The beautiful but barren Hymettus—the whole coast of Attica, her hills and mountains, Pentelicus, Anchesmus, Philopappus, etc., etc.—are in themselves poetical, and would be so if the name of Athens, of Athenians, and her very ruins, were swept from the earth. But am I to be told that the “nature” of Attica would be more […]
Ways to Sell Your Self-Published Book
Selling books on the internet has become a massive industry, but breaking into the market is very difficult. Here are some tips on how to build and sell your self-published books online.
The Late Great Edgar Allan Poe by Willa Cather
The Shakespeare society of New York, which is really about the only useful literary organization in this country, is making vigorous efforts to redress an old wrong and atone for a long neglect. Sunday, Sept. 22, it held a meeting at the Poe cottage
Death of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow by Walt Whitman
I have just return’d from an old forest haunt, where I love to go occasionally away from parlors, pavements, and the newspapers and magazines—and where, of a clear forenoon, deep in the shade of pines and cedars and
10 Virginia Woolf Quotes on Writing
We love Virginia Woolf, so we couldn’t resist adding her to the list of writers we’ve quoted. Again, these are her quotes about writing. We think these are Virginia Woolf’s best 10 Quotes
Walk At Night With Charles Dickens
In 1857 Dickens is believe to have taken these walks. He walked the streets of London at 2 O’clock in the morning. It is said that he had a lot of turmoil in his life at this time. The look at the streets of London in those early days is fascinating. The night streets […]
What it Takes to Write a Novel by Robert Louis Stevenson
This essay is a fascinating piece of writing that takes a look, by one of histories great authors, at what it takes to write a novel. Robert Louis Stevenson of course wrote 12 novels over his life time. He wrote the great novels Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Treasure Island. […]
5 Reasons to get a Degree in English Language and Literature
English Language and Literature courses have always proved to be extremely popular and are offered as undergraduate programs by most universities
Build a Successful Writer’s Platform
Writers who are looking to be professional and successful in today’s world are learning that it takes much more than a book deal to get you writing for a living.
10 Great Horror Short Story Collections
Here is our list of 10 “Greatest” horror story collections. Please do not get hung up on the tile of the article, and remember we are writing this (as always) from the perspective of writers. We are not just talking
Oscar Wilde Reviews W.B. Yeats First Book of Poems
‘The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems is, I believe, the first volume of poems that Mr. Yeats has published, and it is certainly full of promise. It must be admitted that many of the poems are too fragmentary, too incomplete. They read like stray scenes out of unfinished plays, like things only half remembered, […]
Free Writing, and How it Helps You Write Better
Stories only happen to people who can tell them. – Lou Willett Stanek Being a writer (a blogger, a copywriter, an academic writer, a poet – choose the right variant), you’ve heard about the phenomenon of free writing probably, even if you never used it yourself. Chances are, however, that you practice free writing quite […]
THE POET AS PROPHET James Russell Lowell
The Poet as Prophet James Russell Lowell Poets are the forerunners and prophets of changes in the moral world. Driven by their fine nature to search into and reverently contemplate the universal laws of the soul, they find some fragment of the broken tables of God’s law, and interpret it, half-conscious of its mighty import. […]
Introduction to Wilfred Owen’s Poems by Siegfried Sassoon
This is a wonderful Intro to Wilfred Owens book of poems by Siegfried Sassoon. If you haven’t read it, you should. It is a awesome little piece of history between 2 poets that had the greatest impact on all poetry that has been written after the Great War. Introduction In writing an Introduction such as […]
Robert Louis Stevenson on Style in Literature
“On Some Technical Elements of Style in Literature” from The Art of Writing and Other Essays by Robert Louis Stevenson There is nothing more disenchanting to man than to be shown the springs and mechanism of any art. All our arts and occupations lie wholly on the surface; it is on the surface that we […]