Ex-L-Ence Publishing
From the Editor
Ex-L-Ence Publishing is here to publish your book. We initially specialised in publishing eBooks, using the Amazon Kindle platform. However as of July 2012 we started publishing (both our back catalogue and new titles) as physical books. We offer a specialist service to allow you to get your book published promptly. We are NOT a vanity publisher who charges you for publishing your work. We get your manuscript ready for publication without it costing you any money, and then we pay you 50% of net royalties (See our agreement for full details).
Any factual or fiction titles.
Editors Name Robert Agar-Hutton
Address Deepfurrow Bungalow
Main Road
Minsterworth, Gloucestershire GL2 8JH
United Kingdom
Does the Press Accept: Online Submissions, Unsolicited Submissions
Email robert@winghigh.co.uk
Submission Guideline URL http://www.kindlebook.me
Year Founded 2011
Adventure Book Publisher, Current Affairs Book Publisher, Crime Book Publishign Comapany, Drama Book Publishing Comapany, Ebook Publishing Company, Fantasy Book Publishing Company, Food and Wine Book Publisher, Garden Book Publishing Company, Health Book Publishing Company, Historical Book Publishing Company, How To Book Pubulishing Company, Humor Book Publishing Company, Independent Book Publishing Company, Inspirational Book Publishing Company, Literary Book Publishing Company, Memoir Book Publisher, Mystery Book Publisher, Non-Fiction, Philosophy Book Publisher, POD, Poetry Book Publishing Company, Political Book Publisher, Printing and Binding, Psychological Book Publisher, Religous, Reprints, Romance Book Publishing Company, Science Book Publishing Company, Science Fiction Book Publishing Company, Self Help Book Publisher, Short Story Publisher, Small Publisher, Spiritual Book Publisher, Takes Queries, Taking Submissions
I am working on a book re basic ballroom dance instruction. Can you tell me if there is a viable market for such?
Thank you.
Dear Mr. Agar-Hutton, I am the author of three (non-self published) books. I would like to submit to you the manuscript of A Pea Coat Goes Home. The story is of a coat my father gave to me when I was a young boy. He wore it during World War 2 and romanced my mother in it. I wore it in my youth and kept it throughout my life until donating it to the ship (which is now a museum ship) that my father served on during the war. Seventy years after the coat was issued to my father it has been returned to its place of origin. It will soon be displayed in a glass case only a few feet from where my father worked as an aviation machinist aboard the aircraft carrier Lexington. It is the only identified coat in the museum’s collection.
I’ve visited several ship museums and their bookstores and believe A Pea Coat Goes Home will be an extremely saleable item due to its brevity.
I look forward to your response and will send you the manuscript upon request.
Les Rolston
I’ve written a manuscript that I would like published. It’s a novel about a superhero and I plan to work on the comic soon. Please contact me at 818.689.6826. I would like to know more about your publishing. Thanks.
Dear Ma’am,
I, the undersigned, Miss Sreyoshi Chatterjee, beg to state that I am a budding author, who currently lives in Kolkata, India. I wish to get my novels published by an acclaimed publishing house. I contacted Bloomsbury , however they said that they don’t accept unsolicited manuscripts at present.
This book is a crime fiction or a detective novel, which deals with solving the murder of an orthopaedic physician , on his 35th birthday.
Hope you like my work.
Genre: Crime/ Detective/ Murder Mystery.
I am a 25 year old author , living in Kolkata, India who has self published a novel titled The Wondrous Lore of a Wasted Life in 2015. It is selling on Amazon and Flipkart and a number of other online stores, both in print and ebook versions. My publisher is Notion Press, Chennai. Hope you like my work.
Genre: Crime/ Detective/ Murder Mystery
Word Count: 34,476
Contact- 919903514642.
Author website: http://www.authorsreyoshi.com
The Grovers invite a number of friends on Robert Grover’s Birthday. They chat, dance, make merry and enjoy. Then , after dinner , Robert is found murdered by cyanide poisoning. The police arrive and they investigate all the guests, interrogate them and jot down all the necessary information. Sarah is reminded of her interaction with each of these guests in her lifetime. The relations and servants of these guests are also invited to answer a few questions. Who could have committed the crime.