Should I Make a Blog or Static Page for Writers?
This article in one in a series of articles that address the issues of online promotion for writers. The first question to answer in the quest for online promotion is do I static HTML or blog?
It goes without saying that when you self-publish a book YOU are the one who has to promote it. You need a “platform.” So now the question is do you get a blog or do you just create a static HTML site? I’m sure already this sounds like blah blah blah to some of you. It is not as complicated as it sounds. A static site is just a page, like a picture with links. It does not have any dynamic content. The page just sits there and you drive traffic to it. A blog on the other hand is basically a program made up of many different kinds of code. It will have an easy almost email like interface where you can update the content as often as you want. The blog has little robots that do all kinds of things for you. The best thing about a blog is that it is VERY user friendly.
What is a Blog?
A blog is a website made of dynamic web language. It is a bunch of code that automates your interface, interactions, and other content. This means you can use a template with a blog and widgets and a bunch of other neat website treats. For instance if you want to make a new page on your site, you just go to your blog, log in and type the content, and the blog generates the page.
What is an HTML site?
HTML is the basic internet language. Makes up the internet. Every internet page has HTML, but it does not have dynamic content. Anything on an HTML page you put there and make it look the way it looks. It also has very little interactions with guests.
Pros and Cons
Blogs allow you to update content and build a rapport with an audience. If you have static HTML page, basically you have a 1 time visit, and that’s it. People seldom return to a internet page that does not change. When you are promoting your book on the web, it’s really best to promote yourself and your ideas as well. A blog will let you do this.
You also want to interact with your audience, usually, and get to know them. A blog has a comments section for each post, so you can build interactions and followings. Something you cannot do with a static HTML page.
If you have someone build your HTML page, you do nothing. It is very easy, but it does not have the options of a blog.
The Breakdown:
Static HTML site:
You build it and you’re done.
It does represent you on the web.
Represents you on the web
Allows you to update it anytime you like
Lets you build a followings
Lets you interact with an audience.
Skill level?
A blog is very easy to set up these days. If you can send email, you can run a blog.
A static HTML page is simply uploading a page that you build to a server. It may be difficult to come up with a well designed HTML page. If you hire someone to do this, they will stick on the web for you and leave it forever. It will be difficult to make changes to.
I recommend that you go with a blog. It give you far more options than a static HTML site. It is also just as easy to use and set up as an HTML site.
If your are interested in having your own blog the next question you have to answer is, should you use a free website or pay a hosting company? You can view the next article here (soon).