FyreSyde Publishing
From the Publisher
FyreSyde Publishing sees our authors as family. We don’t want to be one of those traditional publishers who leaves our authors out in the cold after they’re published. Our authors are always able to reach out to us if they find themselves struggling. To accomplish this, we are keeping our author docket small. At this time we do not require an agent and do our best to get back to our querying authors in as little as 3 weeks with a maximum of 4. We also accept interview and guest post requests. Our review team is more than happy to aid with reviews as well. FyreSyde’s mission is to help make our authors feel like family. As authors ourselves who started out in Indie publishing, we know how it feels to feel like you are alone in a vast sea. Our team knows how to help you get exposure for your book. Even if an author doesn’t publish through us, we offer PR services and coaching in subjects like pitching, querying, marketing and promotion. We hope to hear from you soon.
We are very selective when choosing genres with a preferrence to unique ideas.
Right now we are looking for horror, suspense, cozy mystery, supernatural thriller, and mystery.
There are a few genres we will be very selective about because of market saturation. Genres include young adult, paranormal romance, contemporary romance, dystopian, urban fantasy, gothic romance and science fiction.
Although rare, we do look submissions regarding short stories, flash fiction and poetry.
What we look for when reading pitches: Strong world development, deep character arcs, flawed characters, showing not telling, well-edited writing, original ideas, and consistent characters. Having these things will be more likely to land our interest as we are avid readers as well.
Something important to note is in order to make sure our authors are properly taken care of we only accept submissions during certain submission periods. This gives us time to consider each query with the utmost of care. Any submission outside of tyese periods will not be considered.
What forms of writing are you looking for? Fiction, Poetry, Short Stories
Editors Name
Year Founded 2017
Does the Press Accept: Online Submissions, Unsolicited Submissions, Take Queries Only
Ebook or Print? Both
Do your charge for any services? Yes
Submission Guideline URL
Email FyreSydePublishing@gmail.com
Address PO Box 445
Pilot Point, Texas 76258
United States of America
Book Publishing Company, Ebook Publishing Company, Erotic Book Publishing Company, Fantasy Book Publishing Company, Horror Book Publishing Company, Independent Book Publishing Company, Mystery Book Publisher, Small Publisher, Suspense, Taking Submissions, Thriller
Is there a link I can use to submit a query/sample of my novel? (65,019 words)
Thank you.
dear FyreSyde Publishing, I chose to finish writing a book about romance is about romance tray then there is little be of heart into it I’m trying to finish the rest soon I can is about my life what really happens to me with my family is really bad there it’s little crying little happiness then it comes more about my life it’s really sad about it i will tell you mare about it . ps, I’m on facebook .com