, seeking repayment on a fateful Halloween night!

  37. Your heart beats faster as you lock eyes with his, waiting for his lips to form those three perfect words. With shaken nerves, he finally sputters, “…I’m leaving you,” and in the shock your heart is suffocated by the words he would never say.

  38. “Nobody?”
    Dave had been so excited for the first Halloween in his new house, he’d filled an entire punch bowl with candy bars. Then he’d waited. And waited. And no one knocked.
    Sighing, he flipped off the porch light and picked up the bowl…which now held only empty wrappers.
    And blood.

  39. A baby, a son. I love him, raise him. No one on earth means this much. He grows, but not right inside. He dons a mask, he wields a knife. A price on his head, blood on his hands. Victims dropping like flies. And me, a mother who failed.

  40. The eyes. They watch me, follow me, chase me. I can’t escape them. I can’t escape their owner. I wake up each morning and see them in the corner. Everyday they get closer. I’m terrified for the day I wake and see them mere inches away.

  41. I wake up at midnight, my baby is crying. I start to rise, but I hear my wife singing him lullabies over the monitor. I go back to sleep. Shortly after, my phone rings. My wife came in with injuries from a car crash at midnight. She died.

  42. There’s a woman on the elevator. I’ve never seen her before. She gives a weird vibe. She doesn’t speak when I say “Morning”. She doesn’t even look at me. On my floor, I get off. I turn back, watch the door close. She looks at me, a smile carved ear-to-ear.

  43. I see it again in the corner of my eye, just out of sight like always. It’s been following me for years, and getting closer all the time. It’ll catch me soon, change me, just like the others. I’ll be a shadow then too, and it’ll be my turn to hunt.

  44. Haunted trees, around my neighbors. Grabbing children, eating them, I want to experience it myself.
    Walking down the hill, hearing the wind,
    hearing something walking behind me.
    Keep walking forward
    getting goosebumps.
    Everything is dark.
    Seeing something in front
    Two red scary eyes
    Boom!! I’m grabbed by a deadly nightshade.

  45. They were walking down William street after a party and saw the old graveyard. They had to get home on time and it was the only shortcut. Right when they entered, a red owl screamed like a siren and the big iron gate shut loudly and they saw red smoke … the most terrified creature ever.

  46. I knew he was a serial killer because he was on the news that day. But I didn’t know why he was following me – I was dead already. But somehow i know he’s able to kill me again and I knew it was going to hurt dying again.

  47. I don’t know why she didn’t want me. Maybe she’s just too pretty, but her skin was so smooth. Oh yes, I love it. But it’s getting ugly … I should take it off. But the longer I wore it, the more it grew into me. She has such pretty skin.

  48. October 31st, a gothic and gruesome night as serial killers escape their asylum and roam the streets. People are talking, relaxing without any expectation of what was out there. A kid goes walking alone down a mysterious street; then the serial killers strike with a knife without any hesitation.

    1. Hey! Who won this whole thing. I keep trying to see it listed somewhere. I’d like to read the winning story. Thanks, Gail

  49. One very terrifying night at a haunted castle. A boy wanted to trick or treat on Halloween night. The little boy went to the castle and saw an old lady on the ground with cockroaches coming out of her eyes and snakes biting her body. Then the snakes, cockroaches attackeds

  50. I just move into a house.
    There’s no one around expect the house across the street.
    There’s only an old lady living there. She warns me to careful of what’s inside the house.
    One midnight, the light wasn’t working and I heard a sobbing in the closet.
    Blood!!! Dead!!!

  51. If you believe in the dead, you must believe in ghosts. I had a terrifying dream – people were killing each other because of a horrific disease which caused people to lose control over their minds. And I became a victim of it until I opened my eyes.

  52. The day has ended – people were in their homes and also in the house of Scarlet. The people who lived in the house have died but their souls stayed. They’ve taken the bodies from the ones they killed. Every Halloween they eat the souls of trick or treaters,”join us”.

  53. One evening, I was sitting on my couch watching TV. Suddenly, the lights started flickering, then they went off. I used my phone as a flashlight and went down to the basement to check the power box. The door closed by itself. I ran upstairs but the door was locked.


      “Til Death do us part”

  54. A man lived in the forest who loved to sleep. One night a furry ghost appeared. He was scared so he went back to sleep and dreamed about the ghost. It told him, “Stop sleeping. Go find something that you love except sleep.” He woke up and couldn’t say anything.

  55. One evening, I was sitting on my couch watching TV. Suddenly, the lights started flickering, then they went off. I used my phone as a flashlight and went down to the basement to check the power box. The door closed by itself. I ran upstairs but the door was locked.

  56. One evening, I was sitting on my couch watching TV. Suddenly, the lights started flickering, then they went off. I used my phone as a flashlight and went down to the basement to check the power box. The door closed by itself. I ran upstairs but the door was locked.

  57. Mary was walking on a dark, windy night. A figure followed her. She heard someone call her. “Mary, Mary,” it whispered in her ear, “play with me, Mary. I’ll come get you.” Mary saw a dead body on the floor, its head and feet cut off. The blood was everywhere.


    “Sir, we’re closing.” “Am I the only one here?” the man asks raspily. “Just us.” “One more drink then.” “Bar’s closed.” Rage builds, he raises his head, eyes forceful. “You refuse the Devil?” The bartender’s heart thumped ruthlessly, clenched fists, eyes glassy and firey, “How dare you Impersonate me! Death!”

  59. PEEL

    He escorted the bound children through a cold maze. “As you will see, I adore supple skin, much like yours- the kind meant to be used in fashion.” Sit, observe, you too will become something magnificent.” He set to work, the screams delighted him as he scalded, scraped and peeled.

  60. The murderer struggles, gags, vomits and heaves as blood pours from his eyes. At full voltage Arthur gets zapped for a record ten minutes. The corpse is still. People in the viewing room stare .After one minute Arthur groans and spits out a mouthful of blood.

  61. Divination

    Held in front of her, the mirror reveals nothing of the cellar, only darkness. Madeline swallows, steps backward, and down.
    “Whoever my true love be, look in this glass with me.”
    A hollow-eyed skeletal reflection forms in the shadowed mirror. Madeline’s breath catches, a heel slips. Then she is falling.

  62. jack-o-lantern
    jack-o-lantern kill people every halloween he died by a hunter. a man found a curse on his hand he turned to jack-o-lantern.he burn people and beat them up.people hear his evil laugh every halloween then he kill them with his machete their blood was every were jack-o-lantern is dangerous.

  63. No pumpkin in the window means ‘get lost’ but it cleared the fence in one hurtling, cloven-footed bound, landing a heavy one-two.

    Tap-tap at the glass brought her to the back door, in range now. Its black mouth boiled with rusty, broken teeth, bone splinters and bloody spit.

  64. “Correspondence”

    My arm stretches out, fingertips straining for the letter. There’d been so many, too many. I hadn’t been able to read them all.

    “What did I say?” he hisses, watching me struggle while I’m tied up fast.

    I stop trying. My heart sinks. “You said you were coming for me.”

  65. We announced the winners tonight in a live Chat, but I would like to wait until all are contacted until we post the winners on our site. It usually takes a day or 2. Please check back, I will post it on the front page….

    1. Here’s the list of winners that was posted on Twitter (@everywriter):
      Winner 25 Word Contest Tracey Brown
      Winner of 50 Word Contest Logan Short
      Winner of Writing Prompt contest Nate Rowe
      Winner of the 500-word contest Wendy Montoya
      Winner of the Haiku Contest Nicoli Carr

      1. Sorry for only just noticing this, but thanks for updating me. Wish there was a way to pull my story off this site so I could use it elsewhere, but I can’t see one.

  66. Hello, I am taking a short break from EWR until 11/11/18 (traveling). The winners of all contests were posted on our Twitter, in the movie chat, and sent through our newsletter! Please follow us on Twitter and sign up for the newsletter. The Christmas rush will kick off this weekend. More information is coming.

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    1. The banshees

      The banshee sister approach men in the dark, three women that say they want you to be their everything. On their faces it says truth like even though they just met you, they love you, your heart beats faster hoping, but instead, they brutally murder you when you follow them….

  68. Nadine (xander) Carmichael’s halloween writing contest entry

    The moon was full & round in the charcoal sky. Streams of pale luminescent moonlight lit the desolate necropolis. She rises; her skin was snow; her hair was oil; her dress was a ghostly wisp flowing in the zephyr. Death; O for what is more pulchritudinous than death.

    Inspired by Edgar Allen Poe who has sparked a creative fire in my soul


    Mama says they’re bad dreams. I know they’re not.
    I’m awake when it comes, but I can’t move.
    I lie upon my stomach, immobile.
    There is a rustling from the beneath the bed. Two eyes meet mine, beastly and yellow.
    I feel it’s weight as it lies atop my back.

  70. Appception
    A story starts with a writer, Alex, who tries a new app. Suddenly, he begins to be absorbed by the computer. He panics and calls to his friend but he isn’t paying attention. His friend is holding a mask of his face, as Alex fades off into the darkness.


    “Meadows Peak

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