The Hamburg Press
From the Publisher
About The Hamburg Press
The Hamburg Press published its first public volume, History & War by Theodore Ropp, in 1984. A few other public trade books followed but in the following decades the majority of its works were privately printed books and papers on subjects ranging from the occult to quantum physics. In many respects, THP was awaiting the computer age and the resulting great leap forward in communications technology from books to the internet and its social media channels. These long anticipated developments have at last enabled a publishing company as we envision it—one that can bring works quickly to the public and private arena and also translate the content into instantly useful information via mobile media and apps.
In the process we have watched the mainstream publishing industry try to adapt to changes in the industry that are forcing new approaches and business models. In Hemingway’s day the services an author needed were far from readily available. Copyediting, art & illustration, typographical design, marketing and public relations were all provided by the large and small publishing houses. Such services came with an inordinately high price and authors received as little as 7% of their book’s cover price. Most ‘mainstream’ publishers still run on this business model. It should not be so.
In today’s digital age, every service needed to deliver a finished book into a reader’s hands is readily available via the Internet. We believe that the author, as the principal originator of the content, should receive more. Royalties at THP begin at 15% and range as high as 35% for printed media—sometimes much higher for electronic media.
There is more. We fully support our authors with electronic media from social media pages to websites and blogs. When the content of a book project lends itself to the process, we also develop mobile and gaming applications that generate further revenue for the author. In this sense THP is a ‘full service publishing house’ in the modern sense of the phrase. We are the first publishing house fully engaged in the digital age.
The Hamburg Press is looking for full length novels with sequel potential. We like strong science themes with as much fact as fiction. Manuscripts do not need to be “pure” science fiction–“The Watch” by Jack Rees is a good example–a story set in World War II but with a strong science fiction opening and a strong science fiction component based on actual facts concerning Nazi fringe technology such as “Die Glocke.”
Editors Name Dieter Oellner
Address 2727 Mariposa Suite 104
San Francisco, Ca 90015
United States of America
Does the Press Accept: Online Submissions, Unsolicited Submissions
Submission Guideline URL
Year Founded 1980
Category Adventure Book Publisher, Ebook Publishing Company, Non-Fiction, Science Book Publishing Company, Science Fiction Book Publishing Company, Taking Submissions
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