It was dark, and the party was going to start on the other side of the freshly-plowed south pasture anytime. Bob impatiently stomped through the damp earth toward the Thompson Farm.
100 Story ideas Categorized by Theme
Here are 100 story ideas categorized by theme every writer should write. Why should every writer write these particular story ideas? These are the basics.
How to Write a Cover Letter
Here are a few tips and examples of how to write a cover letter. In the old days, really not that long ago, it was customary to send a cover letter with your short story or poetry submission. For 100s of years it was customary to send a cover letter, but writers are following […]
How to Write a Writer’s Bio
This is to help those writers who are just starting out, and anyone having trouble. I’ll say this many times: this is friendly advice. It’s always
Poem: Mindful at Seven by Taylor Winchell
Taylor Winchell was born and raised in San Diego, California. He received a BS from UC Berkeley and an MS from CU Boulder. He currently works as a water resources engineer, focusing on development planning in the Southeast Asia region. His writing has appeared in KQED Public Radio,
Story: Disclosure optional by Keith Nunes
A middle-aged guy in a dark jacket and a patterned shirt sitting at a bar, a woman of a similar age in a deep purple dress walks over and sits next to him
Writing Prompt 6: Man in Your Backseat
Writing Prompt: It’s late. You got off the highway, slept for a little while,
Writing Prompt 5: Some in in the House (we will publish your story)
This is the oh my god don’t go in there, I’m so stupid for doing this writing prompt. Inspired by all those horror movies where you think the main character is stupid for doing what they are doing. Generally you disagree so much you are yelling at the screen
Creative Writing Prompt 4: Let him go alone writing prompt
Let him go alone: You let your son go trick or treating by himself. He is 10 now, and you feel like he is responsible enough. You tell him to stay on your block or the next. It’s a safe neighborhood.
POEM: to the bird who flew into my screen door and begged me to end its life by Ralph Bousquet
Ralph Bousquet is a poet and musician from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. His poems have been published in Ponder Reviewand The Reader. He attends New York University and lives in Brooklyn.
Story: The Cop and the Anthem by O. Henry
On his bench in Madison Square Soapy moved uneasily. When wild geese honk high of nights, and when women without sealskin coats grow kind to their husbands, and when Soapy moves uneasily on his bench in the park, you may know that winter is near at hand.
Other Games for Writers
We are giving this a try. It will be a 3rd party affiliate providing the game, but we hope you enjoy them.
Story: The Storm by Kristin Leprich
Describe the storm for me, would you? My brother speaks to me in a hushed tone, as if the shaking echo of a louder voice might break the sight in front of us. We sit on top of the tallest hill in our plain Midwestern subdivision, surveying the damage,or, in his case, the heavenly view. […]
Story: Trapped In A Bottle by Ruben Michael Molina
The sun sizzled the soft tanned skin of Alison Bailey, as she lay comfortably on her favorite azure beach towel; the soft gurgle of the ocean tide lulling her into a peaceful slumber. The beach was a place that Alison visited when felt the world shatter around her,
BookStore Submissions Page
If you are a bookstore owner, we want to list your bookstore! Please submit your information below. Your listing will be added to our pages. Please make sure you have a state listed in your information. We will be listing stores by state. We will promote your store to over 25,000 social network and email […]