I’m not an expert on this, but I have spent a great deal of time reading articles about how much money you can make on your self-published book.
10 Adventures for Writers
Now, especially after a long, cold winter, we think writers might be looking for a way to get out, have some fun, have an adventure. We have come up with 10 ideas that are simple and fun. We think they will help you get out, inspire, and give you time to write.
MFA Writers Vs NYC Writers, What?
Can you sleep soundly at night if you haven’t written all the words you wanted to write today? That really should be the only question that means anything. The genre is writing. The pay off is immortality, boom lets go.
Write on Amtrak!
Yep, you might have heard that Amtrak, the best and most outstanding passanger railway in the United States is giving free rides out to writers!
Ebooks and Big Publishing Houses: A Blip on the Book Publishing Radar
The Self-Published Ebook Explosion was unthinkable just a few years ago. In 2007 when the first Kindle hit the market readers were unsure about paying $399
My First Literary Venture by Mark Twain
On display above is the literary wit of, our favorite 1800s author, Mark Twain. Twain is always entertaining, and you can tell from any of his writings that he is just so gifted. We used to publish classic pieces more often, but the internet is changing. I love looking into history like this, through the […]
New Every Writer the Magazine
Wow, this issue took a long time to put together. I wanted to do an issue all on the Short Story, and I wanted to high-light the stories we loved most from 2013. It turned out to be a big undertaking. The problem became a long look at some of the stories we have published […]
Interview with Joshua Radin
Joshua Radin’s music has created compelling emotional landscapes for such television shows as Scrubs,Grey’s Anatomy, and North Shore.
A Cruise for Writers?
Is it a good idea for writers to sooth that desire with a cruise? Will going on a cruise give you chance to write? Is it a way to get some work done?
Art by Jonelle Summerfield
Jonelle Summerfield will be featured in this months Every Writer the Magazine. The magazine (digital) will be released soon. You can see more of Jonelle’s work in that issue. Jonelle has been exposed to art since childhood, as her mother was a painter. Jonelle took a few drawing lessons in high school because she thought […]
Happy Holidays!
Get Every Writer December 2013 FREE just for doing nothing! You don’t have to sign up. We are giving this one away, Merry Christmas…
Self Publishing Companies/ Print on Demand Companies
It’s taken us a long time to write a list of self publishing companies. We have struggled with it. Be very cautious when going this route.
Do Writers Need a Website?
Let’s get the hard part out of the way first. No writer coming up can survive on story alone today and even writing talent doesn’t guarantee you a spot on the stage. No one will pay you to write poetry
Get Paid to Post!
We are joining the ranks of literary and writers blogs who pay their contributors for posts! Writing Sense wants to support the community of writers, so we are now paying
Gifts for Writers
Here are the best and worst gifts for writer. These aren’t specific. They are not suggestions on how to buy the latest and greatest. They are the modern suggestions of best and worst gifts for writers