6 thoughts on “2025 50 Words of Horror Year Long Challenge

  1. The Last Chat
    She kept getting messages from her sister’s phone. “Miss you.” “Can’t sleep.” “So cold down here.” She’d finally blocked the number last week, after the funeral. Now, at 3 AM, her sister’s phone sits on her nightstand, screen lighting up: “Why did you block me?

  2. “Ghost Auction”
    I followed Esther to the highly secretive Ghost Auction as her companion. Later, I overheard whispers in the restroom, saying that companions’ souls would be extracted, trapped in glass tanks as ghosts. I ran back, but it was too late. Esther smiled, holding a new tank with my soul inside.

  3. Imagine this, you come home from a long day work and you are really tried so u get settled in and you go to bed and your wife or husband comes in and goes to bed with u and they whisper to you saying “I love u” then you realized you live alone.

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