41 thoughts on “25 word Summer Horror Contest

  1. Faces hidden behind grotesque masks. He ran, they ran. Knives aloft, baying for fresh blood. Onlookers stared, nobody would save him. He was their sacrifice.

  2. You thought I was gone, you thought you were free,I’m one with your mind, you’ll never be free.I am your nightmare!

  3. There’s nothing in this big white room to play with.Wait……over there. It’s big and it’s red.It’s a button!

  4. Andrea stumbled back to the car. Shaking, she dropped the keys. Reaching down, she touched something warm, wet, and squishy. She had found Jeremy.

  5. Legs numb and aberrantly angled, a rough stone cylinder elongated above him, the only light a waning crescent of dusk. Waning. Scraping. Waning. Scraping. Darkness.

  6. Sweet Sleep

    The lovers slept in each other’s arms. A dark mass seethed across the ceiling and spiders danced on silent threads, towards their faces.

  7. When I first went up, they told me:

    “In space, no-one can hear you scream”

    But if that’s true…

    …Why can I hear whispering?

  8. The coffin is rotting around her but her features are perfect. Eyes open and she smiles, fangs exposed, drawing you into her kiss.

  9. He often wondered what the inside of someone’s skull looked like, until the day he found out. Then he only wondered what to wonder next.

  10. In someone else’s nightmare. Endless evil pursued her down dark alleys. Just when she thought she’d escaped, she’d trip, falling down into another bad dream.

  11. I awoke with a start but my eyelashes brushed material and all was black. I could not move, the weight bearing down on me, groaning.

  12. “Hello friend.”
    “Who are you talking to sweetie?”
    “My friend in the wardrobe.”
    Every day she hears the same until one morning…
    “Goodbye Mummy.”

  13. John had had two arms. I couldn’t count them all now.

    Too many arms and too many mouths.

    “I love you, John!”

    My cries were swallowed.

  14. The young, harried mother never noticed the twin pinpricks on her baby’s neck until she fed him. By then, it was much, much too late.

  15. The man awoke after being dead for a long time. His new eyes saw the crying child in his arms as a delicious treat.

  16. Drained of my blood one drop at a time. 
    Fear grips my heart as I hear the telltale nightly drone of my tormentor.

  17. Excitedly, prying corroded nails from the casket lid sent shivers through my spine. Freed! I lung from my coffin to feast on your blood, tonight.

  18. Alone, I see it step out of the forest. It stops. It grins. It walks towards me.

    “If anyone comes out of those woods, run.”

  19. An intense burning pain radiated across my face. I peered down at a shattered piece of glass and screamed. My face had been skinned off.

  20. My old pull string doll started talking to me yesterday. Mom says that doll burnt to a crisp in a house fire 20 years ago.

  21. Jane loved date night swimming at the lake. When Liam pinched her butt, Jane turned around, but there was only bubbly, red water behind her.

  22. A killer has taken refuge in the Hammer neighborhood
    Night began with fear
    In the morning, a few corpses were found, in which a runaway assassin was present

  23. Your heart rate rises
    The knife was in his hand. His eyes were puffy
    He cut his throat
      Blood erupted
      I woke up suddenly

  24. A robed figure stood in my headlight beams. It had no face, but shrieked at me somehow. I slammed the car into reverse.

  25. She kissed my neck. I turned to face her. Her eye sockets were empty, her skin rotting. My wife, dead and buried seven years ago.

  26. As I sat on the public restroom toilet, doing my business, a face appeared…not above the stall door, but below. The face grinned at me.

  27. My antennae bristled. I scurried for cover as the huge foot stomped on my friends, mashing them to bits. “Cockroaches!” the giant screamed. “Goddamn cockroaches!”

  28. “The doors are all locked!” Sheila’s whisper desperate.
    One finally opens. Fear erases her relief.
    Heads turn in unison. She sees they all have knives.

  29. The ticking was coming from inside of him. He clawed red furrows in his chest, but suddenly the ticking stopped.
    It wasn’t inside him anymore.

  30. When aliens found the remains of the last two humans, they made a startling discovery: the humans had died by strangling each other.

  31. As I sank my teeth into the lycanthrope’s neck, he held up a syringe. “Silver nitrate,” he said. “Just injected myself. Now we’re both dead.”

  32. After nine days of agony, the tropical worm burrowed out through my ear.
    I wept with relief.
    ‘I’m afraid…,’ the doctor stammered, ‘…she’s laid eggs.’

  33. The first wrench to my heart was seeing my family laying mutilated before me. The second was seeing the dark figure hiding in the corner.

  34. I strolled the hallway, naked. Some giggled, others laughed. I pinched myself, as always, to prove I was dreaming. This time, I felt the pinch.

  35. In the pitch black of my bedroom, I awoke, rubbing sleep from my eyes. Something descended from the ceiling. A face, green, ghastly, grinning.

  36. ‘They made me do it!’ cried my daughter, dripping blood.
    ‘Who did?’
    The cellar door creaked open.
    She pointed inside with the trembling knife.

  37. I could feel someone watching me as I left the basement. I turned around to reassure myself and saw a person peering around the corner.

  38. I woke up and looked around my room. I saw a ghastly creature staring back at me in the mirror, then, I realized it’s me.

  39. Everything’s hectic but dinner’s ready. My baby book upon the table.

    “I was complete,” Mother wrote.

    My appetite vanished, and with so much body left.

  40. I’m sorry I’m late, it took a few days to contact the winner, the winner is Zombie from Amy Buchanan. We have already transferred the funds. Congrats. In the next couple days we will be posting 3 new contests for Halloween! Could be 4….depending on if we do a poetry contest. Look for more prizes and fun.

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