Enigmatic Books
From the publisher
Enigmatic Books is a new press devoted to urban fantasy and paranormal fiction. This includes subgenres such as superheroes, myths and legends, cozy paranormal mystery, teen paranormal romance, and others.
What type of Submissions are you looking for?
We’re looking for fresh and compelling new series that feature magic in a mundane setting, a unique protagonist with human flaws (even if she’s a vampire), and an upbeat series ending. Authors do not need to have completed the whole series to submit to us.
From the Publisher’s site:
There’s nothing like a good urban fantasy. We launched Enigmatic Books to share with you some fresh voices in the genre.
We’re excited about the captivating fictional worlds our authors have brought to life, and about the many more worlds still in development.
So find a comfy chair, have a read, and let us know what you think.
Jeanne & Phoebe
Publishers at Enigmatic Books
Editors Name Phoebe Kitanidis
Year Founded 2015
Does the Press Accept: Online Submissions, Unsolicited Submissions
What forms of writing are you looking for? Fiction
Ebook or Print? Both
Do your charge for any services? No
Submission Guideline URL
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Category Book Publishing Company, Fantasy Book Publishing Company, Small Publisher, Teen Book Publishing, University Book Publisher
TOGETHER FOREVER maybe you can help publish my short stories and poem book. Here is a sample
Love In Death
Its over Tom. I don’t know what else to say. The rain starts to fall. Hasn’t rained like this in a long time. Usually I would be enjoying it. Instead I’m in the middle of the road with my soon to be ex fiancé Stacy. What did I do? I ask her in a panic. She tells me, Im just not ready to get married. I don’t love you like you love me. Tears fall from both our eyes. I don’t believe her. Why is she acting like this? She hands me back her engagement ring. I never thought I could feel so much pain. Please baby Ill do anything. Im sorry I have to go. Go where!? I start to shout. We live together. I see a car waiting for her. It’s a Mercedes. Something I could never afford. Is this who she s leaving me for? Stacy makes her way to the car. I can’t loose her. Not like this. I won’t loose her. I love her. I start to run towards her as she opens the door. Standing in the middle of the road soaking wet I ask Stacy! Please stay. Before she could get a word out I feel my feet flying into the air as a car runs through me. The car takes of faster then it came. Raining to hard to catch even the license plate
. I was on the ground. The weird thing was I was happy. I was happy because Stacy ran back to me. She said she was so sorry and didn’t mean it. I wanted to tell her so much, but the blood filled my longs as well as my tongue. I felt the dark. I felt the cold. I felt my body pushing out my soul. I smiled at her, touched her cheek.
Tom please don’t leave me. Not like this. I knew he was gone. I kissed his lips hoping to be as a fairy tale and he would wake up. It didn’t work. I can’t believe I was gonna leave him like that. When the medics arrived they said there was nothing they could do. I never thought I could feel such pain. I stay by his body holding him. They try to take him I scream and kick. I don’t even know how to act or what to do. The cops came and pulled me off of him. The man I was gonna leave him for didn’t even stick around. He just left my bags on the side walk. Didn’t even try to help. I didn’t care. My baby was taken. I go back into the house we called our own. Felt empty. That trusting warm feeling was gone. How do I tell his parents? How do I do anything? We didn’t even fight. He didn’t make much money. That shouldn’t have bothered me. I remember getting a rose when he had a little extra money. His pillow still smells the same. The blood is still on my close. I don’t want to take them off. The first time we went out was so special. I never had a man take me to so many places. First we went ice skating. I remember him showing off then falling straight on his face. Tom was a goof like that. Then we went out to eat. Nothing crazy just apple bees. It didn’t matter cause I loved his company. Then He took me to a honey farm. It was different but sweet. At the end of the night he asked if he could kiss me goodnight. I think thats when I fell in love with him. He kissed me at every red light. I thought it was cute. The next day we had a party at my old apartment. He got so drunk he fell asleep outside. Even with his head spinning he had enough strength to kiss me. Tommy said he would be back in an hour. When he went home he drank a gallon of water and made himself get better all so he could come back and buy me dinner. Tommy was like that. He always wanted me to smile. Whenever we fought tommy would just hug me and say I love you. Lets work this out. How many men can say they do that. He would call me his best fiend. Tommy didn’t have many friends, but it did mean a lot to hear that. I guess I didn’t know what I had.
Last Viewing
Getting ready for church isn’t easy for me. I put the ring back on my finger. I feel the weight of it way me down. I don’t deserve it. Everyone smiles at me and says how sorry they are. They don’t know the truth and the lie is eating me up inside. I just wanna die and be with Tommy. I think Im to much of a coward to do so. I wish I had it in me to end things. In the church they had hundreds of pictures of Tommy. He may have not had a lot of friends, but he had a huge family. Something I really never had. Tommy didn’t know this but I was always jealous of his big family. My family was just my mom and dad. They were together but never got to see one another. My mom worked as a manger at a super market. She had been there for about fifteen years. She had her enemy s. She also had a lot of friends. My daddy on the other hand was a truck driver. He was hardly ever home when I was young and even now that I’m grown things are still the same. I know they love one another. Life is just like that sometimes. Finally I see one person I know. My mom. We were not as close as most mother daughter relationships. It was nice to see her though. At least we have someone by my side. She does not even know I was going to leave Tommy. She adored him. I was going to tell her, but not for a few more weeks. Now I don’t know if I ever will. I don’t know about her ,but if I had a doughtier who was about to leave a man in such a manner I would look down on it. I see Tommy’s parents. His dad looks blank. He looks as if all emotion had left him. I started to cry when his mom came up to me. She was screaming, crying and whispering when she talked. It broke my heart. She couldn’t stand. She just continued to scream my baby my baby s dead. Every time she stood up she would fall. Tommy’s brother and cousin came to hold her and calm her down. It helped a little but you could just tell that she felt as if she lost everything.
We all start Walking into the room where my Tommy laid. I start to feel to weak to walk. I fall and blackout. When I come too I see Tommy’s family around me. They help me to my feet. Tommy’s cousin Rick comes to me and ask are you sure you can do this. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I say yes please. Dragging my feet towards the coffin I remember Tommy always saying if he died he wanted to be cremated. I felt a little angry about that. I couldn’t say anything though. I did not have the money to pay for something like this. So I guess it’s not up to Tommy or I. I see him laying there. It don’t look like him. Not the Tommy I knew. Always with a smile. This was almost like a manikin made of clay. The face was pale and his lips looked sad. I kissed him and gave him a rose. I told him it’s your turn to get one baby, sorry it took so long, but that did it for me. I started to cry and scream as his mother did. I just hugged him and yelled I’m sorry. Im sorry for what I did. I love you. I didn’t care who heard. Tommy was gone he was dead. I don’t know if he can hear me now. I hope he can. My heart was empty and alone. Tommy s brother helped me to my seat. I couldn’t even hear what they are saying about him. All I can think of is every memory I have of him. I don’t want to loose them. Even if I have to think of them every day for the rest of my life. I don’t want to loose the smell of his cologne. I don’t want to loose the trips to the lake. I can’t loose the sound of his laugh. A laugh that was so contagious if you heard it you couldn’t help but laugh. I start to listen to the stories that everyone told about my baby were all funny. Sounded just like him. His uncle Patrick had a story that they went looking for treasure on time. They didn’t find anything of course. Patrick said that Tommy had a gun on his hip and a backpack full of tools. He was standing on a rock and was going to jump down. He notice there was a puddle at the bottom but he had no choice. It really didn’t look that deep. His uncle starts to laugh to himself. He jumped in and went totally under water. I thought that was it for him. Then I see a hammer and a hand come out of the water. He crawled out. He couldn’t swim cause of all his tools. Only Tom could have got out of a mess like that. He was yelling its cold its cold. It was mid winter after all. I just hope when we Barry him tomorrow I can handle it.
Today we meet again at the church. Everyone seems empty and more depressed. I know Tommy didn’t know everyone cared this much. I drive in the limo with the family. We get to the cemetery. It’s raining as hard as it did the day Tommy died. Everyone has their umbrella s out. When Tommy’s dad asked if I wanted one I quietly smile and say no. I wanted to feel the rain hit my face. It felt like the only thing real. Tommy’s two cousins , Uncle and his brother held the casket. They laid it gently down. The Priest speaks. He has many beautiful things to say not only about Tommy but death. The crying stops for a moment. Everyone is just interested in what the Priest is saying. After that every one there walks in a circle and drops flowers and even some action figures from his childhood. I feel myself breaking. I do my best to fight back the tears. I don’t think I can. Then I hear a sound that made everyone weep with grief. The lowering of the coffin. The final and to Tommy’s story. No, this can t be it I won’t accept that. Before he touches the ground I take of running. Everyone looked but no one stopped me. They knew I couldn’t handle it. I only had one place to run to. Our home. It’s not far only about two miles away from this place of rest. I finally get to the house. I open the door and cry for a few seconds. Not knowing what to do I start throwing things against the wall. I break everything. It’s all meaningless without My Tommy. I throw a baseball against the wall. I hit a picture and it falls to the ground. The glass breaks as it hits the ground. I pick it up and see a picture of me and Tommy at the lake. We are locked in a kiss. I get the picture from the frame and on the back it says always and forever you and I. I love you Boo Bear. We would call each other that from time to time. A piece of glass cuts my hand. Thats when I know what I have to do. I know what must be done. I place the glass against my wrist and begin to cut. I can feel the warmth of the blood come down my wrist. I close my eyes and smile as I think of my baby. The glass pierces through my veins like a knife into butter. It hurts but only for a moment. I felt the blood leave my heart. I felt the dark. I felt the cold. I hope I’m feeling everything Tommy did. I see my mom through the window. She is screaming open the door. Its too late. Im sorry momma.
The Same Spot
I feel like I’m waking up, but different. When I stand I see my body lying before me. I see my momma break a window and get in. She grabs my lifeless body. I know I caused her pain, but if this is my only way to Tommy. Im taking it. I run outside the rain beating down harder then before. I know it sounds strange but I can feel the drops hit me. I walk into the middle of the street where it all happened. Stacy, is that you. I hear from behind me. Tommy is that really you. Yes, baby its really me. Baby Im sorry for what I did to you. Tommy just smiles at me. I run to him. I feel safe and secure in his arms once more. We look one each others eyes as if it was the first time. When we kiss the rain starts to clear. I feel us lifting towards the heavens. Everything feels like it should feel.
My concern is payments and exsposier. Can I make a living or supplement my income working with this publisher? Where will my work be seen or available ?
I have written a book, I think, fits in to your guide lines,