Welcome to our 2021 500 Word Very Scary Story Contest. Every we used to run this contest every year, but we’ve skipped a few. People are just more interested in writing micro fiction instead of flash fiction these days, but we’ve decided to try again. We are looking for the scariest story you can send us!
Standing on the Porch at Night
Four volumes of Louis Gallo’s poetry, Archaeology, Scherzo Furiant, Crash and Clearing the Attic, are now available. Why is there Something Rather than Nothing? and Leeway & Advent will be published soon. His work appears in Best Short Fiction 2020. A novella, “The Art Deco Lung,” will soon be published in Storylandia.
Real Ghost Stories (Well Crafted)
We are looking for the best Written Real Ghost Stories. Any ghost story will do, we want to read them, and we want them to be real. The best ghost stories or paranormal stories
2021 Halloween Horror Haiku contest
This year we have decided to dig up an oldie but a goodie. Welcome to our 2021 Halloween Horror Haiku contest. People tend to have a lot of fun with this one. We are going to publish the top 3 haikus on a page…
Horror Art by Duncan Long
As a professional book and magazine illustrator, Duncan Long has created over a thousand cover and interior illustrations for self-publisher
Art by Paul Mudie
Paul Mudie is a horror illustrator from Edinburgh , Scotland . Qualified in Scientific and Technical Graphics from Edinburgh’s Telford Collage, Paul is best known as a cover artist…
2021 50 Word Horror Story Contest “Only For the Glory”
Welcome to our 2021 50 World Horror Story “Only for the Glory” contest. EWR has been on Hiatus for a good while. We have had many issues over the last year, but your fearless editor is working to get the wheels turning again. I can’t let Halloween go by without a horror story contest. […]
Bram Stoker on Witches
For convenience, the masculine offender is in demonology classed under the female designation. According to Michelet and other authorities there were ten thousand alleged witches for each alleged wizard! and anyhow there is little etiquette as to the precedence of ladies in criminal matters.
The Sources of Hallowe’en
If we could ask one of the old-world pagans whom he revered as his greatest gods, he would be sure to name among them the sun-god; calling him Apollo if he were a Greek; if an Egyptian, Horus or Osiris; if of Norway, Sol; if of Peru, Bochica.
Evidence of Witches
For Halloween: The accounts and evidence against witches (those killed for being witches) are far more terrifying than the prospects of them being true witches.
5 Scariest Horror Movies of all Time
I just love watching horror films in October. This year I decided to find the movies I felt were really “scary,” and end with them. So here is my list of the 5 scariest movies of all time. From October 27th-October 31st I will be watching these movies.
Artwork by Mario Sanchez Nevado
Mario S. Nevado is a dynamic illustrator and Art Director based in Spain. With a solid style, his conceptual work creates an emotional impact on his viewer
Robert Louis Stevenson on Walt Whitman’s Style
A note from the editor Note from editor: I am going through and updating some of these classic articles/essays on writing. Some of these, are just so amazing. They are pieces of literary history. This particular piece is Robert Louis Stevenson’s review of Walt Whitman’s writing style. It’s a unique look from one famous mind […]
63 Questions Writers Love to Answer
Here are 63 Questions Writers Love to Answer. How do I know they love to answer them? I asked them on Twitter! About once a day I’ll ask a question to writers that addresses some issues in writing.
On Hanging a Stocking at Christmas by Charles S. Brooks
On Hanging a Stocking at Christmas (1920) by Charles S. Brooks As Christmas is, above all, a holiday for children, it is proper in its season to consider with what regard they hold its celebration. But as no one may really know the secrets of childhood except as he retains the recollection of his own, […]