Four volumes of Louis Gallo’s poetry, Archaeology, Scherzo Furiant, Crash and Clearing the Attic, are now available. Why is there Something Rather than Nothing? and Leeway & Advent will be published soon. His work appears in Best Short Fiction 2020. A novella, “The Art Deco Lung,” will soon be published in Storylandia.
50 Word Horror Story for 50 Dollars Contest
Welcome to our 2022 50 World Horror Story for 50 Dollars Contest. Honestly I had bad experiences with giving away money in contests before, so I am going to put down the ground rules!
January by Sylvia Ashby
Sylvia Ashby published a lot of poetry (CONSTELLATIONS, MEZZO CAMMIN, EARTH’S DAUGHTERS, etc.). Then she returned to her first love–theatre, acting and writing.
2022 50 Word Science Fiction Story Contest
We’ve never done this contest before. I was shocked when I realized we have never done a SciFi 50 word contest before. So we have decided to run one and see how it goes. Welcome to our 2022 50 Word Science Fiction Story Contest. We are looking for a story with science in it, and for it to be a complete story of course, as always.
The Only Love Haiku You’ll Ever Write Contest
This is a difficult contest. Honestly I don’t think a lot of writers will be able to do this one. If we get responses on this one, I’ll honestly be shocked. Welcome to our 2022 The Only Love Haiku You’ll Ever Write Contest.
6 Word Memoir Writing Contest
6 Word Memoirs are all the rage on the net and in writing communities right now. Everything from YouTube videos to TicTok, Twitter and Facebook all have hosted these types of contest.
2022 Horror Haiku for the Promo Contest
Welcome to our 2022 Horror Haiku for the Promo Contest! I love writing contests, big and small, so we are doing a couple more. These are always so fun to read, and we do read every single entry!
2022 50 Horror Story “for the promos contest”
Welcome to our 2022 50 World Horror Story “for the promos contest” contest. This is our long cold winter contest. Everyone seems to like these, we are giving out ads on our site and social media
Never-Ending Horror Haiku Post
Writing exercise: Can you write a Horror Haiku?
Never Ending 50 Word Horror Stories
This is not a contest. This is the post where we are asking you to post your 50 word horror stories. There are few reasons for this post. 1. I love 50 word horror stories. 2. I want place to collect them for our readers without our readers feeling judged by rankings.
6 Word memoir: Put your life into 6 Words!
Ok, this is not a contest. We are making a home for some 6 Word memoirs on our site. This is something that if you look around the web,
Journey Towards the Star by Herb Shippey
Herb Shippey is retired from full-time teaching at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton, GA, but still teaches American Literature and freshman writing part-time. His book Flying with the Spooks: Memoir of a Navy Linguist
Fruit-Flavored Marshmallows by David Lohrey
David Lohrey is from Memphis. He graduated from UC, Berkeley. His poems can be found in EWR, Terror House, Spillwords, and Dreich Magazine. His fiction appears in Eclectica, Storgy, and Literally Stories. David’s first collection of poetry,
Life With You by Kristina Pudlewski
It was December 23rd, only two days before Christmas. Children play outside in the snow and families rush into stores to get last minute items for their holiday gatherings. But I am in the hospital with you, Max, my love.
Hobo Christmas Remembered
Old toothless queen with rheumy eyes,
I’m seeing you again across a smoky fire,