5 thoughts on “2025 Poetry Feedback Forum: Get Feedback from the Editor and Community

  1. i feel like crying,
    and the beams
    of moonlight
    going over your skin
    in my mind
    are tips of fingers
    on strings, creating
    a cacophony
    of anguish at
    crescendo, and i
    don’t know
    how much more i
    or you
    can take.

    What do you think? I’ve been working on this one.

    1. Really feeling the raw emotion in this piece – it’s got some gems in there, especially that moonlight/skin imagery! But ngl the structure’s a bit all over the place with those “ands” strung together. The music metaphor is cool but hits different when mixed with the visual stuff – maybe pick one lane? That ending’s kinda holding back too, like you could really punch us in the gut there instead of just telling us about the pain. Still, I dig where you’re going with this, just needs some tightening up.

  2. Hi Scott, great post! I couldn’t find your ultimate first paragraph contest page anywhere. What happened to the page and who were the winners?

    1. We are having a lot of problems with our contests. We are shifting from contests to challenges and forums because frankly there is so much cheating. AI is changing the face of what we do. Many of the entries for our last few contests were generated by AI. That contest is being reviewed. We are trying to find the best way to respond and if a winner can be fairly chosen.

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