Zimbell House Publishing
Website https://zimbellhousepublishing.com
From the Publisher
Zimbell House Publishing is an independent partnership publishing company founded in 2014 that combines the best of traditional services, today’s technology, and shared marketing. Our goal is to partner with our authors to help publish and promote quality work that readers demand.
A Look at the Publishing Process with Zimbell House:
If your manuscript is accepted by Zimbell House Publishing you will be assigned an editor that will help you with developmental, line/copy, and other editing of your work. Every manuscript that we work with goes through a four-step editorial process. This entire editorial process typically takes four-five months.
During this editorial time-frame, our art department is busy creating the cover art and marketing materials for your media kit. You’ll be asked to provide a synopsis/blurb for the back cover, a couple of different bio’s and a head-shot. Don’t worry, we help polish them for you. Your Library of Congress number is obtained and the ISBNs are assigned for each edition of the book. The bar-code for the print edition(s) is/are created and assigned.
When the work on the manuscript is deemed ready, it is sent to our layout department, which creates the print layout(s) and two eBook layouts (one for Kindle and an ePub version for every other digital device). Once the e-galley is created, your editor will send it to you to go over with instructions on what to do if you wish to make changes at this stage. Once those changes (if any) are updated by the layout department, a print galley is ordered. This is a physical proof of the book and normally takes about two weeks to receive from the printer (as much as we would love to be their only client, we have to work within their production schedules). Once we have it in our hot little hands, your editor will contact you and set up a meeting to go over what is called a red-pen edit, which is the 4th stage of edits (if you are local to the editor). If you are not local to your editor, it will be mailed to you with instructions on how to proof the book and make any last changes. Once your editor receives the corrected proof back from you, our layout department will make the corrections and do a final proofreading edit.
During this hectic time, our marketing department has been busy contacting the distributors to let them know about your upcoming book, sending ARC’s (Advanced Reading Copies) to reviewers (it can take up to six months to receive some reviews) and coming up with book club questions to assist reading groups with their future discussions about your book. They are setting up Goodreads Giveaway campaigns and others. Marketing will contact you at various stages during the process to get your social media platform information to include with the media kit.
Shortly, you will receive an email from your editor letting you know the release date for your book–the champagne can be uncorked! Sit back and enjoy the moment, because the hard part starts next.
Marketing. It’s a never ending job. Zimbell House Publishing has relationships with global distributors, as well as Amazon, Kindle, Barns N Noble, Baker & Taylor, and Ingram to name a few. Our sales staff continually update the independent booksellers, libraries and so forth. Zimbell House also expects you, the author, to get involved in the marketing of your book with social media and signing events. Don’t worry—we don’t leave you on your own, our marketing department is there to assist you through the process. We work in tandem with our authors to get the word out! For the life of the contract, we will continue to help you market your book.
The entire process, from submission acceptance to publication, can take about eight months to a year. It may seem like a long time, but we want to get it right, and so should you. It’s all about ramping up the awareness of your book, and just getting pre-release reviews can take six to eight months. A faster turn around means corners get cut, and no one wants that. At Zimbell House Publishing, your success is our success.
We are currently accepting submissions from new and established authors. For an evaluation of your work, we require a full manuscript.
Submission Guidelines:
The manuscript must be in 12 point font, double spaced, one-inch margins and in either Microsoft Word format or RTF.
Your manuscript will be evaluated by our acquisitions editorial staff and an evaluation/review of your submission will be returned to you normally within twelve to sixteen weeks. Even if we reject your submission, you will have an explanation of why we could not bring it to press.
The following genres are currently being considered:
Literary fiction; All genres of fiction for young adult, new adult, and adult readers; Children’s chapter books; Non-fiction in various subjections, including cooking, memoirs, bio/autobiographies, photography, and self-help.
You wrote your manuscript, you had beta readers give you advice, you made corrections, fleshed out the plot line and gave your character’s personality. You’ve gone over it so many times you’re sick of it, and now you have the unmitigated joy of submitting your work to publishing houses. You’re ready. One hand holds the aspirin bottle while the other hovers over the submit button. A small panic sets in and self-doubt threatens. With steely resolve, your finger descends…click…and your baby is on its way. It’s no longer a manuscript, but a—submission. Now what?
A few weeks go by, perhaps a couple of months or so, then it happens—an emailed response to your submission! You know logically there are only two possible outcomes. The dreaded decline letter, or the dreamed of acceptance proposal. Your mouth goes dry, your hands sweat, then you pull up that steely resolve again and open that email.
We get it and we understand. We’ve been there too. That’s why we at Zimbell House strive to keep the lines of communication open from the moment we receive your submission. Our acquisitions team emails you a response that we received your submission and will let you know when to expect a review of your work. If we decline your submission, we tell you why. However, if we accept your submission, not only will we celebrate your success with you, but the reality of publication will be underway.
What forms of writing are you looking for? Non-Fiction, Fiction
Editors Name Evelyn Zimmer
Year Founded 2014
Does the Press Accept: Online Submissions, Unsolicited Submissions
Ebook or Print? Both
Do your charge for any services? Yes
Submission Guideline URL
Email info@zimbellhousepublishing.com
Address PO BOX 1172
Union Lake, MI 48387
United States of America
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ZimbellHousePublishing/
Twitter https://twitter.com/ZimbellHousePub
Book Publishing Company, Chapbook Publisher, Christian Book Publishing Company, Cultural Book Publishing Company, Crime Book Publishign Comapany, Drama Book Publishing Comapany, Ebook Publishing Company, Fantasy Book Publishing Company, Food and Wine Book Publisher, Garden Book Publishing Company, Health Book Publishing Company, Historical Book Publishing Company, Horror Book Publishing Company, Humor Book Publishing Company, Independent Book Publishing Company, Large Book Publishers, Literary Book Publishing Company, Memoir Book Publisher, Midwest Book Publishing Company, Mystery Book Publisher, Psychological Book Publisher, Romance Book Publishing Company, Self Help Book Publisher, Small Publisher, Suspense, Taking Submissions, Teen Book Publishing, Thriller
Picture URL https://zimbellhousepublishing.com/
Zimbell is a scam. They published my first book with no problems. I actually enjoyed working with them which is why I agreed to publish a second book with them. Then, after I paid them the money for the second book, they refused to publish because my first book lost them money. Then, they refused to refund my money.