Flame Lily Books Ltd
From the Publisher
We are a small publisher and bring out only a few books every year. We want all our books to make very good reads, therefore we spend a lot of our own time, money and effort into bringing a book to life and we would like to enjoy what we do. For this reason we only publish books that we really like.
Currently: Of particular interest are books aimed at children and early teens especially science-fiction and fantasy but not exclusively. We are also interested in non-fiction books for example ?How to…? books also aimed at the younger generation.
We expect manuscripts to be submitted via email in RTF or PDF format. Manuscripts submitted as hardcopy will be recycled.? We do not comment on manuscripts that we are
Editor: Tim Pagden
Mailing Address: 13 Stapleton Road Meole Brace Shrewsbury SY3 9LY United Kingdom
Circulation: 2
Submission Guidelines:
Approximate Response Time 12-16 weeks
Publishes: As and when I have reached a positive decision on a manuscript
Year Founded: 2010
Online Submissions? Yes
Hello. A friend and I have been very interested in writing. We are in the process of revicing a book that is original at this time. We were wondering if you would like to help us to publish our book. Please emal me and we can see what happens from there. Our book is an adventure novel. As I said, we are still in the process of revicing it. Please try to contact me. Thanks!
Without tainting or compromising the legend, “Le Morte d’Arthur,” penned by Sir William Mallory I offer what has been missing… a prologue, an explication of Lancelot’s origin and development. It is the making of a knight true to Arthurian Legend and written for young adults, the young at heart and Arthurian enthusiast of all ages.
Unaware of his true identity, birthright or the intercession of the mystical Merlin, Dulac strives to fulfill a destiny that eludes him. Through rigid training and spiritual tutoring, his exceptionality develops. However, it is through servitude, combat, friendship, romance, deceit, and sorrow that prepares him for the destiny that awaits him.
“Are you interested?”
I am writing a book that is a memoir and an inspiration. I would love or this to get published because I want to help people. I am 17 and don’t live a normal life. I have made very big mistakes in my life and I want to help people that are in the same shoes that I am in/was. Please help me.