I looked for the ‘Ten items or less’ checkout. This one read ‘Four items only,’ so I joined the queue.
Susanna’s Little Ghost
It started with a clock that was facing just slightly the wrong way. Of course, I didn’t think of it like that until much later. At the time I was sleepy and confused because the streetlight outside glinted off the clock’s shiny plastic surface and I couldn’t see what time it was.
Beneath These Boards by Michael Thomas Ellis
I’ve laid by her for ten years now
beneath these creaking boards
an axe between my long-gone eyes
a spectacle of gore.
Double Shift By P.D. Williams
I’m very passionate about the exciting work I get to be a part of each day here at the cloning lab. Everything about it always seems new to me. Mans’ seemingly god-like ability to create life from little more than a strand of DNA and a few tiny cells has intrigued me for a very long time.
Every Poem is a Catastrophe by George Moore
George Moore has published poetry in The Atlantic, Poetry, Colorado Review, North American Review, Valparaiso, and Orion. A finalist for The National Poetry Series
Nocturne by Doug Tanoury
I have been writing poetry all of my life and have been published online and in print. I have also published over twenty chapbooks of poetry, including: Detroit Poems, Chicago Poems and Art History. I live in Detroit, MI and if you were ever to visit Detroit you could see Scott Fountain.
Teachers by Ian Bentwood
The bell went. Class started but only seven of the twelve expected students had arrived. No surprise. Suddenly, Jezebel teleported into her seat at the front.
To Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin by Kaitlyn Bancroft
Kaitlyn Bancroft is a faith and culture reporter with The Salt Lake Tribune. Previously, she’s written for The Spectrum & Daily News (part of the USA TODAY NETWORK), The Denver Post, Deseret News, and The Davis Clipper.
2021 500 Word Very Scary Story Contest
Welcome to our 2021 500 Word Very Scary Story Contest. Every we used to run this contest every year, but we’ve skipped a few. People are just more interested in writing micro fiction instead of flash fiction these days, but we’ve decided to try again. We are looking for the scariest story you can send us!
Standing on the Porch at Night
Four volumes of Louis Gallo’s poetry, Archaeology, Scherzo Furiant, Crash and Clearing the Attic, are now available. Why is there Something Rather than Nothing? and Leeway & Advent will be published soon. His work appears in Best Short Fiction 2020. A novella, “The Art Deco Lung,” will soon be published in Storylandia.
Real Ghost Stories (Well Crafted)
We are looking for the best Written Real Ghost Stories. Any ghost story will do, we want to read them, and we want them to be real. The best ghost stories or paranormal stories
2021 Halloween Horror Haiku contest
This year we have decided to dig up an oldie but a goodie. Welcome to our 2021 Halloween Horror Haiku contest. People tend to have a lot of fun with this one. We are going to publish the top 3 haikus on a page…
Horror Art by Duncan Long
As a professional book and magazine illustrator, Duncan Long has created over a thousand cover and interior illustrations for self-publisher
Art by Paul Mudie
Paul Mudie is a horror illustrator from Edinburgh , Scotland . Qualified in Scientific and Technical Graphics from Edinburgh’s Telford Collage, Paul is best known as a cover artist…
2021 50 Word Horror Story Contest “Only For the Glory”
Welcome to our 2021 50 World Horror Story “Only for the Glory” contest. EWR has been on Hiatus for a good while. We have had many issues over the last year, but your fearless editor is working to get the wheels turning again. I can’t let Halloween go by without a horror story contest. […]