Welcome to our 2019 $500 Halloween Horror 50 Word Story Contest. Yes, that’s right. It’s already here. Every year we run our contests, and those of you who have been frequent readers, this is what you’ve been waiting for.
First we will be doing a print issue! We will be doing 2 print issues, and we will pick entries from this contest to be in our issue. If you had a 50 word story designated to be in our print issue, from a past contest, please contact us.
Second, we will be giving out a $500 reward for the best 50 word horror story. This is not easy for us. Every Writer is not doing as well as it did in the past, but we want your stories. I believe writers should get paid for their work. I wish we could pay all of our writers, but it’s just impossible. So $500 for 50 words, I think is a unique and valuable statement to our readers. Ten dollars a word is what all writers really deserve.
So here are the rules:
• Story must be scary
• Story must be 50 words
• Story must be original and your own
• Story may not be published elsewhere
• Story must have a title (does NOT count in word count)
• Deadline is October 25, 2019
• Enter as many times as you want
• Story must be written in the comments below!
• Be nice or be disqualified
I love these stories. This is one of favorite traditions of Every Writer. I look forward to this every year, and this year I have extended the time we are going to spend with the contest.
The winners will:
• Be announced on October 31, 2019
• Will get $500
• Will be published in our digital and print issue.
• Will get an author page on our site
There is no entry fee for this contest. It would help us out greatly if you would donate 1$ or more, if you can, to help out the site. We would really appreciate it. A donation will not be considered in the deciding this contest.
If you want to keep up with me on Twitter, please follow me at @everywriter, I follow back all writers.
Good luck, and let the writing begin.
I have picked 4 stories. They all have times and days on them. If the winner does not respond by Friday 11/22/19 the money will go to the next story on the list. Here are the top 4 stories in order. ONLY OUR 1st PLACE WINNER gets the $500. Also, so this insanity never happens again, the winner will be invited back next year to be one of the judges.
WINNER 1st Place:
Kit Steward 10/13/19 5:20 pm
She heard mushy sounds for days and suffered from unbearable itchiness.
A doctor’s visit revealed earwig pupae nesting in her ear canal, it was flushed out.
Later, weary from stress, she crawled into bed.
That night while she slept, the creature returned.
And finding the eggs missing, it laid more.
2nd Place:
Elizabeth Lee 09/24/19 4:36 pm
Secondhand Doll
She didn’t want a secondhand doll so she flung it across the room. Porcelain cracked against the wall. Her mom made her glue the pieces back together. A thin shard sliced her hand, baptizing the doll in her hateful blood. The secondhand doll decided she didn’t want an ungrateful child.
3rd Place:
Alexander Daley Escobedo 10/25/19 3:38pm
We Buried my brother today. Suicide. He thought something evil was haunting him. He’d been medicated, institutionalized, shocked and secluded. He found his own way out. I wish I could tell him I’m sorry. Or had listened more closely. Because, when I got home, it was on my couch. Laughing.
4th place:
JB 10/25/19 8:12pm
We should have known something was wrong when we first tasted the water. It was a little brown, but no more than usual in this apartment complex.
We kept drinking it until it turned black.
When they opened the water tank, they found the bloated, rotting corpse of my neighbor.
We usually always contact the winners first, but after all the trouble, we are opening up the process. I am again, very sorry for how late this is. I did not expect 4000 stories. Next year I will be ready.
Wrong Choice
Foreign to our planet, the extraterrestrial morphed into a human suit.
Skin black, large in stature, hair like wool, male.
His fear relaxes as he walks the back country roads.
“What you doing round these parts?”
Blue and red lights lit up behind him.
Guns drawn.
“You hear me nigger?”
Good? Twist.. Sadly..
“Henry!” I yell, mind thick with excitement.
“Yeah?” he calls from the porch.
“Touch the pumpkin?” My breath screams impatience.
“Yeah, why?”
“Why ‘good?’”
“Because,” my eyes turn to fire. Cold wind blows tattered leaves. Owls shriek. “I’ve been waiting a long time for someone to touch that pumpkin.”
With Restraint
Her husband feared the depression had morphed into mania as she clung to the doll she had began calling by their dead son’s name.
“He needs his mommy.” she’d say when he asked to hold him.
When the police arrived, he knew.
“The grave is empty.” they warned.
He knew.
I mistakenly got lost in the forgotten forest. Every generation warns you not to go near it, but curiosity drew me closer. I kept walking until the moans of the trapped soul that had done the same surrounded me. The awful feeling, my last moment, the roots busting my skin.
The little voice
“Help me,” the little voices grow fainter by the second. As I run the voices get louder and louder. I find myself in the highest bedroom with a little voice echoing throughout the hall. Then they stop Then I turn around and see a tall smiling man holding a knife.
Dead flowers lay across my body on the ground where I lay. A familiar voice says,
“It’s okay, my child, lie down and get some rest.”
“Mother is that you?” She passed away many years ago.
A coffin-lid brings warmth, holding mother’s hand at last, I can rest in peace.
Shyla, at one with the music, until his eyes – so intense. A flash of their life together: brownstone, kids, favorite deli. If only she could breathe. Her oxygen-starved brain must remember to claw at his naked hands. She must pan DNA from the viselike grip around her neck. For Homicide.
Mother lay in front of me bloodied and bruised. I was horrified at what I saw I dialed 911; no one answered. Her cold hand rested on mine. Suddenly, I felt a cold knife against my back; a raspy voice said; “rest in pieces.” The knife slid into my back.
Deadly Young Love
Adam and I love eachother but catching him making out with Ashley; I lost my mind. All I can remember is tazing them both. Then waking up the next morning at home with blood all over my hands, clothes and shoes. What could have happened last night? Where were they?
Lost At Sea
Its my sixth night at sea. Our boat caught fire on the still waters of the Atlantic, seizing everything before the lifeboats could be dropped. One minute they were with me. The next they were gone, pulled under the water. I think they’re back I need to go, finally reunited.
Title: A Fear for my Future
You wake in an unknown place.
Your husband’s face is cold and unfamiliar.
You miss his warmth.
A family enters, approaches.
They don’t like it when you scream.
Your husband holds your mouth open, forces the pills down.
The walls start to change.
You wake in an unknown place.
I absolutely love the cyclical nature of this one.. Brava!
This is the first time seeing my old bedroom in 30 years. Nothing has changed. The same bedspread. The same dead spider on the windowsill. I turn and see my sister. She is in on a joke of which I am the punchline. I prepare for the next 30 years.
The old dog wanders along the shadowy, slimy, cobblestone streets. A constant wind pushes against its fur. The dog stumbles and the cobblestones give way. It plunges into darkness and falls for what feels like decades. The dog finds itself in a dream in the head of its former self.
Blood curdling screams covered up by the blaring song Killer Queen. “She a killer queen, gunpowder, gelatine”, heard as the masked killer skipped towards me. The killers head moving side to side while the song played. “She’s out to get you”, the last thing heard as the knife sliced me.
“Please?” The mechanical voice rung in my ears.
“Just let me in.” Through the peephole, the figure looked just like my roommate, but something was off. My phone lit up, a text from my roommate.
“Don’t open the door. I see them too” But the voice kept pleading, so convincing.
I was running for an hour in the night from them. I finally found my car and whipped my keys out, but I wasn’t nearly fast enough. Within seconds I was surrounded by 15 men in all black with hoods. The last thing I ever saw was my blood, everywhere.
Abandon Ship
The alarms blared and the metal groaned. Somewhere in the distance I could hear torrents of rushing water. The cruise ship was falling apart. As I climbed into a life-boat, lightning streaked across the sky. In the flash, I saw a tangle of enormous tentacles just beneath the ocean waves.
She had waited forever, in Grandma drag..
Before it arrived
She didn’t kill it quickly
She chopped it into cutlets
It’s yelping
It’s howling..?
..Music to her ears
..like the Huntsman
..had gone feral
and grew to relish
The taste
of gamey meat.
Where am I?
I wander along my new neighborhood. Everything feels different but it looks the same. I ponder on this for a while. A dog walks up to me but he’s the dog that died last month. My grandma and grandpa walk by who had died 7 years ago. Where am I?
The Villagers found us in the hills, during our hike gone wrong.
They smile a lot. We sign our gratitude to them. Chika signs to them that we are hungry. They keep smiling as we walk on.
Their little one whispers to me. ‘We’d av sleep hungry, until ya’all came.’
Soul Stealers were everywhere; most good at hiding the fact.
How could Normals know, especially when the ghastly ones looked like them?
Every day through a crystal veil they fed, draining spirits through the familiar gateway.
Through eyes they fed, siphoning energy, engorging and enriching themselves, as victims wither away.
I black out
Every window
With duct tape
And aluminum foil
Only then
Do I hear your
.. libidinous
In my ears
Only in
Blinding black
Do you appear
And ravish me
As you used to
Idk where you ended up
I know
it is
Somewhere… dark
“Don’t take my things!” the man moaned from a deep slumber.
He went down stairs to an empty house, the vision was real.
New strangers arrived unpacking things, filling the void.
“This family won’t last,” he thought.
When the ghost becomes comfortable with new companions, they always tend to move.
All I wanted to do was hang out with my 1 year old. He just melts my heart. My boyfriend had other plans. Convinced I was up to no good. I remember tucking my son in bed and smiling. I didn’t expected it but I couldn’t feel my heart anymore.
The corpse lay unnoticed, hidden in trailside bushes all day long, bikers, hikers, romantic couples, each none the wiser.
Finally, it was discovered.
Frantic for assistance, she waited corpse-side until someone came along.
A lone traveler suddenly appeared, his tracks halted as dry leaves blew up into his face.
Sweet revenge
All my life I had been told not to get revenge. Today was different, my sister deserved what was coming to her. I was not leaving for the afterlife until I killed her or injured her. After all, she had killed me last year, and all for a boy disgusting.
She sat in the darkness alone.
Her pain was gone, for that, she was surely glad.
But the isolation still wore on, worrying her.
She couldn’t scream, no one would hear her.
She couldn’t feel for an exit, her limbs failed her.
Realizing where she was, no tears escaped her.
“Wow, great costumes, but…aren’t you guys like in your 40s?”
The three just stared at me, silent. Creepy. I gave them candy. Then Curly and Larry began to melt (?)- features distorted, undulating rubber then stillness.
Then there were three Moes. They drew closer. I gave them lots of candy.
He stared out the window as life carried on.
A contrary existence with an independent schedule, the writer liked it that way.
“How could anything get done while socializing anyhow?”
Sadly, a realization dawned; the ghosts weren’t really in his pages, but in all the days he’d let trickle by.
He, owns the high castle
Yet sleeps in it’s dungeons
Once… a prince
Now entirely a Beast
His singing cutlery ..silenced
Of his bitter rage
Only under the full moon
Do his lamentations issue
A wedding dress.. full of broken bones
a crumbled rose
By no self control.
A Fresh Start?
Moving in and unpacking boxes and finding things I haven’t seen in months. Feeling free in my rented trailer. Ok, nights can be kinda scary. Hearing noises from under my place but it might be a raccoon or possum since I am surrounded by trees. Except for that one night.
I couldn’t trust my eyes anymore. Was this really happening?
Tears filling up my eyes now I definitely can not see. Quickly wiping my face I jumped as far as I could but in mid-jump. I felt it’s touch. This was it. The last time you will see me.
The Strongest Suit of Armor
It’s a cheery yellow, your blanket. Once fuzzy, still soft. “It’s a cotton suit of armor,” your grandma said, the night your brother died. “Take it, and you’ll be safe.”
But you know too well that those things can’t be stopped by chainmail. From some things, no blanket can save.
First Kiss
With true love’s kiss, the prince can finally awaken the cursed princess.
He pressed his lips to hers and felt something escaping. His breath. His youth. And then his life.
She pushed him away. Beauty opened her eyes.
“Delicious,” she smiled at him. “I can’t wait for my next meal.”
My parents left me at 15 after the divorce. Literally, packed up when I was at school and left, no goodbye note. Sleeping in the streets now, I woke up to a noise realising someone was robbing me. I was so scared until I heard a gun shot fired! Dead!
U Play, U Lose
I knew tonight was going to be the night. All the boys were laying low and I had a target on my back. I wonder how he was going to get me? I wasn’t ready for it. I felt he was coming. I couldn’t hide. It was my turn. Squish!
She’d watered enough
. Now, was harvest
She had crops of men
..lead by their carnality
She stripped.. sat, and straddled him, grinding on his engorged member..
He moaned.. Already lost..
she drew from him, not only ejaculate, but his entirety
A man, now a shell
a Succubi satisfied
.. For now.
Good one
Being caught off guard going to the bathroom was the worst in my life. I was at the store needing to go. I thought I saw a man in the woman’s bathroom. I went back out to make sure I walked into the woman’s bathroom. I did that’s when. Bam!
” I can do this. I am the best.I ” Social anxiety was a total demon when it came to giving presentations and for Mark it totaled his insides into a mess. He spoke to the solitary mirror again. “I can, I can, I can and I will.” The reflection replied, “I know.”
Hiding in the closet of my English class, we hear the screams from the class over. Bang! Bang! Bang! One by on my peers fall. One by one my school becomes tainted with the blood of his victims. His boots enter my classroom, slowly getting closer. The door opens. BANG!
No color, no sound but my heart beating frantically. My hands brushed the grass. It was coming. No color no sound but the footsteps behind me. It was coming. Its eyes flashed. The fatal blow. My life flickering out of my glassy eyes, the last color faded from my cheeks.
The Ones
It’s always the ones you least expect. There are no monsters under bridges or dark alleyways. It’s the grandma, the toddler, the wedding photographer.
Look away, and you miss the dart of their eyes, the slight flaring of the nostrils. They are the ones who watch, the ones who wait.
No color, no sound but my heart beating frantically. My hands brushed the grass. It was coming. No color no sound but the footsteps behind me. It was coming. Its eyes flashed. The fatal blow. My life flickering out of my glassy eyes, the last color faded from my cheeks.
“The Hell Hounds have been released. We must go now before they rip our souls and drag us to Hell where they belong.”
“Wait you can see me?”
“Now boy we must go!”
Turning around I saw a Hell Hound. I knew at that moment I will be forgotten forever.
The tip of the shovel bit into the gravel of the rough-hewn dirt.
“This has to do it,” he prayed.
He groaned under the weight of the body as he lay it in the hollow earth.
With one last breath, he heard her whisper in his ear, “How could you?”
Tumbled Leaves
An icy wind stirs, a last breath released.
Leaves tumble, a soul to it’s sleep.
Hands clench and try to reach,
Broken bones and shattered dreams.
Wailing cries, clammy earth.
Stones solid crude, words carved without mirth.
Life too fragile, pain too easy.
Leaves falling, rain soaking, breath leaving.
Humanity had been forced to escape Earth. Nothing they could do could fix their planet. They’d fled to Mars, setting up a mega structure on the ice. No one anticipated that Mars was unstable. The ice cracked, lava flowed up, and the whole city of millions of people had died.
Swords and tricks
“And now for my last trick, I will put this sword down my throat!” The clown remarked. He took out a long sword for the trick and raised it above his mouth. Slowly he pushed it down his throat. It stung. The trick failed, the sword coming out his stomach.
You’re on an online dating website, and you didn’t put your webcam on.The girl asked you to turn it on. in the text you type, “No” . Then the webcam turned on.When you see the girl your body turns cold. A knife in her neck and pointing at you.
Can the Created Become the Creator?
My dad is an inventor but what he made literally has a mind of it’s own. I knew that night, Dad wasn’t going to come out alive; neither were we. Running towards the basement, knowing that’s were it wanted me to go.
Seeing my families lifeless bodies gouge and stabbed.
My Friend
“Whatzat?” a voice mumbles in the alley.
“My friend.”
“Whyzhe glowin’?”
“Because he’s dead.”
“Hez wut?”
Silence. Shuffled steps, a man’s form emerges from the gloom. Dark, stooped, rags—almost a ghost himself.
“Join us,” I say.
Muddled eyes glance between us.
“Now, Friend.” Another to our cause.
You slip on your left boot and feel a ball in it. You inspect it for a second. There is a little slit for a nose. The ball is so bright it seems to glow. All of a sudden you are fixated on it. A clown laughs in your closet.
It was a dark and spooky night. You’re driving down the road. CLUNK!! You’re car breaks down. In the distance you see a small wooden cabin. You walk up and into the cabin. The door slams behind you. You hear a voice say, ” I have you where I want you”.
Ashley was hanging out with her friends, then she pulled out her phone. Suddenly Ashley screamed, there is no WiFi! What a terrible thing! Ashley frantically runs to find a spot with good reception. Ashley is scared, why is there no WiFi. Randomly Ashley`s phone died, she has no charger!
??????????. I felt Ashley’s pain… A hilarious heartbreaking fun story
Unknown shack
There he was ,in the middle of the night, running from the noise of a chainsaw. Running. He hears it getting louder ,and there is a huge cliff ahead. He sees a shack to his left and gets in it, down the stairs, till he sees it. Down he falls.
They sat down to dinner.
Dad and Mom talked about their day.
Joe and Sally conversed about theirs.
With a meat shortage, they were lucky tonight.
Dad sat back and smiled “Excellent dinner, Marge. Where ever did you find the meat?”
“Th neighbor cut our fruit tree down” Mom replied.
The photographer adjusted each of his family members, bringing them closer together, making sure that they smiled, and that their hair was perfect. He accidently bumped over his wife. He straightened her dead body and then snapped the photo.
He loved that they never argued with him anymore. Blissful silence.
Holocaust Furnace
I carried my baby as we were led off the cattle car. The germans took us to a large building for showers. Me and many other naked women were locked in the chamber. The furnace was on now, I felt my skin boil off. Then I saw the glowing eyes.
Uh Oh, Stinky!
You walk downstairs in the middle of the night. All you see is a hairy monkey whispering, “Uh oh, stinky.” You scream, and then the hairy thing does too. Both of you run around screaming, “UH OH, STINKY!” in the neighborhood. You wake up and realize it was a dream.
Really Abbi?
It’s catchy
Grandma’s Secret
Grandma’s coming for a visit back from the nursing home. I haven’t seen her in years. She looks too different. She fell down the stairs; broke her head open. “Charles, I didn’t mean to!” Charles is her first husband. She says she can still hear him sometimes-screaming, crying, laughing.
The Man
Nelly wakes up in the same moving van she did seven months ago. The tall black figure that you see in your nightmares has taken her once again. He creeps open the door and slowly takes off his ski mask. The words spill out of her mouth horrendously, ¨Dad?¨
Movie Night
I felt my wife lean over onto me. Her lovely hair tangling on my shoulder. I smiled as she continued sleeping. But her smell was bothersome however, he was not fond of rotting flesh. He stroked her dead body before shifting her upright once more, and continued watching the movie.
1st to 3rd POV?
But of course, that’s the best way to go.
Magician’s Volunteer
I volunteer to be sawn in half. The box feels smaller than it looks. I catch a glimpse of his smirk and sinister eyes as he closes the box. A chill runs down my spine at the sound of the electric saw. My body jerks. I Feel cold. Gurgle. Gasp.
Love is complicated.
I loved you more than anything. More than anyone else could ever love you. It is really too bad that you do not love me. I suppose I could spare you. But you do not love me and I’d rather you be gone than be with anyone else. Goodbye, darling.
Deadly Young Love
Adam and I love eachother but catching him making out with Ashley; I lost my mind. All I can remember is tazing them both. Then waking up the next morning at home with blood all over my hands, clothes and shoes. What could have happened last night? Where were they?
Abused when I was a child by someone who swore to love and take care of me, was a nightmare. Safe in my home, I looked in the mirror and cried; seeing my abuser looking back at me. I just couldn’t stop myself. Cutting, ripping, blood all over the counter.
A plummet to death
Looking down, Jennifer was dangling over a cliff. The drop was enough to kill her. The world was spinning and there was nothing she could do to stop her fate. The rope around her shoulders loosened, and she plummeted to her death, along with her captor.
Awake from a slumber
Katelyn awoke from a deep sleep, startled by a grunting sound, she realized she didn’t know where she was. But she did know that were she was, was not safe. The eyes and smile in the corner of the room were not telling her to stay.
A Trip To The Doctor
Suzan had fallen ill with a sickness unknown to man. Her mother had insisted that she go to a doctor. Suzan agreed trusting her mothers advice, but while there, Suzan got a feeling that she should look around, what she found… I’ll let you imagine.
The Golden Girl
He gaped as she danced towards him, gauzy dress floating, rising, golden hair curling around her. She was beautiful and innocent, delicate as a wavering lily, her fairy voice fluttering quietly around her. In that instant, he knew she could no wrong.
That is, until she pulled out the knife.
All The Best People are Crazy
As I stood above the carnage, the Cheshire Cat smiled. “Nicely done. Now, would you like to be with us? Be one of the crazies?” He inquired, grimacing. I looked down at the crimson blood stained on my hands before smiling up at him. Down the rabbit hole we go.
A chilling disappearance
Julia and her family had gone on a vacation to Australia last year. They never came back, but something did. A letter had arrived at Julia’s house 2 days after her family was sadly found dead. On the letter written in blood said, “You are next..reader”
Ashes, Ashes
I watched the flames dance, bowing and curtseying to the dying all around them. Giggling, I lift my plaid skirt and twirl with the innocence of a young girl, curtseying just like the flames.
“Ashes, ashes, we all-” I stopped and crumpled with a gasping breath.
“Fall down, quite literally.”
Death Without Context
“Funny, isn’t it?”
“I wouldn’t say it’s that funny, but, then again, you always had a sick sense of humor.”
“Sick, you say? Why’s that?”
“Well, you’re about to kill me.”
“Ohhh, yes, I see now.”
“Well, can you just get on with it already?”
“I mean, okay.”
Soon our spirits will be set free,
We will plummet down an endless cycle of sadness,
Kindness will make us long for friends,
Our fears will consume us,
Darkness will be a forever thought,
But at least we’ll no longer be suffering,
Everything, has to die sooner or later..
When Life Gives You Lemons
They say that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. What they don’t know, it that lemonade can kill, too. I wanted more than death, though. I wanted torture. I sliced her skin and attached a weight, before throwing her in a pool of lemonade. Stinging cuts met painful breaths.
Gone Fishing
I was fishing with my grandpa. We were catching fish for hours. Then it all stopped- like time wasn’t working. I looked around. My grandpa was gone. I walked to the end of the dock where I saw a dark figure. It said, “Come fish.”
Then darkness stood over me.
I hear a ferocious scream a few feet behind me. I whip my head around, just to see the dead body of the innocent girl. I sprint home, and as I’m sprinting I hear the scream following my shaking body. I wake up and realize it was just a nightmare…
Jenny had a problem, so I helped her.
I should have known they wouldn’t understand.
She was so sad. She needed me.
And I won’t say it didn’t feel good to help…
She’s not sad anymore.
Morning Jog
So there I was taking my daily jog. But while I was jogging, I heard very faint whispers. I had almost tripped over dead branches three times throughout that cemetery. But suddenly, I tripped and fell face first over a foot. I couldn’t believe that it……it was him…
Campfire Stories
Campfire; flashlight; bunch of kids; middle of the woods; stories. First story about a clown in the woods. Then one of the kids said the clown had a butter knife that killed bunches of kids. Loud deep breaths were behind the kids. Suddenly a butter knife fell to the ground!
School Nightmare
I was at school. The teacher was talking about adjectives. The bell rang. I walked out. The lights started flickering. Then I was somewhere else. It looked like school, but it wasn’t school. The lockers started banging. I ran. Then a sharp pain
stabbed in my back. Then black.
Pink Sticky Note
Am I crazy? Perhaps. I don’t think sane people threaten their friends. At least they wouldn’t go through with it.
I left messages on his mirror, window, and door. I left one on his refrigerator on a pink sticky note. He never knew it was me. Until I killed him.
Uncle Jim
I was on a visit to my Aunt Donna`s house. I was in my bedroom listening to music, when I heard a bang from downstairs. I shot my Aunt a text and she said, ¨Oh sweetie, it`s just Uncle Jim getting some food.¨ But Uncle Jim died eleven years ago.
I know where you are. I am watching you, but you can’t see me. I can hear you breathing. I can hear your feet slapping on the conctrete. I know what you are thinking. You are looking everywhere for me. Guess what? You will never be able to find me.
The Ghost In The Mirrors
I awake in a room. Not just any room- a room covered in antique mirrors. That’s when I see it. A boy crying. I approach him, but then I realize he’s in every mirror. I turn, around and no one’s there, yet he’s still in every mirror. Then chuckling echos.
I don’t remember falling asleep, but I rememer waking up. She was horrifying. I can still see her creepy smile, her long, black hair. Her bright red demon eyes. Her ripped, white dress. I killed her, and then I fell asleep. Then I heard a menacing laugh in my closet.
The Deadly Forest
Why did she cause a scene?
Lilah assessed the prepackaged meat.
It happens to everyone, eventually.
Slipping the cheaper option into her basket, she cashed out.
1-30 years old = $50
31-60 years old = $30
61+ years old = $10
Lilah avoided looking at Grandma standing near the butcher’s block.
I’ve always heard a call to the woods.
I didn’t recognize the voice until today.
That quiet giggle in my ear. The one I’ve heard my entire life.
“Come see me. Come play”
6 years old, and my daughter finally spoke this morning. I didn’t recognize that voice until today.
The Deadly Forest
I found a deer dangling from a tree. A sizzle blaring from the bushes. I ask my friend Derrick, ” Do you hear that?” No response. He is gone. The creature is approaching fast. Its head jumps from the bushes. Derrick’s standing with a bloody deer head hanging from his mouth.
Mack and Cheese, two graveyard diggers, work in the pitch black misty night. It’s midnight. They hear a moning sound coming from the graves. There is a ghost in the graveyard. Mac goes missing. A blood puddle where he used to stand. Cheese gone. A blood puddle where he stood.
The grand clock struck twelve. It made her scramble from her closet. She wavered through the dried red and arrived at her assigned chair and sat. She bowed her head. Her palms went together while she muttered for forgiveness. Sadly, she had no more family to keep her from starving.
My friends and I were going to a haunted house. We were walking into the house,but we saw a white ghost shadow in the window. We closed the door that we had opened, and we ran. My friends were way ahead. I fell down and looked. It caught me.
My leg hung off the bed.
Unable to move.
The intolerable feeling of cool air tickling my leg overwhelmed me.
Was I alone? Where was I?
Light creeped in as the door creaked open.
I saw only darkness.
A cold hand wrapped around my ankle, pulling me under the bed.
This isnt good.
There are 4000 stories here and you pick one out that’s neither better nor worse than most, and make a negative comment? At least give some constructive criticism about why it’s not good. Or better yet positive comments on the good ones.
Agreed @ Michael Devine..
Negativity serves zero purpose..
To the individual deriving pleasure from downgrading someone else, where’s your work?.. If you can do better, show us
“Free Falling”
I always hated heights, the distance down, the perspective you get in the air always creeped me out. Although bad, not half as bad as seeing the ground get a lot closer much faster than you intended to. Skydiving was not my greatest idea, but it was my last.
The knife dropped from my hands. My hand was painted crimson red, dripping. I shoved it under the tap, scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing. It did not come off. I scrubbed it until the pain forced me to stop. I glared at the wretched body of my mother. “This is your fault.”
What Lies Beneath
I awoke on the couch. I couldn’t remember falling asleep there, but that wasn’t new. I sat—then jumped. Someone had been sleeping beneath me. It took a moment for my brain to catch up. I saw me. Eyes wide. His hunting knife deep in my chest.
Night work
We are fighting against these enemy robots. I need backup. The helicopter’s here, let’s go.
I fall from the helicopter and one of the robots tears my arms apart. After that, I don’t remember anything … only that 20 years later I wake up in a hospital with robotic arms.
“Who is that?”
Black shadow standing there outside the window at midnight, just standing still. Turned around and look back, shadow was gone. Thirty minutes later went to the kitchen to get water, the shadow was behind. Shadow got a large knife and cut me into many pieces, I died.
Jimmy Jimmy !
Today, Jimmy jump down the stairs , Jimmy pull my hair, Jimmy never listen . But tomorrow might be jimmy last day to down jump down the school stairs.Today is the day! i watched him slipped down the stairs ,No response from him after the fall. I’m pretty glad i don’t have to say his name ever again.
I’ve lost everything, every single thing. I’m the patriarch of a family: two sons and a wife. I love them dearly, to the point where I adore them … too much, perhaps. I had to dismember them in the cellar, to keep them from growing old & decrepit.
Don’t look at the mirrors
I got up. October 31st. I got back from work at 7:00 pm. I went to take a bath and when I went to brush my teeth, I looked towards the mirror. I prayed I wouldn’t see her again, dressed in black like last year. I broke the mirror, ran out of the bathroom, broke all the mirrors of the apartment. Finally, I relaxed, knowing that I would not see her again … but then my doorbell rang. I opened the door and there she was and her words were “Trick or treat! I come for you …”
”Open the door!” she said. I heard it and whipped my head around. I haven’t seen her in years. I try not to look but I saw her in the mirror. She said, “I loved you, but you don’t love me. I’d rather kill you before anyone can have you.”
Date Night
Our first date was horrid. She whined all night. Selfish, I thought, but still… I thought I’d lift her up.
Later she promised to hush. Clearly a lie, but I let her off the hook.
It slipped out neatly from her shoulder blades. She wailed all the same.
Very selfish.
Hide and Seek
“Wanna play hide and seek?” I asked my friend.
“Sure, I’ll seek first!” She grinned and closed her eyes. “One, two…”
I hid in a cupboard my parents never used. Sally found me quickly. It took my parents longer to find me, which happened when they smelled my rotten flesh.
Lily stared, heart beating mercilessly fast. She touched the mirror in disbelief. It was not her reflection, impossible. It had her eyes, yet was wretched and ugly. This could not be her. The girl in the mirror smiled. Lily shattered the mirror, her hand too. The smiling did not stop.
Just A Child
I held baby Jack in my arms. Suddenly, there were two of him. Three. Four. His small teeth became sharp and he bit into my skin. Beads of deep red trickled down my arms. He unhinged his jaw and suddenly my whole hand was gone. Then came my head. Snap!
I woke up because my hand itched. Uncovering it revealed bitemarks. Human bitemarks. I thought I had bit myself in the night. The next morning uncovered another on my leg. I thought it just a rash. The third morning my whole body was on fire. I had bites all over.
I looked in the mirror, hating the image thrown back at me. I didn’t look how I wished I did. I placed my hand on the cool glass, and my reflection pulled me through. She broke the glass, both so I couldn’t leave her world and to end my life.
Struggling did not help. I tried to escape my body, using imagination to get me anywhere else. I tried so hard, but the pain brought me back every time. I pictured puppies, agony returned me. I thought of my mother, but the torment was too much. I was being raped.
Haunted House
There is a haunted house on a mountain that shakes every Halloween. No one will stay there because they’re scared. The residential mouse, however, defies the haunted house and absolutely, positively refuses to leave.
The house retaliated by sealing off all exits, leaving the poor mouse no way to escape.
Dream Come True
I’m sure you, like most people, wish your dreams became reality. For me, they do. It isn’t pleasant. My family was tortured before my eyes, then my boyfriend ripped limb-from-limb. And if it wasn’t bad enough, I realized I was the killer and it had to happen all over again.