Dark Regions Press
From the Editor
Dark Regions Press is an independent specialty publisher of horror, dark fiction, fantasy and science fiction, specializing in horror and dark fiction and in business since 1985. We have gained recognition around the world for our creative works in genre fiction and poetry. We were awarded the Horror Writers Association 2010 Specialty Press Award and the Italian 2012 Black Spot award for Excellence in a Foreign Publisher. We produce premium signed hardcover editions for collectors as well as quality trade paperbacks and ebook editions. Our books have received seven Bram Stoker Awards from the Horror Writers Association. We have published hundreds of authors, artists and poets such as Kevin J. Anderson, Bentley Little, Michael D. Resnick, Rick Hautala, Bruce Boston, Robert Frazier, W.H. Pugmire, Simon Strantzas, Jeffrey Thomas, Charlee Jacob, Richard Gavin, Tim Waggoner and hundreds more. Dark Regions Press has been creating specialty books and creative projects for over twenty-seven years. The press has staff throughout the country working virtually but also has a localized office in Portland, Oregon from where we ship our orders and maintain the primary components of the business. Dark Regions Press staff, authors, artists and products have appeared in Rue Morgue Magazine, Publishers Weekly, Kirkus Reviews, Booklist Online, LA Times, The Sunday Chicago Tribune, The Examiner, Playboy, Comic-Con, Wired, The Huffington Post, Horror World, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Sony Reader store and many other publications and vendors.
Horror, fantasy and science fiction.
Editors Name Chris Morey
Address Portland, OR
Does the Press Accept: Online Submissions
Submission Guideline URL http://www.darkregions.com/pages/Submit.html
Year Founded 1985
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DarkRegionsPress
Twitter https://twitter.com/Dark_Regions_Pr
Email darkregions.help@gmail.com
Category Book Publishing Company, Fantasy Book Publishing Company, Horror Book Publishing Company, Science Fiction Book Publishing Company, Small Publisher, Taking Submissions
I have only sold books from my series, Zombie Crusade, through Amazon Kindle and Createspace. The sales numbers and reviews speak for themselves. I have a good product, and more on the way. I am interested in publishing options other than Kindle for some or all of my titles. If you are interested in talking to me, let me know at your convenience. Thanks.
Jerry Vohs
Hello my dudes,i regret to inform you that i have become the dank meme master,so don’t try to stop me.What i want from you is the rarest of pepe’s.I will only except the rare ones.So please give them to me.You scrub lords.
i like to cut grass get ruppes make money f*ck princess’s
I`m hoping to get my work published and well known, and you seem to fit my criteria for a publisher.
I hope that my work gets published under a publisher with the likes of you, for my novel is all about darkness, and you seem to fit my agenda.
The submission guideline URL is no longer working. Can you send me the guidelines for submitting work to Dark Region Press? Thank you.
Good day-
I have tow questions-
1) I have an unpublished manuscript that I would like to submit for publication. Are you currently accepting submissions?
2) I also have a book that I have self published. Do you accept self published works for submissions?
Please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you.
I’m interested in publishing a novel which fits into the horror/paranormal genre. I look forward into receiving your feedback and would like to get into contact with you.
I recently finished a horror story called, “TWIN TERRORS.” This manuscript has over 300,000 words. I am searching for an excellent publishing company. If at all possible I would love to hear from your company.
Thank you for your time.
Donna Lea Stayton