All of these stories will be published in our digital print issue. Christa Planko has won a promotional package from our site. We want to say thank you to all the writers who submitted their work. This year had fewer entries, but many were very high quality.
200 Simple themes to inspire your writing
Themes are simple. Themes are complex, but themes are the stitching in the fabric of our understanding. Most people start
Mark Twain on First Getting Published (1906)
Mark Twain on First Getting Published (1906) My experiences as an author began early in 1867. I came to New York from San Francisco in the first month of that year and presently Charles H. Webb, whom I had known in San Francisco as a reporter on The Bulletin, and afterward editor of The Californian, […]
101 Themes, Subgenres, and Story Conventions
This expansive list contains 101 themes, subgenres, and story conventions that writers can explore in short stories and novels.
Real Living Vampire (1914)
This is a real account taking from eye witness testimony collected for the book Vampires and Vampirism published in 1919.
184 Daily Writing Prompts for Students
Here are 184 Daily Writing Prompts for Students with Rubrics . These could be for middle school or high school students. Some might be
36 More Types of Poems, Forms or Formats
Here are 36 types, forms, and formats for poems. Some of these are obscure, and some of them are very common. They are from all over world and many different languages and cultures. If you’re a poet or a writer you are driven to be better than you already are, and many want to go […]
Top 10 Early Vampire Poems
If you love vampires, and who doesn’t, then you’ll love these top 10 early vampire poems.
10 Short Stories You Must Read for Halloween
Vampires, werewolves, psychological thrills, or grotesque monsters, sink your teeth into these 10 Creepy Short Stories Every Writer Must Read for Halloween.
Top 11 New Literary Magazines
The world of literary journals is always expanding with exciting new publications launching frequently. As an avid reader and writer, it can be challenging
20 Rejected Successful Books!
Here is a list of 20 ridiculously famous and successful books that were rejected multiple times before being accepted and going on to great success.
50 Common Simple Writing Mistakes to Avoid
Here are 50 common simple writing mistakes to avoid. It helps a great deal if you just know these. Sure Grammarly and other grammar checkers will catch some of these mistakes, but more times than not you’ll find these very simple mistakes can throw off those checkers. It’s much easier to just memorize these and […]
Continue the Poem
This is our continue the poem page. Just like continue the story, we collectively write a poem together in the comments.
31 day October Writing Game Challenge!
Here is the 31 day October writing game Challenge! This is one writing game per day for the Month of October. See if you can do all of them! I
Haiku Duel
Each person takes turns writing a haiku that responds to the previous one. The goal is to create a themed chain of haikus.