Welcome to our 2019 $500 Halloween Horror 50 Word Story Contest. Yes, that’s right. It’s already here. Every year we run our contests, and those of you who have been frequent readers, this is what you’ve been waiting for.
First we will be doing a print issue! We will be doing 2 print issues, and we will pick entries from this contest to be in our issue. If you had a 50 word story designated to be in our print issue, from a past contest, please contact us.
Second, we will be giving out a $500 reward for the best 50 word horror story. This is not easy for us. Every Writer is not doing as well as it did in the past, but we want your stories. I believe writers should get paid for their work. I wish we could pay all of our writers, but it’s just impossible. So $500 for 50 words, I think is a unique and valuable statement to our readers. Ten dollars a word is what all writers really deserve.
So here are the rules:
• Story must be scary
• Story must be 50 words
• Story must be original and your own
• Story may not be published elsewhere
• Story must have a title (does NOT count in word count)
• Deadline is October 25, 2019
• Enter as many times as you want
• Story must be written in the comments below!
• Be nice or be disqualified
I love these stories. This is one of favorite traditions of Every Writer. I look forward to this every year, and this year I have extended the time we are going to spend with the contest.
The winners will:
• Be announced on October 31, 2019
• Will get $500
• Will be published in our digital and print issue.
• Will get an author page on our site
There is no entry fee for this contest. It would help us out greatly if you would donate 1$ or more, if you can, to help out the site. We would really appreciate it. A donation will not be considered in the deciding this contest.
If you want to keep up with me on Twitter, please follow me at @everywriter, I follow back all writers.
Good luck, and let the writing begin.
I have picked 4 stories. They all have times and days on them. If the winner does not respond by Friday 11/22/19 the money will go to the next story on the list. Here are the top 4 stories in order. ONLY OUR 1st PLACE WINNER gets the $500. Also, so this insanity never happens again, the winner will be invited back next year to be one of the judges.
WINNER 1st Place:
Kit Steward 10/13/19 5:20 pm
She heard mushy sounds for days and suffered from unbearable itchiness.
A doctor’s visit revealed earwig pupae nesting in her ear canal, it was flushed out.
Later, weary from stress, she crawled into bed.
That night while she slept, the creature returned.
And finding the eggs missing, it laid more.
2nd Place:
Elizabeth Lee 09/24/19 4:36 pm
Secondhand Doll
She didn’t want a secondhand doll so she flung it across the room. Porcelain cracked against the wall. Her mom made her glue the pieces back together. A thin shard sliced her hand, baptizing the doll in her hateful blood. The secondhand doll decided she didn’t want an ungrateful child.
3rd Place:
Alexander Daley Escobedo 10/25/19 3:38pm
We Buried my brother today. Suicide. He thought something evil was haunting him. He’d been medicated, institutionalized, shocked and secluded. He found his own way out. I wish I could tell him I’m sorry. Or had listened more closely. Because, when I got home, it was on my couch. Laughing.
4th place:
JB 10/25/19 8:12pm
We should have known something was wrong when we first tasted the water. It was a little brown, but no more than usual in this apartment complex.
We kept drinking it until it turned black.
When they opened the water tank, they found the bloated, rotting corpse of my neighbor.
We usually always contact the winners first, but after all the trouble, we are opening up the process. I am again, very sorry for how late this is. I did not expect 4000 stories. Next year I will be ready.
Cupboard cat
“Our cat knows many tricks, she stands on command, waggles her paws to jazz hands and hides in any cupboard when you tell her to. At our halloween party mums making biscuits.” At the party after many tricks cupboard cat couldn’t be found, the oven door opened to cooked cat.
The strip club..
…her last performance
This time..?
She’d show them everything..
Everything she’d hidden
Until now
She danced
Men ejaculated blood
Her dance..?
Caused eyeballs bursting
And penile implants rupturing
She danced
Men screamed dead wive’s names
And wept, child-like
Her dance
Now belonged
to her.
And her alone
“The Struggle”
My fingernail had a piece of loose skin at the edge of my nails. Annoyed, I pulled it. It tore up my skin. It hurt. I sighed. I needed to get rid of it. I pulled, skin struggling against me. Blood covered my books, I continued. I could not stop.
Real Estate
Years in real estate, numerous empty homes, yet never before.
I felt it… saw it in my mind.
Murder…. Blood… a woman dragged by her hair, screaming for mercy. He had shown her none.
My client trembling hunched by the car. I knew… he too had seen it. Felt it.
I hate people. They are so stupid, so sheepish, so pathetic, just a part of the system. I tease them to show how much better I am. No matter how much they struggle, my weight always suffocates them. This one calls for help, but there is only me. I help.
They are coming for me! I can hear them outside. The walls squeal as they scratch against them. The door screeches. Oh god, I think they got in. I hear wild screams. The stairs creak. One breaks into the room. I close my wet eyes as it nears the closet.
We thought it a blessing when Mom returned. Something had changed. Maybe it was her silence, how she refused to utter any word. Maybe her eyes, eternally black. Me and my sister were just glad there was someone to feed us again. The red meat she brings tastes weird though.
The pain is unbearable. I hardly made it in time. I slam shut the largest stall, desiring the leg room, quickly jerk down my pants, and can’t help what happens next.
The bathroom door creaks open. A shadow approaches. It doesn’t walk. It rolls.
They said not to take candy from strange men in white vans. Ice cream? An exception. Stepping over the body, he ignored the muffled whimpers of the boy. Drugged, bound. Terrified. He tugged the child to the cooler, wedging him between tubs of gelato.
He set the van into drive.
Wooden Fence
Bats flew around the beautiful witch who was tied to a wooden fence. She cried for help, but they couldn’t understand her.
A warlock, however, heard her cries and released her from confinement. She thanked him by eating him for supper. He was her first meal in a long time.
Another lock sets into place. From the man’s pocket appears a hefty padlock with a complex set of keys. He shakily lifts his crooked claw, hooking the lock onto the decrepit door, joining its twins. He retreats, listening to the howling and banging of the creature behind his barrier.
Red streaked across linoleum as the girl dragged herself to the linen closet. She had long lost mobility of her legs, blood gushing from the wound on her thigh. She huddled in the back corner, listening to the ominous trudge of feet approaching her.
The door creaked as it opened.
A Winter Home
A shiver ran through the body, long past the time it should’ve lain still. The blind ones paused. One breath. Two. They resumed burrowing as the man’s eyes winked closed. The cockroach family rejoiced. Their swollen bellies satisfied with man flesh, they slept, dream-twitching about the many, many feasts ahead.
“There are no monsters or ghosts, its just to scare you” said the voice from the other room. Look around you, in the house, outside around you, everywhere. I did the same and found no one.
There are really no spirits as i said to myself fell the body my cat torn apart. And i raised my head and the voice said, “but just dont look UP, i hate being seen”and laughed the witch aloud
Don’t Look Back…
On Halloween day, my parents went to their friend’s house. Nobody was home. Suddenly, I heard a sound from the kitchen. It was scary so I ignored it. But then I heard somebody knocking, I screamed when I saw my shadow asked, “Do you want to play with me?’’
To Get Your Heart’s Desire
Long ago, in the deep forest, was a Wishing tree.
People prayed under the Wishing tree and got whatever they wanted.
But in order to receive your gift from the Wishing tree,
you had to kill someone every day, surrender their bodies.
Or pay the Wishing tree with your soul.
Incidental lottery
David Cole No 2516 i shouted as i waited for someone to help me claim my bumper lottery but no one cared and all just walk past by. Annoyed i went out to take a puff and noticed a crowd witnessing a terrific accident. The body drenched in blood and brains protruding out what a sight i seen. In his hand smashed was a lottery ticket with no 2516 and in his neck and id which read the name David Cole
Never go down into the basement.
Last year, I was home alone on Halloween. I was babysitting for my baby sis when I heard a voice crying, coming from the basement. I went down there and I saw this tall, scary thing. I ran out of the basement quick. Its creepy eyes watched me go. CREEPY!!!
Early morning fog feels like cotton in my ears, but footfalls pierce my awareness like cannon fire, keeping pace. Jaywalking across the street, around the corner, through the familiar neighborhood, I can’t outrun you. My heart thundering, breath sawing, fear clawing; I can’t look. The blade was almost a relief.
The sterile light dazzled me.
“Crayons, draw, red” – that’s what it said. Fibrous hands tried:
a common face and those eyes, a nurse’s eyes, her blood-drops were flowing down the drawing, red.
“Don’t stop.” it said keeping her eyeballs (still warm). Only I was left and the light went out.
Good morning
I don’t know what is going on with the neighborhood that I just moved into. The houses are so dark – they never turn on the lights. When I wake up the next morning, I realize that I am in a neighborhood of the dead.
Title: Hide and Seek
“Olly, Olly, Oxen Free!” I yelled anxiously into the world, from the doorway of our barren home. I agonized greatly, as silent seconds turned hours, turned days. When news came that a body had been found, I restrained tears and prayed feverishly that, in this way, our game hadn’t ended.
Sweet premise
I ran tripping over rocks. I ran splashing in puddles. I ran for my life as the thundering wings from the dragon grew closer. Random creatures darted out of the way. A pond came into view. I jumped. A huge purple eye the size of my body stares at me…
Three feet. I even crayoned the spot on the floor. Turn off the light, run to the line, jump on the bed.
Don’t walk past the line in the dark. It’s always waiting to reach out. Like that time with Dad.
Now it uses his voice when it whispers.
The majestic milky, mourning midnight moon motioned its gaze at the ground. The paralyzed pale person panicked because he knew he would perish. The blazing, blooming blue eyes of the wolf walked warning to the whimpering, whining boy. Shining sharp teeth shut down into the boy’s flesh. Rest.In. Peace.
The Night Before
I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me “Daddy, check for monsters under my bed for me. ” i look underneath for his amusement and i see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, “Daddy, theirs somebody on my bed.
“Another normal Day”
I woke up, and went to school as usual, but when I came home and rang the doorbell, all was silent. No lights shone from inside, like a graveyard. Strange… Suddenly, a rush of poison, caused my entire world to go black, as an evil laugh echoed in my mind.
He had his army
They congregated, sycophantic style
He controlled their every move
With his mind
They swayed to his commands
What’s next?..
he thought
But oh
he did have plans
Problem was ..
None of them were for good things.
Not a single, solitary one.
By The Graveyard
There was a girl named Caroline. The night of Halloween Caroline fell into a grave. The body started to squeeze the brains out of her. Next thing you knew, the blood gushed out of her mouth and eyes. Next, Caroline couldn’t breathe. The dead body sufficated her and she died.
My hands shook as I drug Tom’s lifeless body to the basement incinerator, leaving a trail of blood. “You’ll never hurt me again,” I said, while tossing my ex into the flames. I turned and screamed. “Tom!” I’d killed his twin. He laughed as he pushed me into the fire.
The Sewer:
The only light was from the manholes above me. The only noise was water dripping, that changed soon. I heard footsteps but I wasn’t moving,heavy breathing but mine under control. I saw a small flicker from the light. silent. Then breathing from behind, something touch my neck, and whispers.
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The deadline
“No! No!”
The computer crashed, all of her work was gone. The deadline was in two minutes, she rummaged through her draws looking for her cell.
“Come on! COME ON!!” She runs across the room for the cross, but it’s too late. A voice calls out to her.
“Your papers late.”
The night your dad left
The night you had at fight and your dad got mad. he went to go get the kids at school and never brougt them home. 10 years later they were found in a basement dead and beaten
The night your dad left
The night you had at fight and your dad got mad. he went to go get the kids at school and never brougt them home. 10 years later they were found in a basement dead and beaten
Imagination or Reality?
I babysat a little girl named Hazel who had an imaginary friend named Sally. I never believed her. One night, the power went out. In the dark, I heard inhuman laughter. Suddenly, something started to choke me. Someone whispered-
“Let’s play a game.”
Hazel stood in front of me, smiling.
The night your dad left
The night you had at fight and your dad got mad. he went to go get the kids at school and never brougt them home. 10 years later they were found in a basement dead and beaten
I found myself caught in my own reflection
The mirror has beguiled…
Entrapped me
I am stuck within my eyes reflection
Every move — a wrong one
The snare..
I am a fly, stuck in reflective flypaper
I flee out of the bathroom.. screaming
Not aLL of me escapes
I hide my teeth from children, afraid of wilting flowers
I conceal my reveal from the back of mind’s eyes
For I am .. unwanted..
I am leper
I am leech
I am Frankenstein’s monster
And I fear fire
In the same way that you fear love..
love and truth.
Mary stared at the gargoyle below her. She could swear it had blinked, its features frozen in time by the screeching medusa which chased Mary as she fell through lightning skies, snakes falling around her, as they and the plane crashed into the ground.
The Fall
He woke up, tied to a chair over a cliff edge. His former friend loosened the knotted rope holding the chair to a tree. “I told you, you fell for the wrong woman. Now, you fall again. Goodbye.” He screamed as he fell and saw his lover falling above him.
Dearest Pet
Nicodemus lazily flicked on the light to his study and sunk into a nearby chair.
“Todays been such a long day my pet,” he moaned as he reached out for the beast. Its chains rattled as it came closer.
“Need a treat?”
Nicodemus threw the beast a severed child’s hand.
The Knife
He stared at the knife, the surgeon’s grinning face fading as he fell asleep. He woke up soon after, surrounded by darkness as the surgeon put on classical music and went to work. Eric screamed inside, his body frozen as minutes seemed like hours, and a monster created art.
Haunted House
One day I got stuck in a scary haunted house all by myself. I went up the stairs, and a tall guy with a loud chainsaw chased me down. I got back down and saw a blood trail. I followed it. There was a closet. Then someone screamed, ” HELP ME! “
Hide and Seek
That night we were playing hide and seek. When I went to go look for Grant. It was Halloween, but I couldn´t find him. Suddenly I smelled something really bad. Then I went to the smell. Sadly, Grant was laying on the ground with a knife in him. Oh my!!!!
Those red eyes, that watch you at night? They’re watching, waiting. Hungry. Hungry eyes that wish to feast on you. Do unspeakable things you feel behind closed eyes waking from a nightmare. A nightmare made real, with no safety in, “it was just a dream”. You? You’re food. Sleep tight.
The figure
A figure stands before you. Their eyes flutter open to reveal the void, a never ending pit dug into their skull. Blood leaks out onto those cheeks. Needles puncture every bit of skin, inches into flesh. The figure looks dead. You on the other hand, are looking in a mirror.
“Halloween, Halloween. Time for candy” The little girl sang. She approached a huge house where a man sat with a bowl. “Trick or Treat!”She greeted. The man’s hand passed through the bowl? The girl screeched with laughter. “What a trick!” It wasn’t. Grabbing candy she went away.
He helped at bake sales
Fought homelessness
Almost ..saintly
All lies
Inside his heart harbored a hate that could swallow the sun
Longing to smash in baby’s skulls
To show all us mewling monkeys that power and fear is all we understand
Every night..
he awaited society’s eventual downfall.
The Creep
Driving home alone one dark, windy night on a country road, I heard a noise. I looked in my car mirror and saw a creepy man I didn’t know sitting in my back seat. The next thing I knew the creepy man lunged toward me. I spun the wheel…Ahhhh!
Peppa Pig
There were two kids who were taking a walk through the woods. Two of the kids went into the forest off the trail. As the other two waited for them, they heard screaming. They turned around and saw killer Peppa Pig. She went after them and stab them to death.
the unsigned Cezanne she hung on her wall was his gift to her
A thank you present for her being complacent in acting on his future crimes
Some gardening shears, and the number of a man referred to as the ‘Fixer’, was her answer for them.
Grandpa’s Gravestone
I went to visit my grandpa’s gravestone, and when I got there it wasn’t there! I felt someone breathing down my neck. ” I’m back.” I turn around and there he was; my grandpa with a knife in his filthy hand. He clenched my neck and sliced off my head. “Bye.”
The Scary Game
I was playing hide and seek with my brother and his friend. I was counting first. When I was done counting, I found my brother. We looked for his friend. I saw something to my right. It was an axe with some blood. Since that awful day he’s been missing.
The Suspense
There was a huge bang. I screamed. What happened? I heard glass shatter. I thought for a minute. Now I heard footsteps heading down the hallway towards me. Then all of a sudden, I fell back realizing I was shot. Now I’m laying here as the life leaves my body.
You wouldn’t trees would fight back. “You murder everyone of else just for you useless pencils and paper!” The tree angrily snarls. Another starts to choke me with its sharp branches. I was just writing my book until… “Humanity will pay!” Blood drips. My brain shuts down.
“Stay Calm”
I opened my eyes to see a lifeless soul staring back at me. It screeched at me to move. I struggled to get up but couldn’t find the strength to. I looked down at myself to find a weight keeping me in place. My fear vanished and I was calm.
The Ouija Board
There was this group of ten teenagers playing with a Ouija board. The group was joking and saying that it was all fake. They started playing, and the lights turned off. When the lights came, on one of them was gone. All of them then started disappearing one by one.
I roll over in bed to see my wife. I thought I had successfully killed her. I grab her arm and shake violently. She opens her lids, revealing ink black eyes. Dirt sticks to her skin, from her home in the ground. She smiles maniacally at me, showing-off broken teeth.
Where Have All The Children Gone
One by one, kids have disappeared. Don’t let them outside. Keep them in sight. Don’t turn the lights off. They’ll disappear. Keep a lookout for any suspicious activity. Recently, a girl named Bailey had went missing with her blood on her bed. Nobody knows if she’s alive or dead.
The Empty Room
“Help HELP”, they screeched very loudly.
Nobody heard a sound. As they heard footsteps outside. Little dd they know someone was staring through the window. They yelled and yelled as nothing came out as hands held over their mouths. Someone finally burst open the door! To an empty room.
The Clowns
That night the clowns were banging on the windows. Mia heard screaming. She tried to get up but she couldn’t. She yelled and yelled,until she felt a hand come over her mouth. She got up and walked outside with the clowns. They walked away to be never seen again.
The Missing Man
A man camping in the forest woke up to a sudden noise, then another. The man noticed the two tears in the tent. Then suddenly blood red eyes staring at him. The man was in shock and could’t move his body. The day after, a ranger saw a camp…empty.
Under the bed
A faint whisper
Here she lays
A small murmur
Flesh burned to nothing
A quiet mutter
Warm but dead
A tiny mumble
Hidden in shadows
A sudden shutter
Her pits for eyes
A tiny shriek
Where you lay
A sudden scream
Your foot touched
A faint whisper,
underneath the bed
Death Among Us
There’s something about this kid. There is always an eerie smoke around him. He is always by himself. Everyone avoids him. If you get too close to him, you see some inhuman things. They say you see and hear souls of the deceased. Some say the boy is a demon.
I slowly lowered myself into the tub, the warm liquid wrapping me in an affectionate embrace. I smile and lean back, taking care to keep my hair out of the tub.
“Madame, you have a call.”
I groan, slowly lifting myself out. My skin is stained red from the blood.
Red and White Makes Pink:
The blanket pulled over my head, I still feel cold. With cozy clothing, my skin prickles with goosebumps and shivers. My tears feel like icicles. Warm crimson blood seeps from my chest and yet …I still feel cold. White snow, red blood. Pink. The color my heart no longer holds…
A Mother’s Love
Why is she scared of me? She acts like I’m going to hurt her or something. I haven’t seen her face in ten years since I died. I just wanted to tell her I love her and miss her. After all, a mother’s love is the strongest of them all.
Dread the dragon in the darkness,
At the corner of the room.
Recede to where there is light.
Knocking on the door.
Nothing.Ne response. No
Silently it travels to you.
Screaming it feasts on you.
Its Magic!
I lay in the wooden box as a magicians maiden. He amuses the croud and I here them gasp in surprise. He probably told them he was about to “saw me in half”.
I felt the box shift and open. The saw entered my spine and my world went black.
I woke up to the sound of glass breaking; a black figure beside my closet. I covered myself with a blue blanket-seeing a black shadow look at me and then vanish, as a dog barked at my window . I got out of bed and I saw him.”Hello, Dad”.
Title: The Cathedral.
In the middle pow; footprints of blood linked the altar..
On the altar, wisps of flames hung beneath heads of serpents. Each head wears the ring on father Benediclt index finger, after Mass, he would snigger touching foreheads; saying “heads of heads”
The serpents whispered:
“Capitibus’De..Capitibus” echoes.
Skeletons in the Graveyard
As we wandered through the graveyard, we heard a noise; so, we dashed, then stopped frozen in fear; shaking as they broke from stillness.They started to sprint. A man stopped, looking at them asking, “Are you lost?” They ran away. Everything started to shake. Skeletons saw them and killed.
As a kid, I dreamt about everything I’d buy when I had my own money: a PlayStation, all the candy I want, my own waterpark where I make the rules. Then the words “you want 25 or 30 years amortization?” crushed those plans. Welcome to adulthood—the scariest story!
I had awakened from my slumber only to figure out that I couldn’t move a limb. I looked up to see a smiling man looking at me from the doorway. Before i could even move and speak he lunged at me, be-heading me for his new and improved Halloween Decoration.
From the end of the bed
Her husband had been dead three days. Three days she spent alone in their dark, creaking house she’d never wanted.
“It’s a stroke, maybe,” the Sherrif offered the first day.
“It’s a heart attack,” the Coroner said the second.
“It’s in the house,” he told her the third night.
I like it!
I am running in the Dark Oak Woods; running away from him. He has jet black hair covering his face, and his laugh gives me a chill right to the bone. I can’t stop running. I look back. I’m alone? How? He was just there? And then boom! pitch black.
He opened the envelope then called his grandpa in Florida.
“Thanks for the check. Did you find an old card that Grandma had signed?’
“No. I bought that card last week.”
He read the card again.
“Love Grandpa,” in his grandfather’s handwriting.
“And Grandma,” in his dead grandmother’s hand.
Title didn’t add in.
It’s called The Birthday Card.
Only A Drop
The planes were going up soon to make rain clouds. All it would take was a drop of poison in the dispenser, and everyone in the town would disappear.
Droplets fell from the sky, hitting the skin of unsuspecting citizens. It was different than normal, it ate at their skin.
Annabelle and Chucky were walking along a dark bridge with an ax. Chucky asked Annabelle would you please jump in the river for me. Annabelle said yes if you take my heart out first and eat it so Chucky did that. Annabelle jump off the bridge and hit her head.
I can’t do this. Not anymore. It’s too much. The screams of people in my ears, the figures in the shadows grabbing at me. Always. And sometimes I can’t stand the nescience of the people around me. Another scream. How did the blood get there? It must be the shadows…
Title: The Cathedral.
In the middle pow; footprints of blood linked the altar..
On the altar, wisps of flames hung beneath heads of serpents. Each head wears the ring on father Benediclt index finger, after Mass, he would snigger touching foreheads; saying “heads of heads”
The serpents whispered:
“Capitibus De Capitibus” echoes.
I was at home reading a book. Then I heard this sound coming from the wall and I went to listen. The half monster half man took me through the wall and was stabbing me all over my body and took me to his river and set me on fire.
I’m half girl half devil My mom just finished killing me after I Finished killing my own brother She left her own home and took everything with her. She fished killing her husband too. My own mom said I don’t care if I killed my own family. I’m not going to jail.
Veronica slipped down the stairs and felt something in her lower back crunch. Her legs no longer moved. Her cell phone out of reach, she cried for help. Something in the dark corner of the room hissed and laughed. She could feel it watching her. But it merely stood there.
Room 13
“Housekeeping?” she called,
The door stood ajar.
A crushed bed and busted television welcomed her.
Light under the bathroom door. She opened it.
Neither detective, coroner nor the motel manager knows what happened to her.
Or to room 13. In its place stood a gaping hole between 12 and 14.
Together Forever
“Cheers to the happy couple.” Someone toasts from within the crowd. My bride and I take a sip from our glasses. Everyone at the reception does the same. “Now,” my bride says. “We can be together forever.” I feel a tickle in my throat and hear coughing in the crowd.
If You’re Reading This…
If you’re reading this, it means I have escaped the monstrous creature following me. Though I do have some bad news for you, I’m afraid. It will be stalking you. I’m sorry. Don’t worry, I have a bit of advice for you to stay alive as long as possible. Run!
Title: Conjuration
Crescent darkness engulf pretty corners, it was a moonless cloud, my legs were carved in as I invoke Satan upon Humanity.
The grave winds blows; He is here, the pages of a magic book open; candles died; wisps of smoke resurrecting, into the curtains, a reflection crashed in. Lucifer
Cruises are an excellent way to relax and a fun way to travel. My wife and I are taking one for our anniversary. It should be a lot of fun. And the best part is, they will never find the body. The ocean is so very huge, after all.
Theme Park
I have this great idea for a theme park. It would be horror movie themed. The patrons would have to survive the night in a horror movie scenario. So far, the test park has been great. The only problem is, no one’s survived to tell their friends about it.
I’ve been stuck in this bathroom stall for over an hour. I can’t leave. There’s something in the bathroom pacing back and forth and I think it’s waiting for me. I don’t dare glance over the stall, either. Whatever it is has been growling my name the whole time.
I smelled it on your breath. I pretended not to. But I thought of the last time. You needed it. But you were so afraid of yourself that you tied your hand to mine. Sirens. Lights. That’s how they found us. My hand was around yours, warm. Yours was not.
I found the key to immortality. I’m certain that I’ll live forever. In fact, I’m already a few hundred years old. But this modern age is making it harder to stay alive. With cameras everywhere, it’s going to be easier to get caught while grabbing my victims.
Normally I love the rain. It feels great against your skin and the sound is so soothing and relaxing. Today, however, it is not. The sounds of screams and panicked shrills fill the air as the people run for cover. For some reason, the rain is burning their skin.
I’ve always been a little creeped out by the fog. You can’t see far when it’s thick and it always feels like something is watching you from inside of it. People laugh when I tell them this. But who’s laughing now? Everyone the fog has touched today has vanished.
You shouldn’t leave your drink alone at the bar. You never know what someone may slip into your drink. Take the woman I’m staring at now. She doesn’t know that I slipped a dangerous substance into her cocktail. In about forty minutes, she will kill everyone she’s ever loved.
“Thanks for your help Susan! Expect me back at 10 pm.”, said Mrs. Dawson as she left. The children asked for a bedtime story. Susan pulled out a book covered in symbols. The children backed away, eyes round. “Come here. Your mom only gave me until 10pm to sacrifice you”.
As I sunk into the darkness, I could hear my ribs cracking in my chest. Mouthfuls of cold water filled my lungs. Each breath felt like a metal restraint was closing tightly around my neck. The last thing I saw was a massive set of jaws rising from the abyss.
My name is death I live In in the woods with a little creepy doll named Bones. I say a dead human baby so I went up to one and look at it and ate it. My doll named Bones came to life killing everything in the woods.then died.
Once upon a time
It always starts the same, it always ends the same.
Same old places, same old people
Same problems, same miseries.
This infinite loop I have to suffer through.
They call me a hero, they praise my name.
I defeat the villain, I get the girl.
Not one more time.
It was a late November evening. The wind whipped sheets of softened ice through the thick blanket of darkness. The bitter cold threatened to burst open the pipes to the old house. Jenna heard nothing except the sounds of the howling storm outside… not even the man approaching from behind.
I lived with my boyfriend named Storm. We lived in a dark small house in the middle of nowhere. Just a dead dog and a knife and an ax. My boyfriend asked for some beer and I we don’t have beer. So my boyfriend said ok then he killed me.