Ok, so we’ve been out of it for a while. EWR hasn’t published a whole lot since Halloween, but we are back online now. This our our first contest of 2019. It’s one of those, oh so fun 50 word contests that everyone loves.
In this contest we are again looking for 50 word horror stories. The rules:
- Story must be scary
- Story must be 50 words
- Story must be original and your own
- Deadline is May 10, 2019
- Enter as many times as you want
- Story must be written in the comments below!
The winners will:
- Be announced on April 17, 2019
- Have Bragging rights
- Be given the title of Winner of EWR: 50 Word Horror Contest
- There are no monetary or promotional rewards for this contest.
This is our first contest after getting back from some very difficult times. Please be patient with me please. Either way, this contest is open to everyone. I love reading your stories, and I hate that it has taken this long to get back to our contest. Please write your stories below.
This contest does not have a prize when it comes to money or promotions, but we are happy to link to your site.
Let the writing begin:
The hole was dark, deep, full of whispers from an Earth denizen , saying, “Don’t listen to these words, Be advised! Be advised!” Such pitter-patter from a twist of Hell, trying to scare me, strong me, unbelievable me, to be cleverly challenged, I leaned over and it pulled me down
It was another painful night, I woke to the bright burning sun. I arched my back from the crackling sticky leaves and spun around to see why? I already knew … it was last nights meal. I chuckled standing up slowly with a sigh just as a gust of wind flashed my hair back …. Mmm, my next meal.
Please feel free to post your story over here too: https://www.everywritersresource.com/greatest-50-word-horror-story-of-all-time-you-vote/
The nightmare,
I paced the cold hardwood floor wondering if I was crazy. “stop this … he’s dead!” I grumbled slipping into bed.
I fell asleep instantly falling into the nightmare. His face was the same I smile. “so beautiful” he whispers. Then Just like every night he plunged his fist through my rib cage I can feel his long finger nails ripping at my flesh as he whipped me up from the bed “you’re like me now!” his menacing voice is at my ear; his lips trail down my neck sinking his teeth deep in my throat, and then I wake up .. only this time I gasp; it isn’t a nightmare.
Fiery Love
by Elinor C. Nerenberg
He slit her eyelids careful not to touch the balls of her eyes. Her feet and hands bound in barbwire, he rolled her face first into the huge pile of fire ants. His evil laugh faded as the ants filled the cavities of her ears.
He fumed, “Love me now?”
Horror Story
10:17 a.m. Snow ticked on the windowpane. She watched her coffee form rings as it cooled in her cup. In the bowl beside the door the dog’s uneaten scraps had begun to dry. She realized this would be her life. This and no more. Forever.
BD, you are the winner of our contest. Congrats!
The Skin
Her fingers reached for her face and gently brushed the pallid skin. It was cool to the touch.
This skin is not mine.
A wry smile formed on the lips of the woman staring back at her from the mirror.
The skin wasn’t hers. It was a mask she wore.
I knew I was trapped inside; every time I tried to scream she would slash my flesh with her claws, and every time blood spilled. I gurgled, choking on the warm rustic taste. She slit my throat this time usually it was my chest. An enlightening thought flashed through my mind “I’ll die this time” … She turned to me watching my face as the flesh on my throat slowly healed, then smiled as she spoke in her demonic voice … “No, you won’t slave!” I knew she was right, but screamed anyway as she slashed my throat once more .
Locked away deep inside a hideous perverted beast is ready to strike out against all that’s holy on this dark night. A savior knight with a sword held high strikes the beast between glowing red eyes only to be pushed aside as the beast comes for the tasty treat, you.
This contest has been STOPPED! There was a typo in our DEADLINE. We’ve decided to announce a winner and move on.