In the near future (I would say that many of us know it’s coming even though there...
Richard Everywriter (pen name) has worked for literary magazines and literary websites for the last 25 years. He holds degrees in Writing, Journalism, Technology and Education. Richard has headed many writing workshops and courses, and he has taught writing and literature for the last 20 years.
In writing and publishing he has worked with independent, small, medium and large publishers for years connecting publishers to authors. He has also worked as a journalist and editor in both magazine, newspaper and trade publications as well as in the medical publishing industry.
Follow him on Twitter, and check out our Submissions page.
Warning! This is a rant, walk away now if you are going to be offended or upset...
I'm not an expert on this, but I have spent a great deal of time reading articles...
Now, especially after a long, cold winter, we think writers might be looking for a way to...
Can you sleep soundly at night if you haven't written all the words you wanted to write...
Yep, you might have heard that Amtrak, the best and most outstanding passanger railway in the United...
The Self-Published Ebook Explosion was unthinkable just a few years ago. In 2007 when the first Kindle...
On display above is the literary wit of, our favorite 1800s author, Mark Twain. Twain is always...
Wow, this issue took a long time to put together. I wanted to do an issue all...
Joshua Radin’s music has created compelling emotional landscapes for such television shows as Scrubs,Grey’s Anatomy, and North...
Is it a good idea for writers to sooth that desire with a cruise? Will going...
Jonelle Summerfield will be featured in this months Every Writer the Magazine. The magazine (digital) will be...
Get Every Writer December 2013 FREE just for doing nothing! You don't have to sign up. We...
It's taken us a long time to write a list of self publishing companies. We have struggled...
Let’s get the hard part out of the way first. No writer coming up can survive on...