2Leaf Press
From the Publisher
2Leaf Press’s mission is to publish books of passion and purpose that also celebrate the authentic voices of multicultural writers, because we recognize the need for writers to breathe on their own without suffocating the premise of multicultural literature to death. Oh, by the way, we consider all writers multicultural. 2Leaf Press is an imprint of the Intercultural Alliance of Artists & Scholars, Inc., (IAAS), a NY-based nonprofit organization that promotes multicultural literature and literacy.
2Leaf Press is interested in publishing literary works, specifically poetry, memoir, narratives, and non-fiction; anthologies and collections of essays and short stories; and novels and historical works as they pertain to literature.
Editors Name Gabrielle David
Does the Press Accept: Online Submissions
Year Founded 2012
Address PO Box 4378
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
United States of America
Email gdavid[at]2leafpress.org
Submission Guideline URL
Twitter https://twitter.com/2leafpress
Category Book Publishing Company, Current Affairs Book Publisher, Ebook Publishing Company, Literary Book Publishing Company, Literary History Book Publisher, Non-Fiction, Personal Essays, POD, Poetry Book Publishing Company, Pop Culture Book Publisher, Political Book Publisher, Reprints, Short Story Publisher, Small Publisher
Hie i have a collection of poems that need to be published
I am an amateur writer and want to publish self written book consists of four short stories based on how couples
make their stage to get married in Indian culture and the book is named as ‘Between the lips and a cup of tea.”
The book is in html pattern and is yet to get published, total number of words are of more than 10,000.
Dear Publisher,
My poem with computer designs has just been published by Austin Macauley Publishers in London. In view of the approaching London Bookfair on April 14-16 in Olympia I would be very honoured if you would like to take the opportunity to look at the actual book. The poem can be read in 10 mins. I would be even further honoured if you would consequently be interested in considering its publication in your country and respective language.
Here I quote Flo Conway, editorial director of Stillpoint Press in New York:”In 1997 I worked closely with Alexandra Psaropoulou on the text and structure of her books- an original and unique conception that gives voice to the inner yearnings of today’s youth for a spiritual wholeness crafted from the fabric of life’s small, seemingly inconsequential moments lived every day. I was impressed with Alexandra’s commitment to her vision and her willingness to engage the hard work I required of her talent.
Although I was not able to bring Alexandra’s work to fruition in the U.S. I recommend Alexandra as a visual, poetic artist and personality on the cutting edge of a young, new, global sensibility”
I include a sample pdf of ALL THE STARS and I would be most grateful for your feedback
Yours kindly
(Amazon, kindle, Youtube: Austin Macauley-All the Stars-Alexandra Psaropoulou)
My name is Omer Zamir. I am a young Israeli- American poet currently living in Maine.
I am looking for a publisher for my poetry book.. could I send it to you?
All the best,
Dear publication,
I have come with a book with full of life and adventure, its my wish to be a part of your publication and be published, as I can’t afford to publish it by my pocket, but still, I have learnt a lot about you and found to be distinct from other publishers, Waiting for your positive reply or you can say, ‘opportunity’
Mayur joshi.
i’m writing a book called ‘Abused’. it’s not finished yet i have a couple chapters done. I just started it a couple days ago.I’d love if you could. I need someone to read it over and make any corrections needed when i finish. It should be done in a year. email me if you can publish it or want to read it to see if you like it. thanks for your time.
I write novels and care that my works be publisshed by you. I have finishefd masters in nigeria.
I’m a poet who is seeking publisher
As you know I am contacting you to plead my case of having my book considered for Publishing. The name of my book is “Words do Make a Difference”
I have been led to write the words that can make a difference in others lives. We know that words can build up or tear down. We aim to build up, and instruct others what to do or not to do when they are challenged with life.
There is over 13,000 words that is written to challenge the mind. I use an insight of wisdom which comes from experience and other people lives. Again, I answer questions you might not have known how to handle.
You will find some Poetry which represents me along with knowledge and love.
I hope that you can give my an opportunity to share my work, with you and possibly be published.
When you are looking for dedication and hard work, to make it work that is me.
This will be my second book submitted. the first one was published in 2010, and it did well, but I will do whatever I can to make this one better.
Irene Grace
hello i started to write a fiction book and i got the first 50 pages done its about a fog dome that starts taking over 2 citys and these 2 girls julian and sara has to fight there way out and try to live before the fog gets them if it seem like you like what i told u so far or want more info about my book plz call me at 337-281-9139 name edmon fontenot
Hello I am Jack Gibbs I am a promoter of this book “Did You See That” this book is based on the movie which will be a trilogy. In essence this is the first part, Lawrence Gibbs has a written book that we would like to have given major distribution. Below is a link to a page with more information on this project we are working on. This book is a novelization of the movie: “Did You See That” Thank you for your time and consideration.
818 310-9886
lawrence.gibbs.519@my.csun.edu (author)
(818) 310-7583
I have a young readers novel of 97,000 words set in the Caribbean in 1555. Would you consider such a manuscript? I also have three as yet unpublished works yet to submit..Regards David Dale
Please forward me information regarding short story publications,
book/story publishment and copyright establishment.
Dear Ms. David,
I have compiled a book of short stories about riding the bus in Detroit Michigan and I’m looking to be published on a broad scale. I was hoping that perhaps you would allow me to submit my manuscript (online) to your esteemed company so you can give it a read and see if it interests you. I see you have an avenue in which to do so, but I think it would be appropriate to touch bases first. I’ll eagerly await your reply and if you’re interested, I will get this manuscript (untitled at this point, though I have several options) to you promptly and we’ll go from there.
Thank you for your time and careful consideration and I will look forward to your response. Sincerely,
Gary T Winslow
Hello, my name is Tityanna Ford and I’m looking for a publisher to submit my work to. I do a lot of poetry, short stories, and quotes as well. I have been trying to get my work out to the world for people who can relate to it and know that they’re not alone in feeling how they feel. I love writing and have been doing poetry since I was a kid. If it would be alright I would like to show you some of my work and see what you think. My number is 313-623-3606 thank you
My name is Hannah-Ruth Yarrison. I am 19 years of age and I have been writing novels since I was in the sixth grade. It took me six years to complete my first novel due to it being hand written at first and then having to go through the editing process. I am in the middle of my second novel and I would really love to get started on trying to become an author. I would love to hear back from you and thank you for taking the time to read this.
Hannah-Ruth Yarrison
Per their website…
Per their website …
I have a completed manuscript, 950000 words, 57 chapters. This book is based on a real life story of my incarceration. Within this, I focus more on the practices that I saw unfolding in the normalcy of daily life. It is these shameful sayings and doings that take place in cells (or cages), showers, exercise yard, at association, workshops (or sweatshops), and the wider prison environment, that captured my attention. And yet, such sayings and doings are often reported only to give a superficial understanding of real life behind bars. No matter how shameful or embarrassing, it is the richness with meanings of such lived experiences that I pay particular attention to, and thus, telling my prison story like it is, and as I lived and shared it with other inmates. My aim is to give a truthful statement of facts about life in jail, particularly focusing on what we hear much less about. I will use the terms jail and prison interchangeably.
Out of date, I think.
I live in Ethiopia. I want to print a book. But I do not have the capacity to publish. I do not have the ability to interpret English book also inflict. Speaking little English and preferably not possible to publish the book and might agree to send a snapshot of the history of the story happened again I ask, either alone or in print If the story Translating from
best regard
Good morning,
In submissions, are you looking for an entire book/memoir or sample/introductory pages to see if it peeks your interest?
Dear sir
i have written poems and i want a good publishing house for its mass publication
they are no longer accepting submission
I have finished a book titled “Color me darkness: Treating emotional problems in the high school.” The book describes my work as a clinical psychologist over a fifteen year period. I am a licensed level psychologist with extensive experience in clinical practice, teaching, research, and writing. I am unwilling to self-publish.
Empowering authors.com is available and it could bring thousands of clicks to your current website. This is a high demand domain due to the amount of traffic it brings and it could be used in addition to your existing domain name! Give us a call while it is still available!
Thank you.
Joshua Boggues
I’m looking for a publisher as a new author my book is personal more spiritual and motivational
The submission guideline page is not there.
Is this a traditional Publishing company .
Hi, I am 17 and writting a book that is a memoir and a inspirational story. This is my first time doing this and I am not sure really hoe=w. My book is not that long but its 28 pages. I really want to publish this because I have not had a normal life. I want to help people who have been in my shoes. Please help me with this. I really want this to become a book.
I have a xhosa novel that ive written. I want to know if you also publish xhosa books
As at 22/10/21, this message is on their website:
“2Leaf Press is no longer accepting submissions.”