White Knuckle Press
From the Publisher
White Knuckle Press is a new publisher of digital chapbooks, brought to you by some of the people behind Right Hand Pointing and Left Hand Waving.
We seek chapbook manuscripts of 10-12 prose poems, no longer than 101 words each, for digital publication. Manuscripts should be submitted only during designated reading periods. Manuscripts submitted outside these periods will be deleted.
We seek chapbook manuscripts of 12-14 prose poems, typically no longer than 100 words each, for digital publication.
We observe a reading period of 6 months. We read June-November only.
Manuscripts should be submitted as either a Word (.doc) file or a rich text file (.rtf) attached to an e-mail that serves as your cover letter. Please do not send a .pdf file. Those are too difficult to transfer onto our website.
Be sure to provide contact information.
The manuscript should contain a cover note, a title page, a table of contents, the poems, and a brief author’s bio. It should also include a statement of artistic or writing philosophy. If your manuscript is accepted for publication, this will serve as the introduction. Each prose poem should be on its own separate page. It isn’t necessary for the prose poems to form a series or sequence, but a common theme or style or structure would be a plus.
Editor: Howie Good & Dale Wisely
Mailing Address: ?
Email: editor@whiteknucklepress.com
Circulation: N/A
Submission Guidelines:
Approximate Response Time One month
Publishes: Inaugural Issue
Year Founded: 2010
Online Submissions? Yes

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[…] White Knuckle Press […]