27 Huguenot St
Napanoch, NY 12458
United States of America
Does the Press Accept: :
Online Submissions, Unsolicited Submissions
Submission Guideline URL:
Information About Your Press:
Lanwyn Gardens Press is an Independent Publisher of books. We speak up for the people who can’t speak for themselves.
We publish books the mainstream presses tend to leave behind. Words that need to be spoken. Voices that need to be heard.
We have style. A thirst for the unusual, those subjects that are often disregarded.
The ideal books we want to find are the ones where someone took one glance at it on the shelf at the bookstore and realized it was something they wanted or even needed; a book they put in the pile of books they would sell to a used book store only if they were going to be evicted and needed rent money.
Year Founded:
What type of Submissions are you looking for?:
To All Writers, We Want YOU!
You are from a different world, with new ideas and different perspectives.
We want your voice to fill the cathedral, echo around the mountaintops, and explode off the page, leaving the readers talking about it for days, weeks, months afterwards.
Books we publish include poetry, fiction, literature of radicalism, gender issues, Queer Studies, erotica, cookbooks, photography, art and art history, books about writing and writers, country living, green living, simple living, outdoor recreation, gardening and organic farming.
Or if you have another great idea, feel free to propose it. We are open to most things, as long as they are not like everything else being published today. Just please, nothing conservative or prejudicial. If you have something like that, I’m sure it’s well written and thought out. Send it to one of the crazy Republican or Christian publishers, where it will be read and appreciated.
All manuscripts should be in 12-point type, with at least one-inch margins, and sequentially numbered pages. Fiction and nonfiction should be double-spaced. Poetry should be single-spaced. The author’s name, address, telephone number, and email address should be typed at the top of the first page. Contributors are asked to include a brief biographical note with their submissions.
Submissions may be sent to us at any time, year-round.
We accept multiple submissions, since we feel that it’s unreasonable to expect writers to give a magazine an exclusive look at a work unless the publisher can at least respond with general comments about a work within two to three weeks. We want writers to have every possible opportunity for success, so we’re willing to risk losing a story we want when another publisher may have done their reading before we have, and in that case we’ll be sorry to lose the piece but happy for the writer.
We understand that writers have to make a living, but we hope you too understand that small presses have to do the same. With that in mind, in order to avoid having to charge an annoying reading fee, we are only able to pay in copies of the book. This may change in the future as we evolve, but at the present time, please submit us work with this understanding.
Art Book Publishing Company, Book Publishing Company, Erotic Book Publishing Company, Food and Wine Book Publisher, Independent Book Publishing Company, Lesbian Book Publishing Company, Literary Book Publishing Company, Non-Fiction, Poetry Book Publishing Company, Self Help Book Publisher, Small Publisher, Takes Queries, Taking Submissions, Travel Book Publisher, Women\’s Studies, Zen Book Publishers
Post Views:336
Reader Interactions
Homer Smithsays
My name is Homer Smith, I would like to know, what’s the coat of your packages. What does your package consist of? What’s my profit from each book? What’s my profit from each e-book? Do I price my own book? Do I have all rights over my book? My book is a finished product, it’s erotic.
G David Schwartzsays
I, G David Schwartz am the author of three books. I am currently retired and volunteers for Meals On Wheels In Cincinnati, Ohio.
This gives me time to review books. Thus I am asking if you have any nonfiction or poetry books you would like to have reviewed. My own work is in religious and literary work, and I have reviewed books the past.
Thank you.
G David Schwartz DavidSchwartzG@AOL.com
1211 Morts Pass
Cincinnati, Ohio 45215
Monika L Mannsays
I have an idea for a book for HR people… managers..social workers and more.. on dealing with REAL transgenders in daily life.. Are you interested?
My name is Homer Smith, I would like to know, what’s the coat of your packages. What does your package consist of? What’s my profit from each book? What’s my profit from each e-book? Do I price my own book? Do I have all rights over my book? My book is a finished product, it’s erotic.
I, G David Schwartz am the author of three books. I am currently retired and volunteers for Meals On Wheels In Cincinnati, Ohio.
This gives me time to review books. Thus I am asking if you have any nonfiction or poetry books you would like to have reviewed. My own work is in religious and literary work, and I have reviewed books the past.
Thank you.
G David Schwartz
1211 Morts Pass
Cincinnati, Ohio 45215
I have an idea for a book for HR people… managers..social workers and more.. on dealing with REAL transgenders in daily life.. Are you interested?