Join Our New Daily Book Club!
We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Daily Book Club, where we’ll be reading and discussing a classic novel together – one small section at a time.
How it works:
- Each day, we’ll post a short excerpt (around 2000-3000 words) from the current book we’re reading (10 mins or less for an average reader)
- You can read the section on your own time and then join the discussion in the comments
- Share your thoughts, reactions, questions, and insights about the day’s reading
- Engage with your fellow book lovers as we explore the story together (posting your social media is encouraged)
Why a daily format? Reading a full novel can feel daunting, but by breaking it down into small daily portions, it becomes a quick and easy part of your routine. You’ll be amazed how much progress we make just by reading a little bit each day!
Our first book will be Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. We’ll start the daily excerpts and discussion on June 1, 2024. It’s an amazing, adventurous novel that many credit as being the first in science fiction. If you haven’t read it, it’s a must read. If it’s one of your favorites reading with others and watching their reactions is priceless!
Whether you’re a long-time fan of classic literature or wanting to read more of it, Every Writer Classic Book Club is a great opportunity to finally check a novel off your “to be read” list in a fun, low-pressure way. Read along with the community and share your perspective!
We hope you’ll join us for this new way to engage with and discuss great books. Get ready to start reading Frankenstein with us on June 1st! You can sign up for our mailing list to get it by email or just come back to our site each day.
You can return here each day or sign up for our book club and get emails everyday as a reminder to come read with us!
Eric says
I’m in! I’ve read Frankenstein and love it, but I’ll read it again.
Sarah R says
I signed up, and am looking forward to this.
James says
I’ve read a little over half and never gotten through the book, so reading it in a book club might work. I’ll give it a try.
Aster says
This sounds fun though I will have to see it to understand how it will work.