25 Word Halloween Horror Story Contest 2018
Welcome to our 25 Word Halloween Horror Contest 2018. You know how much we love Halloween and horror, so this is one of our big contests. This contest is for bragging rights only. We will announce the top 3 winners on Halloween night 2018. Honestly, it just wouldn’t be Halloween without a 25 word story contest.
The rules are very simple:
- 25 Words or less
- Post in the comments
- Deadline is October 28, 2018
- Enter as many times as you like.
- Must be scary, clever, awesome….best story wins
- Must be unpublished original stories
We look forward to these every year. Please have fun. Be nice, and I hope your story wins.
Please leave your stories below, DO NOT EMAIL THEM. Good luck, leave your stories below.
She sucked the blood out of his very gut.
He was slowly falling apart, drained…
He was dripping of fear from every cut…
Trying to escape from the dark a cold shiver ran down my spine;
I reached my trembling hand out, “There’s No Doorknob!”
Still trapped inside.
If you scream when I take your gag off, I will crack your skull like a walnut. So, are you in? Didn’t think so, shame….
My head is in some kind of metal vice so I can’t turn it and when I look down my hands are tied with wire.
I was here before and I know what’s coming next. He smiles and lines up the knives like soldiers. ‘Shall we finish what we started?’
An unknown hand grasped my ankle, kidnapping me from slumber. I thought I was alone, until her pale, cadaverous face emerged from beneath the covers.
She walked along side of her childhood home, hearing hushed voices as horrible as the scars on her body. She slipped on the hood and smiled.
The Cliff
I walked along the edge of the cliff. Suddenly I felt a push from behind, free falling blood and viscera spilled out below on impact.
The mirror hung before her, there was no reflection. Was it a trick mirror? Then she remembered she’d died the year before in her sleep.
He felt something icy grab his leg. looking down at the grave he saw the white hand that was slowly dragging him down into it.
The carriage thundered along the moonlit highway suddenly, the horses reared in fright.
“STAND AND DELIVER!” There stood the skeletal remains of a dead highway man.
I wandered the dark shadowy woods from behind I heard a whimper coming from the tree behind me which was slowly transforming into something grotesque.
wandering the dark shadowy woods.I heard a whimper,it was coming from one of the trees that was slowly turning into something grotesque.
Deep in the woods, the earth splits and ten thousand screaming voices fill the air. Something wicked crawls into the world. Nobody witnesses this.
Hillary won . . .
An existential void. We all are made of mist. A question that we can’t avoid—how do we know that we exist?
She woke up frightened Halloween morning in 2016. She had a nightmare that Trump would win the presidential election. Thankfully it was just a dream…
She awoke in the dark, not knowing where she was. She knew she was being watched and saw a dark figure looming in the corner…
Walking alone in the woods she knew she was being followed but couldn’t see who it was. Whoever or whatever it was footsteps sounded closer…
Rain poured while lightning flashed outside her window. Her heart stopped when she saw what stared back at her. It was the face of evil…
Cold, fetid tentacles quests across my flesh. They desire my sanity for only the insane are able to withstand the full glory of the Master.
Swirling red mists fill my mind with need. I claw upwards through earth until moonlight bathes my face. I crave blood and the hunt begins.
The baby cried, loud and desperately. Mom had a knife in her hand and a smirk on her face. Suddenly, there was no more crying.
I wake up and my room’s dark, I can’t move. I hear whispers inside my head, they’re laughing, they’re saying they are inside now.
Licking his lips he seduced the last embers of the flame like he did his last victim nice and slow.
She pulled it out of her mouth. Blood mixed with tears, landing on the bird’s feathers. Its lifeless eye laughed at her. It had won.
I walked thru a graveyard on Halloween night. A spectre appeared-I trembled in fright! A spectre
appeared and I ran from the night!
Here there is only darkness. A faint whisper of death that lingers on your skin. It crawls over you, leeches into you. Drowns you.
I was counting down from 10 like the doctor said, Warmth spilled down my thighs. I tried to move and someone yelled; “Stop she’s awake!”
Pumpkin spice Ice cream,
“That’ll teach you” I grumble. Then licked his blood from my figures, he screams. I just wanted to eat my ice cream in peace.
By morning, at least fifty leeches were permanently attached to my body, including my face, swelling with my blood. I watched helplessly, hopelessly, growing faint.
I can’t speak in this cramped closet. Feels like I’m on my back. No doorknob? I hear flames. It’s getting warm in here. Uh oh.
The imp crouched on top of the tombstone. It glared at her, trembling in anticipation. The husband she thought she killed wasn’t dead after all.
No one knew of my adventure to explore this cave, alone. Heavy rain upstream filtered down, rapidly filling this secluded cavern, while the air disappeared.
I’d always ignored what was in front of me. But I couldn’t any longer. Not with my father dead, knife in my hand. My fault?
Feeling strange as if someone was holding on to me. I couldn’t shake them. The more I walk, my throat tightens. Get off me!
When the police came, it was too late. Whoever was hiding in the vents had ran away after overhearing my phone call.
My grandmother ordered my mother to cover up all the mirrors every night. On the night my mother disobeyed, my grandmother died in her sleep.
When I see the ghostly white shapes moving through the distant fog I wait for them to break out of the mist but they never do.
I didn’t know my son’s ailment was contagious until my body too began to split apart like wet paper.
Rag and Bone Man
A torn body lies at his feet. I draw my weapon.
“Turn around.”
He turns, grinning. Holds out a ragged duffel.
“Fresh bones for sale.”
There was a squishy sound, the kind a butcher makes when he pulls organs from a carcass. Creatures awaited morsels shared by both the executioners.
Maggots gorge his oozing larynx. The sun rots his torso tucked in the muddy marsh. Crows feast on his eyes. And then there were none.
Cracking bones above my head, neighbors whispering as they eat something that
sounds like wet baby pigs trying to get off of a greasy plate.
Her lips wet with blood, she spit down the well. She’d been promised her son back if she ate her husband. She’d been lied to.
A white figure stepped out from behind the gravestone, its face a skull, its arms just bones. It looked at me, screamed “eek!!” and ran.
Death found me in the twlight….
Not as a ghost or a grim reaper
But as a child giggling
forcing me to take my medicine.
The ghost simply hovered at my door
Moaning a slow deep tone
Sad for me that I could not fly away
from my dirty life
“You’re getting warmer” was all I heard
While I lie dying on my bed
I could feel the flames now
The hot breath of Gabriel
Here on this vile planet
We take a piece of you and
clone it.
Your eternal punishment is that
you get to watch it squirm…..
My blood turns to ice.
The monster’s not from without:
My own cursed self.
The mirror laughs back at me.
Her widening smile’s not mine.
Jagged Edge:
Cringing at the saw, and my friends screams…..
Warm blood splashes my face.
I’m unable to scream; he spins me around.
“Your Next” he chuckles.
A man on the ground seems to be dead,
Gushing blood streams from his head.
Gruesome sight to see,
More terrifying when he grabs me.
Find our the winners of our contest on Halloween night, October 31, 2018…9pm…..
“Bring out your dead!”
She brought Edward out. By the time the herbs had worn off, he’d be buried. Death? Well, what was the hurry?
“But, Granny, screaming and begging’s good for us.”
“So they say now. Fiddlesticks! In my day we ALWAYS gagged the man-things before we ate them.”
Kids with strange eyes banged on our door, demanding candy. We passed out pennies instead. They broke in later that night with pumpkin carving knives.
The zombies purged themselves before they stumbled into the super bowl. With a stadium weapons check, they knew this was going to be easy street.
They’re everywhere…bugs.
I can taste them. Forcing their way into my mouth, they’re feasting on my tongue.
Why did they bury me?
I’m alive…help me.
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What skin shall I wear today?
Should I wear the young girl’s skin?
Or rather the middle-aged man’s?
I’d do anything to not get caught.
Hmmm…something seems off.
When the door slams shut.
This is a creepy haunted house. John? John!!
Satan picked her place in hell. Sara’s stuck inside…forever.
Knocked-out. Coming out of unconsciousness, lifting my head, looking around, I see my feet. I’m in a box. Still alive. Buried. Only my worst nightmare?
When the clock reaches 12 the lights seem to fade the children go to bed and the demons come out to play they howl and they whale they terrorize and they freight, not a single soul was left alive on All Hallows’ night.
After a horror flick, my imagination terrorizes me. Every sound is a serial killer, with a jagged knife, creeping up the stairs to murder me.
Dart to gloomy public urinal, ziiiiiiiip…. relief!
Being watched?
Look over my shoulder, a body slumped in the cubicle.
Glass junkie eyes locked on mine.
The angel of death hovers over me.
viewing my soul with an evil eye.
I’m now dead!
I see him again, I feel his embrace.
You wake.
You feel your cat snuggled against you, as usual.
Then remember you’re not at home, but visiting Grandad.
In Florida.
The snake state.
Mama couldn’t afford to be careless. She needed to move them, and quickly. The abandoned infirmary, complete with an operating table, convinced her.
Silent hands, silent steps, approaching the child.
Silent hands, silent grasp, robing innocence.
Silent hands, silent squeeze, soft flesh soft bone.
Silent breath, guilty hands.
Loud obnoxious cat robing me of sleep with whines in the night. The chainsaw roar drowns out the cat. To tired to clean the chainsaw.
Tastes like chicken a bit more fatty. Diner fit for Tantalus. Apartment and freezer empty. Time for a new “roommate wanted” ad.
She put a rose on his grave.
He took it.
Like us, Karen never missed a School Reunion.
Like us, Karen looked ten years older each time.
Unlike us, Karen had died thirty-one years ago.
The Walkers
It was such a beautiful twilight.
The autumn leaves clustered crisply along the edges of the pavement, brightening the drab grey with their melody of yellow, orange, russet and ruby.
Not to be outdone, the sky separated the pale azure of afternoon from the intense ink of evening with a wide girdle of gold, pink and purple, and ornamented itself with an immense pearl brooch; the full moon.
This night was made for lovers, and the young married couple who walked, arm in arm, were still very much in love and deep in conversation. He, bespectacled and lightly bearded, in his long, grey and white hounds-tooth coat and trilby hat, and she, with long blond hair sweeping across the shoulders of her deep green trench-coat, under which an ankle length purple skirt swished, could have been from any era. Victorians walking out, new romantics going to a gig, hipsters on their way back from coffee.
In any case, the young couple’s appearance epitomised a type of timeless respectability which is, to children of a certain age, an irresistible invitation to mischief.
At first, they did not realise that a small, slight figure had hurried up behind them and was drawing level with their long, gliding pace.
However, it was not long before the lady turned her head to see the blankness of a white hockey mask staring straight at her.
Her expression an equally blank, she looked into the eyeholes of the mask with cool, blue-grey eyes. When the little figure did not turn away, she raised a pale eyebrow. Over the top of her head, her husband smiled slightly.
The little masked figure stared back.
Deciding to ignore him, the couple continued to glide down the road, their walk fast but not rushed. Unperturbed, the little figure continued to keep pace with them, staring determinedly at their faces.
Suddenly, the woman spoke.
“Watch out, little one, you’re about to collide with the bus stop!”
The child turned to see the wall of the bus shelter a few inches away from his nose. He leapt aside.
“Thanks!” he gasped, pulling away the hockey mask to reveal a small, pointed face, liberally dashed with freckles and lit by smiling brown eyes. “I can’t do this any more, I feel too bad” he added. “I’ve been scaring people all down the high street.”
The woman laughed, her voice light as an icy stream “It is a good trick, I expect most people jumped.”
“Yeah, they did!” the little boy said happily.
“Very creepy” her husband approved in his deep voice.
“I would be careful, however” the lady said gently “there are some very dangerous people about, who would react violently to being scared, especially this late at night and so close to Halloween.”
“Yeah” said the little boy earnestly, looking up at the deepening sky “I spent too long in Kesgrave, I should have been home earlier!”
He grinned at the couple, who smiled back. “Goodbye!”
“Goodbye little one, stay safe” the lady said, waving to him as he ran around the corner.
When the child was out of sight, she sighed “Such a sweet child.”
“Yes” her husband agreed, putting his arm around her.
“I wish we had had children” the lady sighed “I should so have loved to have a little boy like that”
“I know.” He replied “I am sorry”
She paused at the cemetery doorway, the lamplight reflected off the dampness of a large dark stain on the deep green of her coat “it was not your fault, neither of us heard the carriage.”
He turned to her, the cracked glass of his spectacles glinting, “I just wish we’d lived longer.”
“I know.” She said softly, leading him into the graveyard “but now we have eternity.”
With glee he swung the knife, separating flesh from bone, she was his fifth. He had to maintain his lead, only a few hours remained.
The cold never bothered me, but that voice, that song… it just won’t stop. I found a solution, the cold barrel is a merciful release.
Dark clouds covered the full moon. A fog so thick,
a Superhero, Creepy Doll and Psycho Clown wickedly lured away.
Spooked kiddos tricked.
Gruesome discovery.
I had, with confidence, invested in the housing market.
Her eyes unrecognizable,
she walked towards me slowly.
Her lips on my neck,
with her sweet teeth,
she ripped open my flesh.
“So, what IS in the special sauce?”
When his body hit the pavement, it didn’t explode; it didn’t even crack. In fact, he stood right back up and continued walking.
Spoke with a man today. Read the news…Police found his body yesterday.
They reach out for me. Their arms constantly swaying. Their fingers rustling. These tall figures speak out to me. They want me gone.
The walls were closing in on me. Nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. It was over. And he just sat there watching.
The cloaked man continued fiercely ripping, shredding through her flesh. A pool of blood spills onto the ground. The perfect watering hole for the reapers.
You are late to school.
Tension rises as students show disgust.
Someone points at you and screams.
You look down to your naked body.
He had killed me.
But I was content.
Because I would be back to hunt him soon.
Hallows’ Eve
had come
and gone.
I remained,
She said she loved you like a brother.
You smirked and continue on.
He told me he had the eye. He’d always see me. I didn’t believe him, naturally. But on that night, he saw what I did.
It was bloodcurdlingly dark, and the midnight wind was howling. The orange moonlight glow lit up the cornfield filled with fleshy leather scarecrows dripping blood.
Halloween is the night where witches and ghouls come out for tricks, but don’t be fooled. I heard they’re dressing as children this year.
It wouldn’t come out.
I go to my room and scream in agony.
I look down and see it’s monstrous form laying on the ground.
The sound of screams surrounded me as I tried to escape.
I climbed and climbed, only to fall back into the abyss.
“But you don’t understand I’m not suppose to be here.” He said. “Ha ha…that’s what they all say…” The creature replied.
I speak, no one hears me.
I move, no one sees me.
She sees me, but why only her?
Rat-a-tat-tat. Trick-or-treat! Two young girls tricked into coming in a house. Eye-balling the ghoulish white-icing treats. Friendly Jack-o-lanterns warning: TERROR. Girls scream running. On Halloween.
You’ll stop dead in your tracks with my icy blank stare.
Without conscience. I’m the guy who won’t die.
Stick around for upcoming Halloween terror!
It was our honeymoon.
Air was heavy.
She gave me a cold-eyed stare.
I was about to kiss her.
My bride vanished in the air.