4 thoughts on “31 Creepy Writing Prompts for Every Day of October

  1. It’s the room on eastern side of the house, that they call the washroom. Although no clothes had never been washed in there.
    I was always been told to stay clear of the washroom .
    That until my curiosity came into play
    that day. I just had see what’s in the washroom; as I made my walking slowly towards the washroom door . To then turning the knob with my right hand ; as I stepped inside and what my eyes behold was an offering table with two large black candles on both sides along with chalice cup right there in center of the table . The stinct smell of blood from the chalice filled the air of the room . Because it was offering for the devil himself. That cause fear run down my spine , because my home wasn’t really my home. But Satan’s domain and the people around me were his very own servants.

  2. Here I am in this old victorian style three story mansion, It has been abandoned for years on. But lucky me I remember to pack more than one flashlight and extra batteries to spare. Along with a battery power air mattress to spent the night here . Because I am will to take this dare, the winner gets
    $30 million dollars !
    So why wouldn’t I take the dare ?
    I’m not afraid of no ghost but the living gives me more to fear. Well that was my feelings be exact. Until night fall then the everything seem to change all around me .With my flashlight in hand I can see these creatures from my childhood nightmare , becoming
    more real than make believe. I’m talking about the boogeyman, the monsters was in my closet and under my bed, To hearing the howling sounds of werewolves. And the most frightening of all. master of the night Dracula himself. I couldn’t believe what my eyes was seeing ,or was it all in my mind ? Fear and being alone in this abandoned old Victorian style mansion has taken a toll on me .
    As I try to reach for my cellphone to dail 911, but who would believe me ?
    So my best bet was to grab a hold of my Holy Bible and start reading 23 Psalm out loud ! So that these monsters wouldn’t grab a hold me . Because the Lord is my shepherd ; so I shall no be afraid.

  3. “Hey girl! It’s party time, you know it. ”
    Come over here let’s go to some of my mom’s old music from back in the 70’s to the 90’s classic tapes .
    “Gurl; you know it !”
    Whatch out now; we are bringing back the classic .
    I hear you. “Beth look at this one ,the tape doesn’t have a case like all of your mom’s
    others tapes do. ”
    “Do you think that is one of those slow jams of the 90’s?”
    Go ahead and press play; so it can set the mood for our guys .When theycome back into the room.
    What the hell is this?
    I thought I told you to press play .
    “I did press play ;”replied Beth
    “Oh My God !”
    “Do you know what this is ;” said Beth
    “No I don’t;” replied Jess.
    “It’s sounds of the dead !” said Beth
    “What do you mean sounds of dead ? replied Jess.
    “I’m telling you Jess “; said Beth and
    I’m getting the Hell out of here!”

  4. As I was loading the dishwasher : to then wiping down the kitchen counter. Just as starting walking into the hallway of the formal dining room area. That when I heard my name been called;as I turned back towards the kitchen to see if it was my husband Steve call me . Then I remember that he had already left for work. As the voice that was calling me began to get closer as I started when lean against the wall. What is happening as my whole body begin to go numb .The fear that someone or something was calling my name and I can’t see what or who it is. So I all could do was grab my cellphone and purse with all my valuables along with my car keys. And like lightning flashes: I ran outside the front door of my house. Because I wasn’t taken any chances on the living or the undead .

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