Not So Noble Books
From the Publishers
We are Not So Noble Books, and we are an independent publisher of ebooks. We are proud and excited to be part of the new wave of publishing which is transforming how books are sold and what they are.
Erik Empson and Jasper Joffe started Not So Noble Books because they saw an opportunity to use their skills and knowledge to produce books which they were passionate about and which might otherwise be homeless in the slums created by mainstream commercial publishing. Books that range from genre fiction to academic texts, books which don’t conform… even to each other. Because who cares about brand identity when every book can be chosen on its merits rather than because it has a big publishing house behind it?
They have both achieved success in their fields. Erik is an academic and teaches part-time at The University of London, he is also a book and magazine editor with over ten years’ experience. Jasper is a well-known contemporary artist with a track record of provocative and inspiring projects such as The Free Art Fair. You can read more about his art and listen to him blather on at
They are artisan publishers in the spirit of William Morris, The Hogarth Press, Wu Ming, Guy Debord and the Famous Five.
From cover to blurb, from viral marketing to editing, they lavish their passion and intellects on producing and selling books. What they love most is the moment when the book is out there, being downloaded and read by you the reader. With epublishing the book has changed from a stable, moribund object to a constantly updateable improvable site of experimentation.
A typical book might involve Jasper thinking of a text and an angle, Erik doing an edit and writing an introduction, the blurb a mere wine cork away, a hitchhiking hipster designing the cover, and their intern tweeting and facebooking about it, while busy buying regular cadeaux of piccoli pensieri to keep our favourite, esteemed author, the tempestuous Ann Abrams at bay. Or any combination of the above.
If the book isn’t being read, or they get reader feedback then they act quickly to adapt and improve the title. They take satisfaction from being involved in every aspect of the process, no longer alienated from their labour, selling the products of their toil very directly to you the esteemed reader.
Genre fiction, especially thrillers, science fiction, romance and science fiction.
Editors Name: Erik Empson
Year Founded: 2012
Press Accepts: Online Submissions, Unsolicited Submissions
United Kingdom
Adventure Book Publisher, Ebook Publishing Company, Erotic Book Publishing Company, European Book Publishing company, Historical Book Publishing Company, Philosophy Book Publisher, Political Book Publisher, Psychological Book Publisher, Radical Book Publisher, Romance Book Publishing Company, Science Fiction Book Publishing Company, Short Story Publisher, Small Publisher, Thriller, UK
I would love to become a writer I love to wrote I’m on page 55 of 105 of my short story’s. Thanks for your time.