Brandt Street Press
From the Editor
Brandt Street Press publishes books that make history fun. As part of that mission, we publish an annual themed collection of stories in our Dammit Series. Books are available in both print and e-book formats. We are committed to being author-friendly and pay royalties at or above industry standard.
We accept submissions for our annual themed collection of stories in our Dammit Series on a rolling basis. See our website for themes and deadlines. Queries for book-length manuscripts may be made year round. For us, history is not about dates and statistics. It’s about story. If you’ve got a good story to tell, we want to hear about it.
Editors Name Scott Bradley Smith Address PO Box 8243 Pittsburgh, PA 15217-0243 United States of America Does the Press Accept: Online Submissions, Unsolicited Submissions Email Submission Guideline URL Year Founded 2003
Facebook Twitter GooglePlus Category Biographical Book Publishing Company, Book Publishing Company, Ebook Publishing Company, Historical Book Publishing Company, Memoir Book Publisher, Non-Fiction, Personal Essays, Pop Culture Book Publisher, Short Story Publisher, Takes Queries, Taking Submissions
“When Gods Collide” the story about the 9/11 attack on New York (fiction) is ready for publishing. If you are interested in this type of novel I shall be glad to have you read it for the purpose of publishing. I will be honest and tell you that I have this and another novel been offered publication, only without compensation. I fell for it once and the so-called publisher wanted me to buy my book from him, the book I could just as easily have printed on my computer. That being said, he did provide a very nice cover, and sold some books through Amazon. These however, were mostly to friends and acquaintences of mine and not duie to any effort on the publisher’s marketing strategy.
Inasmuch as I have put effort into the writing, I do expect effort also in the publishing.
My first historical novel, “King of the Hall of Flakes”, is having trouble finding an audience as so few baseball fans have heard of its protagonist, the nutty, lovable, and extraordinarily talented Rube Waddell since he pitched over a hundred years ago. My second novel, “Babe Ruth & the ‘27 Yankees Have the Best Summer Ever”, will certainly not face that challenge as Babe Ruth is easily the most famous ball player ever and the team is the sport’s most well-known and read about. Much of it is true and based on extensive research, the rest of it is fiction, placing the players in scenes they either actually were in or could well have been. The storyline includes game accounts, clubhouse hijinks, the Babe making a movie and visiting Pickfair and Chaplin’s house, frolics with flappers including Zelda Fitzgerald, visits to the Green Mill where Capone hangs out, the Cotton Club, struggle buggies on back roads, and lots of other hot and fun places.
I would like to submit a biography.