Mira Digital Publishing
From the Publisher
Mira Digital Publishing knows that your book is not just another book and we are not just another book publisher. Different kinds of books are meant for different kinds of audiences and need their own kind of look and feel. Since book publishing, specifically digital publishing, is our specialty, we can help you publish your book professionally and reach the audience you are looking for. Mira is not a huge online digital publishing company with a room full of telemarketers who read the answers to your questions off a computer screen. Every employee at Mira has spent time in the press room and in the graphics studio and has years of experience in book printing.
We understand every aspect of the self-publishing process. At Mira, we take the time to get to know you AND your book. We will help you through the entire process. Creating and publishing a book is a project filled with important details. We help you through this to ensure the end results are nothing but spectacular.
It takes an experienced and coordinated team to create a professionally produced book. Mira’s team includes your Publishing Consultant, Project Manager, Pre-press Technician, Press Operators, Bindery Specialists and Shipping Managers. We work with you in a coordinated process to make sure that the book you envisioned, is the book you receive.
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What forms of writing are you looking for? Non-Fiction, Fiction, Poetry, Short Stories
Ebook or Print? Both
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Submission Guideline URL
Email jeff@gcfrog.com
Address 174 Chesterfield Industrial Blvd.
Chesterfield, MO 63005
United States of America
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MiraBookSmart
Twitter https://twitter.com/MiraDigitalPub
i am an african who has a strong american background of writing (thanks to cheap internet fees). I have written great magic as regards the council of heaven….i know i have what it takes to shout and be heard by the nations, however my present financial handicap is making my dream turn into a nightmare, i only need someone who can believe in me and ….at least see my works…..is it a crime to be an african?
Alan Croft is a Belfast born deep sea scaffolder who moved to London to learn the English language and make his fortune by selling surgical wrestling boots to under privileged Mongolian immigrants. But the only job he could get was wringing out chamois’s for a one armed window cleaner. His love affair with England ended when he was given the cold shoulder by the Queen who had made tea and toast during renovation work at Windsor castle. Disillusioned following an unsuccessful 13 years of trying to teach the people of Reading, Berkshire to speak with a Belfast accent he packed up his digital alarm clock radio and headed to Canada. He now resides in Toronto and is president of the “Oy watch it club.” He spends his days writing and circumnavigating things. He is now looking for a publisher to promote his book. Pick up: (Belfast Tears and Laughter-1957-1977) on Amazon now.
I recently came across something while going through mothers things in the house that was left to me that is directed towards the nursing profession. With a copy right of 1935 and by a publishing company that no longer exists. I have shown it to a few nurses and all said the same thing can they borrow it so they could copy it, because it would be such a great help. So having a history in sales the idea of the different avenues that came to mind in the nursing fields and who would want to purchase is could be a great benefit if someone could get back to me it would be greatly appreciated 781-534-4054
vanity publisher
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