Welcome to our Christmas Poem Haiku contest. We are looking for the best Haiku about Christmas. It can snowmen in it too, but it must be Christmasy. So you know the Haiku form. 5, 7, 5 is what we are looking for, it doesn’t have to get anymore completed than than. Winner of this contest will get published on Every Day Poem. The winner will be announced on Christmas Day. Leave your Haiku in the comments.
Deadline December 23, 2016
Follow the Haiku form
You can do more than 1 Haiku strung together
Must be posted below in the comments
Can be on any topic….
Post your Haiku below in the comments. We’ll pick the best.
We will be announcing the winner on the 26.
clear cloudless night sky
Star of Bethlehem above
manger messenger
Ribbons, Ornaments,
and a room of broken toys.
Precious, fleeting joys.
Warm lights glowing still
Pinecone odors fill the air
Christ or Santa’s here
Here to guide us through
Another night full of prayer
It’s always Christmas somewhere
Be Bob a lu la
and jingle bells rock the room
Down comes the tree sudden boom
Have you ever wondered how Krampus could know
How bad you are every year and the sins you’ve sewn?
For centuries, Krampus’ secrets have been whispered in legend.
And they’re far worse than you’ve ever imagined.
And I’ll tell you them now, but if you tell
Krampus will come and drag you to Hell.
At holiday time, your sins send me to you.
I watch and report on all that you do.
My job’s an assignment from Krampus himself.
I am his helper, a demon elf.
Upon my arrival to your office I’ll bring
An ornament from Krampus, the Christmas Demon King.
You must then mark me, give me a name.
Like Bezaliel, Pazuzu, Baphomet, or Satan.
Just don’t name me something stupid like Clayton.
Though I may look cute and demure,
I’ll cover your entire house in manure.
Each night while you’re sleeping, to Krampus I’ll fly
To the South Pole through the dark sky.
Of course, Krampus magic helps me to be quick.
I laugh with the demons and tell Krampus when you’re a dick.
I’ll tell him you’ve been bad, I’ll tell him you’re rude.
This news will make Krampus gobble you up like food.
I’ll push and shove to find my way back.
When I tell Krampus the news, he’ll stuff you in his sack.
In the car, in the park, or even at school
Krampus will know if you act a fool.
But don’t try to look for me; I won’t be there.
I’ll be under your bed, with your hairbrush, gathering your hair.
A voodoo doll – I’ll make very quick.
I’ll send it to Krampus so he knows who to make sick.
I’ll show up at random; you don’t know what I’ll do.
Maybe I’ll bring gifts, or maybe just poo.
I’ll be lurking in doorways, in bathrooms, in shades.
Maybe I’ll cut you with razor blades.
You’ll never know where I’ll be.
Once I’m summoned, you’ll never be free.
There is one rule you must follow
Or I’ll come back and stab you tomorrow.
I cannot speak to you, so says Krampus Claws.
All in Heaven, Hell, and Earth, must bow to his laws.
When you are evil, Krampus will punish you.
But to be safe from the levels of hell in store, here’s what to do:
Burn your tree, throw away your stockings.
If you don’t, prepare for floggings.
Next, write a note to Saint Nick himself.
Tell him you’ve been visited by the Demon Elf on the Shelf.
Write “I request no presents, only coal.”
If you follow my instructions, don’t despair.
Your life – Krampus will spare.
But, don’t be fooled and don’t get too relaxed.
For Krampus comes every year – these are the facts.
The night before Krampusmas, my job’s at an end.
Now Krampus comes, be warned my friend.
Do as I have said or you’ll never tell
About another Christmas because you’ll be burning in Hell.
I know it is old
but truth be told, all I want
for Christmas is you
it is Christmas time
no matter what road you take
they all lead us home
sparkling Christmas lights
smiles on familiar faces
all guiding me home
Boxing Day morning
deflecting disappointment
“always wanted one”
mother’s home cooked meals
the trademark of every
Christmas celebration
There is a consensus there, Geoff Phillips you win!