4,463 thoughts on “$500 Halloween 50 Horror Word Story Contest 2019

  1. Silky Death

    I woke up groggy in a deserted barn. How did I get here? Last thing I remember was the cocktail party at Arachnea’s. Something hairy crawled on my neck. Before I could brush it off, silky strings began wrapping my face. Multiple eyes stared at me. Eyes belonging to Arachnea!

  2. I saw a little baby boy that just finished eating a little girl. And had a really long knife in his hand. And the boy was bleeding from his nose and said a monster went up his nose and ate his brain. And the boy turned into an evil monster.

  3. Not Alone

    I was reading in my living room last night when all of a sudden, I heard footsteps walking down the hallway. When I got up to look, it was my wife dusting the furniture. What made this unsettling is that I killed here a year ago today.

  4. Fool

    The cursed skeleton sits on top of the coach that travels the same dirt road, year after year, on Halloween. The curse can be lifted quickly if the skeleton would but tell the evil witch he is very, very sorry. But he’d rather make the annual trip. More fool he.


    He stood naked, his skin blue, his whole body trembling, icy water running down his legs, forming a pool at his feet.

    “Happy birthday, John.”

    He opened the box.

    “Here’s the receipt,” Ethel said, smiling. “We can return it if it doesn’t fit.”

    John pulled on the straitjacket.

    “Absolutely perfect.”

  6. What Should I Believe
    On a breezy evening in a lonely beach with my brothers sleeping. Hearing faint groans from behind, I turned to meet an man coming with a bamboo stick and a white towel around his waist. With him almost closing in on me, I woke up with my friends around me.

  7. Skin

    When I woke up, my cheek felt hot, itchy, and inflamed. The reflection in the mirror revealed an infected and pulsating wound. As I touched it cautiously, my skin began to bubble and boil. Suddenly, it burst and hundreds of spiders poured out of it spilling into my open mouth.

  8. Existential Card Game of a Prisoner’s Dilemma

    When my journey through time was complete, I realized the glue I’d eaten as a child bonded me completely to my past. The parents I wished I’d never been born to; The husband who cheated on me; the tumor roiling inside me, playing cards on a Saturday night Vegas strip.


    The fresh rainfall had seriously helped
    “I really believe that Oingo Boingo was an overlooked seminal rock band “
    With every fabrication
    his army of indestructible
    godless marionettes
    continued to ‘grow’
    The world soon rue the day that that dumbass Geppetto choose to wish upon that shooting star


    My hands shook as I dragged Tom’s lifeless body to the basement incinerator, leaving a trail of blood.

    “You’ll never hurt me again,” I said, while tossing my ex into the flames.

    I turned and screamed. “Tom!”

    I’d killed his twin.

    He laughed as he pushed me into the fire.

  11. My Own Little Contest, 2019 Edition

    I quench my murderous thirst with brilliant victims only; once a year the opportunity arises, and this year, it just so happens that a silly Halloween short story contest provides me with my chance. The majority need not fear, for they are far from fulfilling my prerequisites. Winner, I await.

    1. ?? ☠️??
      APB: The Short Story Contest Killer (A.K.A. Daniel Ladondo)

      I heard about this writing contest that requires 50 words with a Halloween Horror theme. So I wrote two stories and submitted them. But there’s a catch. Isn’t there always? Could this be my last story? Oops, I missed the 50-word mark. Phew, (typo) I just might be safe this Halloween.

  12. Supernatural Chorus

    In a forgotten red cabin, in the middle of the forest.

    A witch wielding a baton, leads a supernatural chorus.

    Hair-raising, spine-chilling, calamitous sounds invade the air.

    Their medley of mayhem lures in unsuspecting listeners, filling them with dread and despair.

    Cover your ears, sing along only, if you dare.


    It was so dark outside and the terrifying noise was getting closer! She ran down the pier, jumped in the water and wrapped herself around a slimy pilling. She turned and saw the most horrifying eyes. Suddenly with the deepest voice it said, “I can get you whenever I want!”


    Cognizant from his earlier epiphanies..
    He, Beetleguese and Bloody Mary had started a support group..
    Candyman figured that there had to be a way to break this curse…
    Perhaps he would re enter into negotiations with the Cenobytes..
    Perhaps get into another roe with Bram Stoker, down in HR?

  15. Heirloom

    We Buried my brother today. Suicide. He thought something evil was haunting him. He’d been medicated, institutionalized, shocked and secluded. He found his own way out. I wish I could tell him I’m sorry. Or had listened more closely. Because, when I got home, it was on my couch. Laughing.


    There’d been clues all along..
    The fecund musk..
    The half eaten pine cones..
    The enormous muddy footprints upon her new Persian was the last straw
    A Gigantopithecus bipedal hominid / Ohma / Bigfoot…was stalking her..

    She departed for cooler climes immediately

    The paleontologist figured she rated a Yeti, at least

  17. Demonic Grin

    I awake startled and open my eyes. There she is, sitting on top of me, her face close to mine. I can see her black eyes, outstretched grin and jagged teeth. Her jaw repeatedly snaps open as she grabs my neck. Her eyes lock onto mine then…she begins to feast.

  18. Underneath

    My foot gently slides off the bed and immediately I feel the slight chill of the air conditioner brush against it. Suddenly my blood runs cold as I feel an icy hand tightly grasp my leg. Then, I hear a deep heavy whisper in my ear, “Try not to scream”.

  19. In the Hallway…

    I open my bedroom door and see a figure in the dark of the hallway. I blink twice, I freeze. The figure contorts its body and repeatedly snaps its head back and sniffs the air. Its head snaps forward and lets out a demonic shrill scream. Hungrily, it lunges forward.

    Entombed in their analog bunker
    They bristled
    When the call came in..
    Having to turn their keys
    Never let it be said
    That women lacked the intestinal fortitude
    To help turn the earth
    Into a nuclear nightmare
    They still serve
    … in hell now
    Conjoined sisters
    By their keys.

  21. In the Basement the Creature Lies, Run Quickly Before You…

    I run up the basement stairs, as I always do fearing the “monster” will get me. Halfway up the stairs, a cold appendage grabs my foot and yanks me down. Frantically I claw at the steps trying to free myself. Dark laughter echoes loudly as the basement door closes shut.


    Ropes tied around my wrists.

    The spotlights burn my skin.

    Tears stain freckles drawn on my face.

    People laughed and pointed at my arms flailing motions on the puppeteers lap.

    I screamed a voiceless cry to the world.

    Then sing a happy song.

    Please, I can’t take it much longer.

  23. The Trees Are Calling

    Just tree bark, as I took another step. It was eyes and fingers. So many eyes and fingers.
    The bark surrounding them turned black, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. A deep growl vibrated through me, before branches stabbed into every inch of me.


    The trucker walked into the darkness of the empty diner. He approached the waitress behind the counter. A knife in her hand, she shivered. “Are you alright?” He noticed the red stain on her uniform. Seeing him, her eyes widened in fear. The stain spread. “They’re here” she said. “Run.”


    I’d gaze at Juliet’s wishing for a different world, where tonight wasn’t the final encore. I wouldn’t let fate decide. I’d sink my prop knife into her stomach, her rosy complexion turning blue. She’d end life in my arms, as Shakespeare intended. Perhaps, I’ll make that decision in the moment.

  26. Hunted

    I open the door and a heavy black smog billows out. The smog fills my lungs and blocks my vision. I start coughing. My eyes feel like they are burning as they tear up. All of a sudden something sharp starts to poke into my back. I hear, “hello prey.”


    They plied her with LSD

    …her jaunts down the Rabbit hole… controlled


    The Warrblesword fell into her possession

    It’s power… intoxicating..

    And under her

    Followed legions

    Of cardsman

    Up out the microverse

    The subatomic


    Screams of

    “Off with their heads”

    ..the rallying cry

    Heard the whole complex ‘round

  28. The Test
    I jumped as it pierced my skin, my stomach—queasy and hollow. It’s only a matter of time. Unable to watch, I bit my lip hard and stared helplessly at the clock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. A poster below it read: Practice Safe Sex. A voice finally stated, “I have your results.”


    He was so nice and personable..

    A sweetheart, really

    Soon as the gloves went on, his whole demeanor changed

    He went cold

    eyes glazing over

    He looked right through me

    The bell rung

    The consequent beating was ruthless

    Ref stopped it first round

    Doc stopped me from swallowing my tongue.

  30. The Children

    The children liked to play in the dark. Without adults around, there weren’t any rules. Bobby approached the jogger because he was small and had kind eyes. Suzie started the game by plunging in the knife. Everyone had their turn. His screams were a symphony. It was time to feast.

  31. Arranged Marriage

    Mother helps me dress. A white gown, white shoes. “You are ready,” she whispers. My groom waits at the altar, all in black. He turns his face towards me. No eyes, his mouth a hideous slit. A claw rakes my face. I fall, blind, ravaged. Mother laughs, claps. Horror descends.

  32. Dinner Party

    “I couldn’t eat another bite,” he said to the other dinner guests. He slapped his fork and knife down on the tablecloth. The sound of clanking and chattering voices grew ever louder. This was going to be the second dinner party in a row where they couldn’t finish the corpse.

  33. He never saw it coming.
    Just a little brown boy walking down the street, minding his own business, skipping happily with his overflowed bucket into the night. Unaware of the prickly menace snatching him from below. Barely a scream before they dragged him under, never to be seen again.

  34. The Knife

    He watched the woman undress, adjusting his binoculars for the perfect view. She was still naked when he crept through her unlocked door and imagined his knife piercing her naked flesh. She noticed him as he lifted his knife. Her fangs sank into his throbbing throat. The hunt was over.

  35. Uninvited

    It was just after three when I woke to the sound of something lumbering through my apartment. I lay there unable to move as something opened my door. Something that wasn’t supposed to be there.
    From the darkness, I hear a cold raspy voice say, “What a perfect midnight snack.”

  36. Trick or Treat?

    The candy man went on a walk and was shot on Halloween.

    The ambulance couldn’t get across the sea of kid and tweens

    feasting on his flesh: chocolaty, sweet…

    …the same became of every kid ate who him.

    The night was dark;

    the air was crisp and smelled of sweets.

  37. Search Party

    It was late, and the search party was giving up hope. They knew that if they didn’t get inside soon, there would be more injured and missing. They signaled a halt and marked the area they’d searched. They’d pick up in the morning.
    Ten feet away, the survivors lay waiting.

  38. The Other

    There was the creak of a stair tread. I was instantly fully awake, heart pounding. My eyes, now opened, revealed that I was near the top of the attic stairs. I walked into darkness and felt a malevolent presence behind me. I could not turn to see. I was paralyzed.

  39. Here it is, my last breath. My heart stopped beating, but I can still feel my shattered bones. I can see the top of the building where I fell from, then it turned pitch black. Where am I? I can’t feel anything, see anything, hear anything, nor I can move.

    1. Trapped

      How did this happen to me? I was just walking home, but I never got to my door. I’m stuck in here, where no one can hear me. People pass by me and says I’m cute. Little did they know I’m screaming for help… because I’m trapped in this doll.

  40. The Climb

    Peter evaded the masked intruder and ran up the steep stairs nearby. After a minute, the long climb became easy. It was almost like he was…floating. Cringing, Peter looked down. The masked intruder was still stabbing Peter’s bloody body. Sighing, Peter looked up. He flinched at the blinding light.

  41. My hour…

    I was in a good dream. I woke up again in the same, dark place. I thought that I could be free today, but I am still here, praying for a miracle. I scream, horrified. Breathless.
    Please…somebody help me!!!
    Shhh..he is coming to eat his favorite meal.

  42. Trapped

    How did this happen to me? I was just walking home, but I never got to my door. I’m stuck in here, where no one can hear me. People pass by me and says I’m cute. Little did they know I’m screaming for help… because I’m trapped in this doll.

  43. Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop

    Monday: Can’t find dress shoes. Wore sneakers to work.
    Tuesday: Sneakers missing. Worked from home in slippers.
    Wednesday: Slippers gone. Co-workers made fun of socks with sandals.
    Thursday: Sandals disappeared. Sock drawer empty. Shoe store kicked me out because of bare feet.
    Friday: Problem solved. Woke up with no feet.


    Summer was almost used up. I felt the slap on my back and stopped in mid stride.


    The one who had tagged me, Deidre Black, disappeared into the woods at the edge of the playground. Something in the hot darkness growled.

    I heard the screams.

    And waited for my turn.

  45. Ok i have to finish now cause I’m late.

    The Basement


    The screams were coming from the basement. In his bedroom, the 8 year old boy shut his eyes tight and covered his ears with his hands to drown out the noise. The woman was dying. They all made the same sound when they died. He hated when they made mother angry.

  46. Abuse

    “Hi daddy. You were right. Sorry I didn’t listen.” Isabella looked up exposing her purple, swollen eye.
    “You know what you have to do Bella… go for the throat,” a deep voice whispered.
    Bella looked back at her reflection in the mirror as a sinister smile formed on her face.

  47. Man on the Inside

    The room smelled like bleach. She was tied down. The door clicked. “Who’s there?” She mouthed. She couldn’t speak. “I’m back for more,” barked a voice. Her voice. “They aren’t convinced. Your voice box wasn’t enough. I need… your face.” Scalpels. Needles. She screamed, but only in her mind.

  48. Survival
    Another week passes, civilization still nowhere in sight. The snow growing colder, harsher every minute. Our stomachs yearning for any food available. My husband and I looking less and less human. Is this how I die? No. A quick thump, a trickle of red in the vast white. Goodbye, love.

  49. The Hunter and the Hunted

    Sara darted behind a tree to catch her heaving breathes. She peeked around the tree trunk to verify her path was still void of her stalker. He means to kill her. He doesn’t realize that “cat and mouse” is her favorite hunting game and she intends to kill him first.

  50. SEANCE

    Protection oil was passed around the séance. The Exorcist sitting next to Beverly clutched his chest. With shallow breaths, he dropped the bottle and warned everyone to leave. “The Demons are here!”

    “Bullshit,” Beverly thought, driving home. The growl in her ear caused the crash. The bite marks killed her.


    We aren’t allowed in the sandbox. “It is dangerous,” they say. But I used to have a sandbox and it wasn’t dangerous. So I played in their sandbox anyways. But it wasn’t like my old one. I found the hand first. Then the rest of him. The head was missing.

  52. . . . Scream

    Rats squeaking woke me.
    Checked myself again:
    Broken step still through thigh.
    Neck broken.
    Paralyzed–a blessing: no pain.
    Breathing; still no yelling.
    Oh, something new:
    rat chewing my nose.
    Of course–soft tissue.
    Nope. Eyeball softer.
    Oh, tongue soft too.
    Rat in mouth.
    Neighbors might come if only I could . . .

  53. These Lovely Walls

    I can’t contain the black bloodied whimpers crawling on the walls much longer. Their silencing laughter, their peaceful breaking of bones, and the lovely victims I hatch from the outside. Each soul tortured, gutted carefully, and splattered on the wall. To create a masterpiece, a place that I call…

  54. Broken Bargain

    “Gold’ll never run out!”
    “No cheatin?”
    “Wishesss granted, no able changesss.”
    “Agreesss.” Snake undulates back.
    Crutchfield’s hoe slices. Snake’s head rolls off.
    . . . . .
    “Sheriff! Bedroom!!!”
    “Damn! Got a pulse?”
    “Hell, I ain’t checkin!”
    “Call the Coroner. And Vet!”
    “Look’t his eyes!”
    “He’ll be seeing all them snakes for eternity.”

  55. Sensory Deprivation Tank–FREE Coupon

    “Better than I expected. What’s the bowl of fish for?”
    “Goldfish nibble away dead skin.”
    “Do you remember Marci?”
    “No.” He did.
    “My sister arranged this coupon.”
    “Perhaps I’d–”
    “Relax. She’s long forgiven you.”
    Whirring of lid closing.
    “Oh; other fish nibble living skin . . .”
    “. . . like Piranha.”

  56. The Last Second

    The bus is empty. I have hope in this new city; a new life for me awaits.
    Yet I feel someone behind me, my curiosity turns me towards the reflection in the window.
    Alas, it’s too late, it has a knife lodged in my throat. I know what happens next.

  57. Things I Wish I’d Learned In School

    I spotted duffle bag in seat.
    Stencil reads:
    Rodeo gear! Buckles? Guns? Cash?
    Broke window. Snatched bag.
    Drove to Ma’s trailer. Dropped bag on bed.
    Tag reads: UTA DEPT
    HER . . . PET . . .whatever!
    Cowgirl? Pet? Reward? Maybe more!
    Unzipping bag:
    What the hell’s a pet Ology?

  58. Don’t Pick Dare

    “Truth or dare,” Lenny asked as the lightning flashed.
    Go outside, and don’t come back.”
    “Where am I supposed to go?”
    “Just don’t come back. That’s the dare, you have to do it.”

    The next day, Tommy went back. Blood trailed out the back door and Lenny was gone.

  59. All for One Family

    “Don’t be discouraged,” the mother said to her son. “You grow by eating the heart.”
    “But mom! The heart is so fatty!”
    “That’s because humans don’t eat like they used to.”
    “But we’re human, and we aren’t like them.”
    “That is why we’ll survive.”


      . . walking the seashore

      She’d lost him before, in the 1700’s

      Never again

      .. into the Sargasso they went

      The boy struggling against the brackish water

      “Shhh my love”…

      ” You return ..evermore ”

      Diving deeper into the undertow.. Her fangs extended, replacing fragility with immortality.. They swam the unlit depths together like piranha.

    2. Janie’s Crying

      Alone in the den, I awaited her parent’s return. Janie was asleep in her room, when I spotted a pair of ghoulish eyes peering from the barn window. The monster shrieked in the darkness. I ran to empty sheets and cool curtains blowing in a broken window. The creature vanished.

  60. The Doll
    I knew she was looking at me. I could feel her eyes looking through by soul. I turned around, and there she was sitting with her legs crossed on the floor with a needle in her hand. She pieced the needle into her stomach and blood poured out of mine.

  61. Wanker’s Surprise

    Turn on yer telly.
    I’m busy, Mum.
    Public Service. Some Egghead got a duffle stole outta his lorry.
    Don’t give a buggering, Mum!
    Listen!: Some wanker stole a zookeeper’s bag.
    Jokes on him when he opens it.
    ‘Magine the wank’s mug, Darby.
    Twas full o’two pythons!
    Darby . . . ?

  62. I Want to Break Free

    I can’t breathe. I struggle as the scaly, slimy claws pull me further down into the murky waters. As I get pulled further down into the darkness, I suddenly see a light. This is my chance to break free. The light is near; I’m going to make it, I’m…

  63. Higher

    “Let’s make a new rule,” Alice said as she positioned the arrow higher.
    “We can’t,” Roger said.
    “Fine, but next time I’m going to purposely miss.”
    “You know that won’t work,” Roger sighed.
    “I know,” Alice said. She closed one eye, then added, “Goodbye Roger,” and let the arrow fly.

  64. Listen to Learn

    The injection made him empathize with whatever truth he heard. His punishment was to listen to her testimony. After hurting the girl he loved the most, he could feel what he did to her. He couldn’t take the headphones off. They were watching. He listened to the tape again.


    He – in between



    Between time streams

    The device

    Had sped him up


    He was – as lightning



    Ordinary life

    Was a museum

    A statuette’s gallery

    And daydreams

    Oh well

    He thought

    Comforted in



    .. everything else..

    Was always also passing by

    At the speed of Life

  66. Intruder

    Hide in my shower, curtain closed.
    He’s wandering: bedroom, hall, . . . now bathroom.
    Pisses, hitting seat and floor. Sniffs my perfumes.
    Stops, faces shower.
    My heart hammers, breath rasps; can he hear?
    My putrid fear reeks; can he smell?
    Pulls pantyhose off rod, sniffs, inhales.
    Returns to my bedroom.
    Bedsprings squeaking . . .

  67. Morbid Hobby

    Rarely do I have as much fun as when I mummify people. The squelching and squirting sounds their organs make as I remove them are just lovely, and my joy when I slowly pull their brains out through their noses is complete. It’s a shame they stop screaming after that.

  68. Picnic

    Terrence laid out the picnic. He smiled at Keisha, she smiled back. He opened some champagne. When he looked up, she was gone, along with everyone else in the park. A shapeless form stood before him. It grinned. Its maw stretched open as it leaned forward. Everything went dark.

  69. A noise
    When Emily was sitting alone in the house, she heard a noise from outside. She looked carefully behind the curtains, but no one was there. She started to draw the curtains to the center when something smashed through the glass. The window broke and a human head rolled towards her.

  70. USA Motel-room 224
    Day 1: BAM! Easy kill, small bug, behind microwave.
    Day 3: Smashed four. Called reception…NOTHING. Can’t get to…five at once.
    Day 5: I feel them inside. Gross! Lights off, don’t look!
    Day 6: I’ll get them all. Scalpel in hand. Ok, ready. Lights on…OMG…you FIRST!

  71. Answering Machine

    Stupid ghost tour. Angry vindictive spirits. Overpaid psychic’s frenzied running…smashing us apart.
    Ryan bellowing…left behind.
    Me mortified…alone at home.
    Later, begging entrance…winning over…making love.
    “Mine”, Ryan stated.
    “Yours”, replied.
    Then, Ryan’s voice, “Pick up…Please”
    Fowl, impossible breath in my ear, “MINE.”

  72. The last sound they heard
    It was a normal day until the shots rang high. The school was painted with blood and the smell of bodies left around. Silence spread around the school. Others ran for help only to greet the cement. And the only one left standing was the one who made the sound.

  73. The boy was home alone, with scratching being heard ever so faintly. Shivering, the boy left his warm, safe bed to investigate. Creeping out of his room ever so slowly, with only darkness awaiting him on the other side. The moment he submerged himself in the blackness, it took him.

  74. Almuerzo
    My stomach cramped violently. My face clenched. I stared regretfully at the empty burrito wrapper strewn across the trashcan. The small open-office consisted of five desks and ONE shared restroom. Sweat trickled down as I cautiously staggered towards the door. Another upsetting thought bubbled up: the bathroom fan was broken

  75. Everyone always tells me I shouldn’t trick or treat…I never listened. We walked along the sidewalk through crisp air and crunchy leaves, the night just beginning. Headlights hazily approached us as men in masks took my frightened friends. They left me behind, surrounded by candy wrappers and exhaust.


    “Sacrifice,” he says, “is the heart of salvation.”

    She takes the first bite: a thick, gelatin-redolent, aching thing, slick with blood. A last rite, a final meal.

    Her heart – the aforementioned sacrifice – thumps in his hand, overeager, not yet knowing it’s dead.

    Lapping her own blood from his hand, she, too, believes.

  77. From Below

    Hell broke loose when we discovered all the bodies at the cemetery were missing. My partner buried himself alive to bait the unsub, but when we dug him up after no one showed, he was gone too.

    All we found were the words “FROM BELOW” scratched into the coffin’s lid.

  78. The Crawling

    My son lay on the floor, open, emptied, quiet. And certainly not full of insects.

    I could have sworn.

    But there it is again! That crawling! I slowly, delicately reach up, feel the scurrying around in my eye, and smile.

    So that’s where you’re hiding. Now where’d those scissors go?

  79. Mother

    Nothing changed after mom died. Literally. The next morning, she made us breakfast like always.

    I was relieved at first, until she started to smell.

    Even as she decomposes, she tucks us in every night, kisses us, tells us she’ll see us tomorrow. And the next day. And the next.

  80. Infectious

    “What’s under the trench coat? You here to sell me a watch or something?” I chuckled.

    “I got a whale lice infection,” the man replied, “Like regular lice, but much bigger.”

    My expression darkened.

    “And yes,” he continued with a smile as he began to open the coat, “they’re contagious.”

  81. “The Vile Pendant”
    It was now I realize that the necklace was not loosening, I reach to pull the pendant, without any give! I start gasping for breath, and collapse to the ground, clutching the necklace. I feel my whole body begging for air. I shriek one last time, and slip into unconsciousness.

  82. The blackout
    It stood up and started to come towards me. I tried to get up, but my legs weren’t moving. It jumped up and started to tear my face apart. I screamed out in agony and everything went black. When I opened my eyes, I realized it was just a dream.

    1. All day and all night I deal with the most revolting, disturbing monsters you could ever imagine. Decaying zombies, ravenous werewolves, eight legged demons, and foul witches. You name it, I’ve hunted it. Unfortunately, I have to work overtime tonight, but I don’t know why they’re all carrying hollow pumpkins.

  83. “The Vile Pendant”
    It was now I realize that the necklace was not loosening, I reach to pull the pendant, without any give! I start gasping for breath, and collapse to the ground, clutching the necklace. I feel my whole body begging for air. I shriek one last time, and slip into unconsciousness.


    I killed my father for his crown, reveling in freedom from his constant quibbles. The crown sunk thorns into my skull, where they would forever stay, and suddenly his voice whispered within me, nagging beneath my skin, even as I try to rule, even as I try to sleep. Always.

  85. Life-Like

    “Daddy, I want that one.”

    I awake to see a little girl pointing at me enthusiastically. I can only stare back, unable to move.

    “Ah, yes,” says a man next to her, as my heart starts beating faster, “We just got this one in stock! Our most life-like doll yet.”

  86. Playtime
    I screamed. I know, because my chest burned as it emptied my entire breath. The vibrations ran through my strained vocal chords as I collapsed and folded over in the street. My eyes snapped shut in a desperate attempt to hold on to that final image. My boy…his ball…the car’s bumper.

  87. Trees
    Branches swayed in the wind as leaves fell to the ground. The forest rang out with screams of agony, some guttural, some piercing. Days and nights went by without a pause in the unbearable screeches. The noises emanated from deep within the trees, pain trapped within, begging to be freed.

  88. So we can keep posting stories until it hits 12 AM on October 26th 2019? Meaning the latest we can post is 11:59 PM of today, the 25?


    I am infertile, a fact that destroyed my marriage.

    I always wanted to have children like my sister. She had four.

    When she got pregnant again, I had her over to celebrate.

    It wasn’t easy, cutting open her belly, but worth it.

    Now I have a child of my own.


    I awoke to the smell of burnt hair and flesh. My vision, partially obscured by the hood, could see the leather straps that held me firmly to the chair.

    “Let’s go again.” My executioner said.

    I sighed and shook my head, cursing the world.

    Third time’s a charm – I hope.


    I woke up to find a fresh powder of snow had fallen, and a track of prints leading up to my porch.

    I found my front door was unlocked.

    I think something’s here.

    I live alone and am miles from civilization.

    The weirdest and most frightening part? They’re only handprints.

  92. Lucky Night

    The sounds grew louder, and my grin grew wider.
    Tap, tap, tap.
    Those shoes were my favorite kind!
    My heart really yearned for luck this time as my eyes locked in on my prize. As nimble as a monkey, my feet carried me onwards.
    Score! The eyes stayed in, nice.


    I heard a noise in the middle of the night. I’d had my house broken into before, so I grabbed my gun.

    I saw a silhouette in the darkness coming towards me and I fired!


    The body fell… the body of my son, sneaking back in from a party.

  94. Monster under the Bed

    “There’s a monster under the bed” my son tells me after I tuck him into his bed and head off to my bedroom.

    I check under his bed.

    “There’s no monsters under your bed. Go to sleep.”

    But he shakes his head, “No, not under MY bed, under YOUR bed.”

  95. Mother Knows Best?

    Shivers scurried up my spine as I headed for the door.
    My heart sank as the echoing sound accentuated the hollowness of the night. Instinctively, I looked to the left only to see—all bloodied and mangled, yet grinning—
    “Mum?” I whispered.
    Was that her heart coming for me?

  96. Thrice

    Marie, Isabelle, and Catherine waited in the foyer for their names to be called for the trial.
    She walked through the door. A scream. Quiet.
    She shuffled through the door. A snap. Deafening silence.
    She inched inside the office, saw only a long shadow. Then total darkness.

  97. The Hallway
    The beams of the corridor, shined on her body in the hallway with the power of a sapphire moonlight. The eyes gouged, the nails ripped off. The scarlet liquid form of love oozed out and twinkled, soaking into the carpet. All illuminated by the ever so stunning, haunting glow.


    The doorbell rang and I answered it, seeing a little boy dressed as a zombie on my porch.

    “Trick or treat!” He yelled, holding out his bag.

    “Trick!” I replied.

    Suddenly, the boys head rolled off his shoulders and down the steps.

    Bag still open, I filled it with treats.


    We should have known something was wrong when we first tasted the water. It was a little brown, but no more than usual in this apartment complex.

    We kept drinking it until it turned black.

    When they opened the water tank, they found the bloated, rotting corpse of my neighbor.


    They stared into the static of the television because that’s what the broadcast told them to do. They stared at it for several hours, unable to take their eyes off it. They stared unblinking and entranced.

    Eventually , the voice came back on and gave them a new command:

    “Kill yourselves”.

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