Nephilim Press
From the Editor
Nephilim Press is a purveyor of knowledge and information for the serious occult Scholar. We are not a self publishing service or a “Vanity Press.” We are a trade publication that specializes in the rare and unique subject areas of the occult and arcane, that many major publishing companies consider too controversial to print. Subjects that have been mentioned in passing, but no serious treatise on them has ever seen the light of day. It is for the purpose of introducing and furthering this unique knowledge that Nephilim Press was born.
Currently we are accepting submissions for the following Occult subjects:
Thelema, Enochian Magick, Necromanccy, Egyptian Magick, Chaos Magick, Ceremonial Magick, Witchcraft, Black Magic, Golden Dawn, Sataninsm, Goetic Magick, Demonology, Freemasonry Summerian Magick, Left Hand Path, Babylonian Magick, Arabic Magick, Kabbalah, Herbalism, Divination, Palo Mayombe, Voodoo, Hekka, African Witchcraft, and Everything else.
We are especially interested in finding little known foreign works of folk magic, both new and old, and introducing them to our readers.
If you have a manuscript, or an idea for a manuscript, we would like to speak with you.
Nephilim Press is looking for new writers to join our ranks. It is for this reason that we are having open submissions where anyone can send us their story ideas and writing samples. In response to the overwhelming interest in recent years, we are changing our policy and accepting dark occult and horror fiction submissions, starting in 2013. All submissions should be sent to with a subject heading of “submission.” There is no automated receipt message, and we are unable to confirm the receipt of specific submissions. Please review the following information before you submit your work to us. General submission guidelines Nephilim Press will only publish stories set in the world of Dark Occult Fiction we do not accept submissions of generic fiction, fantasy or science fiction. .Please note that Nephilim Press is an American company, based in the USA therefore we can only accept submissions that are presented in the English language. For logistical reasons, we cannot accept submissions by post or in person at any time, unless you have prior agreement from a member of our editorial team or it is announced at a specific event where we will be ready to receive them. Nephilim Press reserves the right to reject any submission, without stating the reason. Submissions will be rejected automatically if they do not follow the exact instructions presented above. We are unable to enter into correspondence with any submitting writer, unless their work is of sufficient standard to warrant further interest from our editors. Nephilims decision is final in all matters concerning submissions. Prospective authors are able to submit to us in the following ways: Short writing sample This is the most obvious and clear-cut method for submitting to Nephilim Press.
All we require is a title, and a sample of your best and most engaging writing (between 500 and 1000 words). It is presumed that you have a story idea in mind and that this would be an extract from it, but you should simply aim to demonstrate your finest prose to us. The short stories that we are going to publish are generally between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length, and you should bear that in mind when writing your sample. If we like your initial submission, one of our editors will contact you to discuss working the idea up into a full story pitch for further assessment. When submitting a short writing sample by email, please attach it as a PDF or Microsoft Word-compatible file (.doc or .docx are best). Full book sample For a full book submission, you should include the following: 1) A title for the book, and a one-paragraph summary of the whole storyline 2) Ten sample pages, detailing a specific part of the story’s plot line. A full book would be around 50,000 words in total, with approximately 400 pages, and you should bear that in mind when working on your sample. If we like your initial submission, one of our editors will contact you to discuss working the idea up into a full story pitch for further assessment. When submitting a full book sample by email, please attach it as a single PDF or Microsoft Word-compatible file (.doc or .docx are best) but also paste the title and one-paragraph summary into the body of the email itself. Novel pitch (last chance!) Unless you have already started work on your pitch, please consider submitting a short writing sample instead (see above for details). For a novel pitch submission, you should include the following: 1) A title for the book, and a one-paragraph summary of the whole plot 2) A chapter-by-chapter synopsis in no more than 4 pages 3) The first three chapters of your novel (10,000 words minimum) A novel is understood to be approximately 100,000 words in length, and you should bear that in mind when working on your pitch. If we like your initial submission, one of our editors will contact you to discuss working the pitch up into a full novel for further assessment. When submitting a novel pitch by email, please attach it as a single PDF or Microsoft Word-compatible file (.doc or .docx are best) but also paste the title, the one-paragraph summary and the first 500 words of your first chapter into the body of the email itself.
Nephilim is always looking for something unique and different from most occult titles published today. All titles that reflect original occult ideas and concepts, no matter the subject, are given the highest priority of publishing.
Often these titles are deemed “controversial” and “Taboo” by the larger corporate publishers, but we believe that making this work available to the serious scholar achieves our prime goal of furthering knowledge truth.
Non-fiction ONLY. We are particularly interested in well researched works on Thelema ,Enochian Magick, Necromanccy , Egyptian Magick, Chaos Magick, Ceremonial Magick, Witchcraft, Black Magic, Golden Dawn, Satanism, Goetia, Demonology, Sumerian Magick, Left Hand Path, Babylonian Magick, Arabic Magick, Kabbalah, Herbalism, Divination, Palo Mayombe, Voodoo, Hekka, African Witchcraft, and Everything else. Original “how-to” works on specialized areas of magic such as Necromancy, Thaumaturgy, Qliphoth, alternative spirituality and modern witchcraft are all welcome.
Editors Name Frank Redd
Year Founded 2009
Does the Press Accept: Online Submissions, Unsolicited Submissions
What forms of writing are you looking for? Non-Fiction
Ebook or Print? Print only
Do your charge for any services? No
Submission Guideline URL
Address PO BOX 292
Timmonsville, SC 29532
United States of America
Category Book Publishing Company
Sigh! Have 2 books ready to print, 1 almost finished and another just begun. I don’t have access to website/e-mail but low and behold . . . you don’t have a form I can fill in either. And my work would suit your readership perfectly . . .