We Will Build your author platform
A author’s platform on the web is simply a base of electronic operations for an author where they can build an audience and a following even before their book goes on sale.
I have seen a ton of sites out there telling you how to build an author platform. These sites even give step by step in some cases, but there is a simple problem with it. If you are not good at technology, no matter if you are the greatest over looked writer in the world, you are going to fail because you are not Twitter, FB and website savvy.
When did it happen that you had to know everything about tech to be a writer? Technology should give you more chances at publishing, not make it hopelessly complicated. So we are now offering a new service. I will build your author platform for you.
Yes the service has a price. I will tutor you on how to build your platform, give you step by step on social networking, and I will build your website for you and help you maintain it! I will do the work, you produce the copy.
If you are a writer, and you don’t have a website. You don’t have a writers platform, but you are great at writing, I want to talk to you. I want to help!
Yes, this is a service. There is a fee, but I am doing it for the lowest possible rate I can to help get writers on their feet. You have to remember I am an advocate of writers and authors. I want everyone to succeed.
In this service I’m going to:
Build a website for you
Promote you on EWR
Give you advice on what and where to write on the web
Help you get your social networks going
I’ll send you markets for your work.
This isn’t a gimmick. This is me simply using my 20 years of knowledge on the web in SEO and in publishing markets helping you get your writer’s platform off the ground. If you are interested contact me at eds@everywritersresource.com with Writer’s Platform in the subject line.
This will be very labor intensive for me, so I will be taking on very few of these at a time. I will only be taking on a limited number of authors/writers.
I have published many poems and a few pros pieces to literary magazines. I am looking for a magazine which would carry information and research on Alzheimer’s disease. I have a document which I can send.