37 thoughts on “Word Search for Writers (Mondays)

  1. I have always hated word searches because I find myself creating words where there are not intended to be words. This may be the first one I ever finished. It’s much easier when I can stop looking for words you didn’t mean for me to find.

  2. Great. Stop back next week. I thought this one was pretty easy…but I’m not great at word searches either. Next weeks will be more difficult.

  3. See if you can find all of them and leave us a message. Everyone does these word searches, but no one wants to admit it.

  4. Great idea! This was pretty easy, maybe that’s because there weren’t many words to be looked for. I’ll definitely be looking forward to next week’s.

  5. I know it’s not Monday, but I did the puzzle and found all the names. Good way to spend time while your food thaws out.

  6. Do you remember the story about the governor’s clothes? Since no one wanted to be known as ‘stupid’ they described clothes that he wasn’t wearing as stylish and beautiful until a little child pointed out that he wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing? Well you said we’d know most of them, But I know only one. I completed the search and looked up the meanings of all. I’m proud to say my vocabulary has increased thanks to you. Now I just have to remember them. Thank you. Looking forward to the next.

  7. Here are ten words. Literary,rejection,imagination,perspective,review,character,protagonist,antagonist,description,category.

  8. Soter, you will be finding these next week 🙂 Sorry we missed the word search this week. It’s been a little crazy around here. It will be back on Monday, maybe even sooner…

  9. Sorry, no website, no book. I write and I’m trying to sell short stories, specifically horror. I do look forward to this word search though. Thank you for using my list.

  10. This may sound silly, but I feel a sense of satisfaction whenever I complete your word search in just a few minutes! I am going to celebrate with a cup of ground coffee. No milk. No sugar. Anyone care to join me?

  11. I have always loved word searches. This is great. Let’s keep the mind active and thoughtfully engaged. I am sure that many of the people who visit Selfpublishauthors.com would benefit from this. They are people who love to read and enjoy sharpening their minds.

  12. Nice word search, took some time.Indeed.You can also include famous birthplace,literary work,movements -countless puzzles. Aren’t there?

  13. Took 13:54 for me this time, though I stopped and did a couple other things. Our wordsearch software died in our last update (shrug). Dunno what happened, so we had to use a new off site software. I have done one of these in awhile. It was fun. Took me forever to find Skor. Anyway, beat my time if you can.

  14. Scored 300 points. Is that good or bad? Whatever it it, I always feel good after completing a word search.

  15. I’m torn…..should it be easy….so it’s relaxing….or should it be challenging, so it can be more entertaining……Suggestions….

  16. Here are ten words for Word Search.
    Spooky, Macabre, Menace, Ghoulish, Eerie, Sinister, Haunted, Horrendous, Stench, Ominous.

  17. Here are ten words for Word Search.
    Accomplice, Ballistics, Detection, Deviant, Evidence, Execute,Heinous, Incarceration, Miscreant, Weapon.

  18. Here are ten words.
    Dragons, Knight, Lords, Vassals, Fairy, Sprites, Centaur, Goblin, Sword, Minotaur.

  19. Here are ten Demon Names for Word Search: Agmon, Olmin, Draggiz, Mozranoth, Bergran, Rogrelor, Mazrol, Angroniur, Digman, Sarkath.

  20. Here are ten names of Halloween Costumes: Lich, Necromancer, Gorgon, Corpse, Djinn, Werebear, Werefrog, Medusa, Bigfoot, Gargoyle.

  21. Here are ten names of horror writers. StephenKing, HPLovecraft, CliveBarker, BramStoker, DeanKoontz, AnneRice, MaryShelley, RayBradbufry, JackKetchum and PeterStraub.

  22. This was my first word search and I loved it! Excellent break from writing. Took me about 5:00 min.
    I will definitely contribute my thoughts on phrases.

  23. It is possible to alter some parameters using configuration files located outside of the game on occasion. If you can’t find the game’s configuration files in the main directory, try looking for them in the game’s installation folder.

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