The critical faculty hesitates before the magnitude of Mr. Henry James’s work. His books stand on my shelves in a place whose accessibility proclaims the habit of frequent communion. But not all his books. There is no collected edition to date, such as some of “our masters” have been provided with; no neat rows of […]
How to Make an Epic Poem by Alexander Pope
HOW TO MAKE AN EPIC POEM by Alexander Pope It is no small pleasure to me, who am zealous in the interests of learning, to think I may have the honor of leading the town into a very new and uncommon road of criticism. As that kind of literature is at present carried on, it […]
Trick or Treat by Niles Reddick
We might’ve bought a mask at Woolworth’s twice in our trick or treating history, but mostly our costumes were either homemade, hand me downs, or thrown together from things around the house. Old bedsheets became ghosts, mama’s scarves were pirate’s bandanas, and her mascara became markings under eyes for solider or football characters.
Poem: Crossing the Brightman Street Bridge by Cynthia Elder
Cynthia Elder lives on the edge of Hundred Acre Cove in Barrington, Rhode Island, with her husband and their increasingly empty nest. Her poems have appeared in The Allegheny Review, Dog River Review, Plainswoman, and elsewhere.
How to Publish a Poem
This article, “How to Publish a Poem” is one of our old articles that was titled “How to Submit a Poem.” We have changed it somewhat, and changed the title, but most of the information is the same.
In Defence of Poetry by Percy Bysshe Shelley
IN DEFENSE OF POETRY from The Best of the World’s Classics 1909. The functions of the poetical faculty are twofold; by one it creates new materials of knowledge, and power, and pleasure; by the other it engenders in the mind a desire to Poetry is indeed something divine. It is at once the center and […]
Story: Goats and Windbreakers by Lorie L. LaPrelle
Lorie L. LaPrelle’s story of being a child and learning a new found fear. The story is one of misunderstanding and childhood terror.
Poem: pantoum for the parting by Nkateko Masinga
Nkateko Masinga is a Pushcart Prize nominee and the author of three poetry collections: ‘The Sin In My Blackness’ (2015). ‘A War Within The Blood’ (2016)
JOHN MORLEY by Born in 1838; graduated from Oxford in 1859; editor of the Fortnightly Review in 1867, and of The Pall Mall Gazette in 1880; elected to Parliament in 1883; made Chief Secretary for Ireland in 1886, and again in 1892; made Secretary for India in 1906; published “Edmund Burke” in 1867; “Voltaire” in 1872; “Rousseau” in 1876; a “Life of Richard Cobden” in 1881; and a “Life of Gladstone” in 1904.
How long is a short story? A question for the ages
The short story usually falls between 1,000 and 15,000 words. At around 15,000 words the novella is born. We are addressing the modern short story and not the ancient tale, fable, or sketch. There is no exact word length, and to
My 5 Favorite Northeast Ohio Bookstores
What does an aspiring fiction writer and full-time English teacher do for fun these days, you ask?
Why, visit bookstore after bookstore (after bookstore), of course!
My Interview With Mark Twain by Rudyard Kipling
You are a contemptible lot, over yonder. Some of you are Commissioners, and some Lieutenant-Governors, and some have the V. C., and a few are privileged to walk about the Mall
Top 107 Contemporary Short Fiction Writers
Here are 107 contemporary short fiction writers I feel you should read. I’ve looked around the web, and I didn’t see a large list of short story writer recommendations. I would really like to add to this list. I have picked contemporary short story writers who are “the best” of today or of at least […]
Essay On the Art of Fiction by Willa Cather
On the Art of Fiction One is sometimes asked about the “obstacles” that confront young writers who are trying to do good work. I should say the greatest obstacles that writers today have to get over, are the dazzling journalistic successes of twenty years ago, stories that surprised and delighted by their sharp photographic detail […]
Why superhero movies are so popular?
Some people love comic books. They are crazy for them, but many more people are enthusiastic about superhero films than anyone anticipated. Their popularity keeps growing. Four of the top 10 grossing movies of all time are recent marvel superhero films.