CyPress Publicatioins
From the Publisher
CyPress Publications is a small independent publishing company striving to publish books that make a positive difference in our world. In addition to traditional, royalty-paying titles, we also provide publishing services for authors.
Since 1995, CyPress Publications has been an independent book publishing company.
We currently publish under three models: self-publishing, cooperative publishing, and traditional (royalty-paying) publishing.
For those authors who prefer to self-publish, we can provide whatever services you require (editing, typesetting, proofreading, design/layout, illustrations, etc.). We can help you obtain your own block of International Standard Book Numbers, help with Library of Congress and Copyright registrations, help with obtaining printing, help to create an ebook.
While we publish fiction and children’s books, we are presently seeking more non-fiction works in the area of biographies, histories, self-help (if not already extensively covered), and how-tos. For biographies and histories, research should be extensive and sources cited. Above all, tell a great story!
Information on Suggestions on Submitting: We prefer initial queries through email, but we’ll also accept unsolicited mss. Please indicate “Manuscript Submission” in the subject line. Manuscripts should be double-spaced with one-inch margins, 12-pt type. Especially for unsolicited mss, send only the first 3 chapters; we’ll request more if we’re interested.
Editor: Leland Raymond
Circulation: 5
Submission Guidelines:
Approximate Response Time 4-6 weeks
Year Founded: 1995
Online Submissions? Yes
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2636 Tallahassee, FL, 32316-2636
categories Biographical Book Publishers; Ebook Publishers; Fiction Book Publishers; Historical Book Publishers; How to Book Publishers; Humor Book Publishers; Literary Book Publishers
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