Glass Lyre Press
From the Publisher
Glass Lyre is an independent literary press interested in publishing poetry collections, chapbooks, select short & flash fiction, and the occasional anthology.
In a society faced with frequent assaults to one’s psyche and spirit, Glass Lyre Press offers fine literature to rejuvenate the spirit, fuel inspiration and nourish the soul. These are collections which, rather than being stashed away after reading, one returns to time and again—beautiful, highly crafted books created with love and care by a dedicated publishing team.
Glass Lyre is an independent literary press interested in publishing poetry collections, chapbooks, select short & flash fiction, and the occasional anthology.
The Glass Lyre vision is to connect the world through language and art. We hope to expand the scope of poetry and short fiction for the general reader through exceptionally well-written books which call forth our deepest emotions and thoughts, delight our senses, challenge our minds, and provide clarity, resonance and insight. Even for those too busy to read a novel or a non-fiction book in its entirety, Glass Lyre provides an alternative because everyone can make time to read a poem, a flash piece or a short story.
Glass Lyre Press is interested in acquiring titles focused on quality and artistic vision from an eclectic range of talents—work which is technically accomplished and distinctive in style, as well as fresh in its approach and treatment. Glass Lyre seeks writers of diverse backgrounds who display mastery over the many areas of contemporary literature, writers with a powerful and dynamic aesthetic, and ability to stir the imagination and engage the emotions and intellect of a wide audience of readers.
Editors Name Ami Kaye
Address PO Box 2693
Illinois Glenview
United States of America
Does the Press Accept: Online Submissions
Submission Guideline URL
Year Founded 2012

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I believe we can work together.
I have a 90 some page book of poetry. It is entitled Straight from the Pen. It was written over a seven year period of incarceration about all the feelings I’ve experienced while locked up. If you would like to take a look at it email me and I’ll send you a copy