20 thoughts on “50 Word Horror Contest Winners from 2017!

  1. Checked in to see how the results were looking. Am absolutely thrilled to bits to see you chose my story The Embalmer for first prize! Thank you so much, this means such a lot to me. Thank you.

  2. Thank you for choosing me as one of your runner up’s, being apart of the chosen is a wonderful feeling!


  3. HI, I don’t know if there are ongoing problems with my email but I am having difficulty contacting you. Could you let me know if my emails are getting through please? Thank you,

    Sue Oldham

  4. I am so excited! What a wonderful gift! How do I get a copy of the print magazine? It is my first publication and I am super excited.

  5. Hi, I am getting no replies to emails or to comments here. It has been 3 months since the competition winners were announced (Oct 31 ’17) and I would love to know how to go about claiming the wonderful prize you so generously offered up here, but am having no luck in communicating with you. If there are any issues I would appreciate it if you could just let me know. I would love to take advantage of the advertising since I have a book coming out in paperback later this year, as well as obtaining a physical copy of the magazine. I would also like to provide the relevant links to your pages on my website and social media. I would appreciate it if someone would get in touch and let me know what is going on please. Thank you.

    1. Same, I haven’t gotten any responses to the multiple emails, these past 3 months, if you hear anything SP Oldham can you please let me know. Thank You!

      1. I have had a couple of emails stating difficulties with the site, and explaining illness. I have forwarded details regarding my advertising requirements as per the prize. I have to say though that replies to enquiries are very slow and not much seems to be being done. Have you received a copy of the magazine yet? I have asked a couple of times when it will be out or where it can be bought, to no avail.I am trying to be patient and understanding given the difficulties EWR is evidently experiencing, but am beginning to have misgivings. I would suggest contacting them yourselves for more clarification. Best wishes.

    2. SP, I appreciate your reply… I have tried multiple times contacting them to no avail. I haven’t even received my copy of the magazine. This is so frustrating! I appreciate your response, and if i receive any news ill keep you informed.

      Thank you,


  6. SP, interesting to see this. I’m also having trouble getting response. Let’s hope whatever’s broken gets fixed soon. Congrats on your win!

    1. Hi Loretta, I have since had an email from them explaining the situation. I am sure they will be in touch soon.

      Best Wishes,

      Sue x

  7. Yes, I’m sorry I have not returned your emails. To be honest, the person who responded to the email no longer works at EWR. As a matter of fact I’m the only person left here. Everyone who helped can no longer be paid, and it’s funny how quickly they head for the hills when they are not earning any money.

    I am very sorry, but just as our contest was closing we were hit with massive earnings loss. We were also hit with malware and a drop in website placement world wide. It was devastating.

    THE PRINT MAGAZINE IS canceled. The promotions are canceled. IF in the future I come to a place that I am able to honor these winners, I will! I feel really bad, but we are basically bankrupt. If you would like your story removed from our site, I will completely understand.

    Please remember this was a 50 word contest that DID NOT have an entry fee. We ran these for years and always honored passed winners.

  8. Richard,
    I’m sorry for your losing people. I honestly understand, I run a non-profit. However, I now request that you remove my story from your site on both the comments section where I originally submitted it and the place where you posted it. I have a longer, cleaner version I would like to submit for publication elsewhere.

  9. I will remove your story soonest. If the print publication ever runs do you want your story in it? Right now I can’t promise anything, but the sites down but not completely out, there’s no telling where we will be in a year or 6 months…..

  10. Ritchard,
    I’m sorry to hear this happened… it’s surely a disappointment on all accounts! I wrote a longer version on the 500 scary story project as well! Was there a top pick for that contest?

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