From the Publisher
We publish good books about good food. Our books highlight kinder, greener, and more climate-friendly ways to grow, distribute, and eat food. That might mean a memoir by a farmer challenging us to stop thinking of factory farming as the norm. A children’s story that gives vegetables the starring role on a plate. The hunt for a humane, spare-the-animal burger. A book of recipes contributed by Central Valley farmworkers that raises money for a local fresh food bank.
Our team is based in San Francisco and includes expert book editors, designers, marketers, and more. (You can meet a few of them here.) One of us also brings a background in nonprofit programming and development so we can partner up with environmental, humane, and food justice organizations, along with businesses who support the same goals, to distribute and expand the impact of each book.
To make sure our books get into a bookstores, too, we also rely on a traditional distributor.
We’re actively looking to publish good books about good food. It could be the chronicle of a community standing up against the cruelties of factory farming, a profile of a food entrepreneur bent on social justice, a cookbook by chefs working with farmers to advance agricultural practices that put carbon back in the ground, or the funny memoir of a reluctant vegetarian that could inspire more people to give it a try themselves.
We will consider children’s books, narrative nonfiction, guidebooks, memoirs, biographies, and occasionally fiction. Examples of books we’d love to have published (and who wouldn’t): Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, The Pig Who Sang to the Moon, by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, What a Fish Knows, by Jonathan Balcombe, and Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White, because why not.
We will do our best to let you know one way or the other whether we think your manuscript is a fit for us. Thank you so much for sharing it.
Editors Name Clare Ellis
Year Founded 2017
Does the Press Accept: Online Submissions, Unsolicited Submissions
What forms of writing are you looking for? Non-Fiction
Ebook or Print? Both
Do your charge for any services? No
Submission Guideline URL
Email team[at]
Address PO Box 170572
CA San Francisco
United States of America
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