Welcome to our daily writing prompts page. These were started in our writers group over at Discord, and Kimberlee @Urania_theMuse, one of our members, took over the responsibilities and has been doing a great job. We will be adding new prompts each day.
Please follow Kimberlee on Twitter and leave a comment below. If you want to leave a sample of the writing these prompts inspired, feel free.
4/8/20 – Craft five chapter titles for a future book and five songs for a soundtrack associated with those chapters.
4/9/20 – It’s my little brother’s birthday today. For one of my birthdays, he gave me a bottle of poison. Write a short piece, poem, or non-fic about the most interesting birthday present received.
4/10/20 – Borrowed from Writing Time “In the form of diary/journal entries, write a story that provides glimpses into a person’s life at different ages.”
4/11/20 – Write about a dream… use your dream for inspiration, if it is one you have heard or from a character, write about the dream.
4/12/20 – Write about a hunt… eggs, scavenger, wild game, zombies, or…
4/13/20 – Use the following ingredients in a story, poem, essay, or other: two men in orange sneakers, a fossil, and a strawberry.
4/14/20 – A character just received a Tarot card in the mail. It is the Justice card.
This is the explanation of the card… If you’ve been wondering whether the universe can be fair, now is the time to start believing that you’ll get the outcome that you deserve. Is that positive or negative? Only you know the answer. The Justice card, however, signifies that whatever you’ve got going on will be solved with whatever fairness exists out in the cosmos. That doesn’t always mean you’ll get the outcome you want. But it does mean that order will soon be restored.
In her right hand, Justice holds a scale with a heart on it (emotion). While in her left, her scale holds a skull (logic). She walks across a sword, blindfolded. This represents the calm, rational mind that she needs in order to make decisions clearly—without catering too heavily to her heart or her head. If one scale were to tip, it would throw off balance. If you’re to judge and be judged fairly, you must focus on all aspects of the situation before making a decision.
Why did the character receive it? What does it mean to them? Who sent it?
4/15/20 – Write about a tax or other financial scam.
4/16/20 – You overhear someone having a breakdown in a changing room of your local Target.
4/17/20 – Write a section of dialogue—fanfic variety—between two or more of your favorite characters.
4/18/20 – You are cleaning out a relative’s home and find a small box, hidden beneath the stairs… what’s in it and what do you learn?
4/19/20 – Write about a character who turns 100 years old.
4/20/20 – Three words to use in a new piece:
4/21/20 – How can this photo by Matthew Henry via @unsplash be incorporated into your story? A character’s pet? An evil overlord? A cure for what ails someone? #ekphrastic
4/22/20 – A nod of her head. A demure smile. Mia’s fork poised mid-air between bites as she listened to her date’s (Mark, was it?) long-winded tale. He replayed events as his excuse for being late…
4/23/20 The Man Who Lives in a Giant Naked Woman http://slate.com/blogs/atlas_obscura/2014/05/09/la_mona_in_tijuana_is_a_five_story_house_shaped_like_a_naked_woman.html?wpsrc=sh_all_mob_tw_top via @atlasobscura
4/24/20 – Flashback Friday – Use one of your own personal experiences, with a slight change to the details, and give it to a new character/storyline.
4/25/20 – Write about running across a dollar bill with a name written on it in red pen. The name has a line through it, along with the word ‘later.’ #SuspenseSaturday
4/26/20 – Write about someone who has the power of ‘Psychic Disguise’ where they are able to remove themselves from the memories of others. #SuperPowerSunday
4/27/20 – Mixed Media Monday – Use the following illustration as inspiration for a new piece of writing. This art, Dada Salon Cabaret, is created by Dolce Paganne (https://dolcepaganne.com/dada-salon-cabaret/)
4/28/20 – What would you (or your character) do if you won a large sum of money?
4/29/20 – A character finds an unadorned pair of glasses and a heavily-damaged knife.
4/30/20 – A line dance instructor suffers amnesia, and finds tickets to a sold-out event.
5/1/20 – Write a one-off backstory for a character that involves a failed attempt at blackmail.
5/2/20 – This photo by Robert Zunikoff (via Unsplash) is your inspiration. shudders #SuspenseSaturday
5/3/20 – Seduce Me Sunday: Write from the point of view of a character who wants to seduce their date after things got off to a rocky start and grew awkward.
5/4/20 – May the fourth be with you. Write about an unseen force that stops a character in their tracks. Is it physical? Energy? Psychological paralysis? What was the character about to do? How did that change?
5/5/20 – In honor of Cinco de Mayo, write about a character’s misunderstanding of an hisorical event…or tacos
5/6/20 – Write something inspired by this photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash
5/7/20 – Three Word Thursday: Use kingfisher, detour, and pine in a new piece.
5/8/20 – Sonya Renee Taylor wrote The Body is Not an Apology. Using that title as inspiration, write your take on it. Maybe it’s a poem with each stanza beginning with “The body is not…”
Maybe a piece of creative non-fiction, a song or a novella… it’s up to you.
5/9/20 – Sinister Saturday – Is the evil stepmother an overused trope? How can you freshen it up a bit? Add a touch of surprise? Craft a character that you love to hate. Give us a sinister stepmom.
5/10/20 – Not all families are happily ever after. Write about a dysfunctional family gathering.
5/11/20 – Write about a character who befriends an artificial intelligence bot.
5/12/20 – Use this photo by DeMorris Byrd on Unsplash as inspiration.
5/13/20 – Thirteen. Write about someone turning 13, or write about someone who is afraid of the number 13. Or pick up a random book, turn to page 13, and use the 13th sentence on the page as inspiration for the first line of your new work.
5/14/20 – Do you remember your dreams? Use an element or larger piece of a dream to jumpstart a story. If you don’t remember your dreams, write about a character who does and create a life-altering or haunting dream for them.
5/15/20 – Write a scene about a character’s hair issues. Do they have a particular style (mullet, asymmetrical bob, bald) or favorite color that’s a must-have? Do they have a crush on a hairdresser? Do they hate fixing their hair?
5/16/20 – Sinister Saturday. Take one of your favorite (or well-known) scary entities (Freddy Kruger, Jason, Candyman, John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, etc.) and create a fresh new backstory for them.
5/17/20 – Write about a Sunday brunch that starts out lovely and then takes a turn.
5/18/20 – Write about a group of young friends at a birthday sleepover, and in the middle of the night, a natural disaster occurs.
5/19/20 – Tarot Tuesday – Four of Pentacles : Saving money, security, conservatism, scarcity, control. Use this as a springboard for a plot or character.

5/20/20 – Write about buddies who connect nine years after graduating college together. Alternately, write about adults in a creative writing program who become buddies and maintain a cross-country friendship.
5/21/20 – Write about a secret recipe handed down between generations. Is it food, magic, or…?
5/22/20 – A character signs up for a paint and sip class and ends up finding something surprising…
5/23/20 – Use these words in your writing: mask, library, swerve, duty,
5/24/20 – Writing inspired by art can be amazing. Check out these students’ art and start your writing based on idea in response to it.
5/25/20 – Give your character a recurring memory that pops up at inopportune times. Is it filled with sensory details or just a quick flash? Is it PTSD, a childhood memory, or one from a passionate encounter? What does it interrupt?
5/26/20 – There’s a saying by Maya Angelou When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Use this line of thought and show who a character is and what they typically are hiding/not showing. What is the little glimpse they give?
5/27/20 – Write about someone who is fed up with their job, but can’t quit. Instead they write a letter to their boss… and it disappears off of their desk.
5/28/20 – Write about a character who “ghosts” another.
5/29/20 – Create something inspired by this aesthetic from PrettyLivLove on Pinterest. (https://www.pinterest.com/prettylivLove)
5/31/20 – Use the following words in your writing: satchel, mink, chipmunk, darkness, and destruction.
6/1/20 – Happy June! Write about the month of June and all of the associations/memories that your characters have with this month.
6/2/20 – Your character is a professional hoax-buster who has something unbelievable happen to them.
6/3/20 – Your main character has just been called to teach. What is it they’d teach? Who will they teach?
6/4/20 – There’s an amusement park at the end of a pier. The melody from the carousel lures you in…
6/5/20 – Prepare a scene that shows a lot of emotion through body language and with minimal use of dialogue.
6/6/20 – Write about a bad decision made at 1:30 AM.
6/7/20 – Do you have any scenes where your characters just take a day to relax and practice self-care? What would cause them to step away and chill out?
6/8/20 – Create a list for a main character. Is it a grocery list? A hit list? A 50 before 50 list? A packing list? Or?
6/9/20 – Create a random piece of life-altering backstory for a character based on a trip to the store.
6/10/20 – Write something from the point of view of a bail bondsman.
6/11/20 – Use this fabulous photo by Dave Goudreau on Unsplash as inspiration.
6/12/20 – Focus and write about a character who is obsessed with birthdays.
6/13/20 – Craft a dialogue between two characters where one, we later discover, is a pet.
6/14/20 – A character has an epiphany about a current relationship and how it was or was not affected by a parental relationship in their past.
6/15/20 – Your character is in the middle of an important call when their cell service is interrupted. It turns out there is a coordinated attack of cell service across the country. What is going on?
6/16/20 – A young boy is in his grandparents’ attic. He finds an old trumpet. Pursing his lips, he blows on it. A cloud of blue smoke erupts…
6/17/20 – Use one or all for a character or story inspiration. Troublemaker. Entrepreneur. Web guru. Alcohol scholar. Creator. Hipster-friendly travel buff. Wannabe coffee nerd.
6/18/20 – Write about a last day of school. Stretch your imagination about the students, the class, etc. Is it a course for elevator repair? Mimes? Organ transplant recipients? Is there a celebration/graduation after?
6/19/20 – Change is in the air. Beneath the chaos of the scene unfolding in front of them, the hum of a new vibration causes the hair on their arms to stand on end…
June 20, 2020
6/20/20 – Write an epic saga that takes place on the longest day of the year.
June 21, 2020
6/21/20 – Happy Father’s Day – Write something to honor the great dads of the world. Or on the flip side, write something showing a rotten father.
June 22, 2020
Oh, let me try one! 6/22/20 – Write a story about a community of people who have been implanted with small bombs inside their bodies that explode whenever they lie.
2:43 PM
6/22/20 – Write about a mediocre middle management type who shows their insecurities by trying to control their work environment.
June 23, 2020
CJ Landry06/23/2020
Right? I love when a dream inspires a prompt. Doesn’t happen often enough for me.
6/23/20 – Write about a character who literally eats words and explain why.
June 24, 2020
6/24/20 – Imagine…your character goes to camp, a supposed safe place, but things are not what they seem.
June 25, 2020
6/25/20 – Explore the family dynamics of character siblings who are 18-20 years apart in age.
June 26, 2020
6/26/20 – Take a look at this photo by Razvan Horhat on Unsplash. Use this as inspiration for setting, characters, stories.
June 27, 2020
6/27/20 – Think about and create a map around your story. There are a lot of fun worldbuilding/map making tools out there. If your story takes place in an already-established location, think of fun ways to memorialize key elements of your story on a map. Vice versa, think about ways to incorporate map elements into your story. Bonus points if you share a pic of your map.
June 28, 2020
6/28/20 – Write about a character who stages a performative event in public. What do they do? Is there a cause behind their actions?
June 29, 2020
6/29/20 – Write about someone who takes regular walks and was 1) surprised by something seen in a neighbor’s yard, 2) sees a crime being committed, or 3) diverts their normal path to avoid an unseemly incident in front of them and discovers something new.(edited)
June 30, 2020
CJ Landry06/30/2020
6/30/20 write a story to explain this video https://vm.tiktok.com/JdTtmQv/
The Florida Aquarium on TikTok
Where ya goin guys? ?? #FloridaAquarium #AfricanPenguins #ForYourPage.
6/30/20 – What happens when your character experiences life with a power outage that lasts all day? What caused the outage? How do they cope? What if it continues?
July 1, 2020
7/1/20 – Write about July 1, 2030.
July 3, 2020
7/2/20 – Write about an attempted bank robbery.
7/3/20 – Use this photo by Peng Yang on Unsplash as inspiration.
7/4/20 – Write about what happens when Cthulu disguises itself as a 20-year-old girl with an office in a memory restoration center.
July 6, 2020
7/5/20 – Try combining elements of two characters from different stories you enjoy into one new character for your writing.
7/6/20 – Write about a double date that goes awry.
July 7, 2020
7/7/20 – Write about a parting of ways that involves a roll of dice.
July 8, 2020
7/8/20 – Write about a pet that goes missing and the surprising twists it takes to locate it.
July 10, 2020
7/10/20 – Your character has a cousin who was hiking with his girlfriend and she disappears. The internet is on fire with amateur sleuths trying to solve it. Your character gets involved.
July 11, 2020
7/11/20 – Write a story from the perspective of a worker at 7-11 on free Slurpee day.
July 12, 2020
7/12/20 – Write about a friendship ending in an awkward exchange.
July 13, 2020
7/13/20 – Write about an explosion. Is it literal? Figurative? A violent stomach or a display of feelings? A burst of confetti or words?
July 14, 2020
7/14/20 – Write about a name or nickname and the backstory/ history behind it.
July 15, 2020
7/15/20 – A young woman attends a county fair and is found dead, with pins stuck in her abdomen. Who killed her and why?
July 16, 2020
7/16/20 – A group of people are trying to brainwash one of your characters to lure them into a cult. Which character is most susceptible and why? What would the other characters around them do?
July 18, 2020
7/17/20 – A woman fights cancer and has insurmountable medical bills. She comes up with a way to make some quick money…
7/18/20 – A cartographer is out exploring an abandoned area when they realize they’ve lost something. What is it? Will they find it? Is there a mysterious figure, lurking in the background, watching them?
July 19, 2020
7/19/20 – Sin Day: Write about your favorite ‘sin’. Extra points if you have two or more characters in conflict over their sins.
July 20, 2020
7/20/20 – Use these words in your writing: Vatican, hullabaloo, minx, modern, and whet stone.
July 22, 2020
7/22/20 – A woman’s friend disappears without a trace…(edited)
July 23, 2020
7/23/20 – Your character takes a sabbatical. What does that look like? What do they leave behind? If/when they return, how have things changed?
July 24, 2020
7/24/20 – Use this photo by Felipe Giacometti (via Unsplash) to spark your writing.(edited)
July 25, 2020
7/25/20 – Your character decides to convert an old cabin into a summer rental property. Is it a success, a comedy of errors, or a horror?
July 26, 2020
7/26/20 – Write about an urban legend… or create one of your own.
July 27, 2020
7/27/20 – Write about friends who had gone their separate ways, but reconnected because of a birthday.
July 29, 2020
7/28/20 – Write about a character creating an AI friend and then trying to get rid of them when things take a turn.
7/29/20 – Write about a character living an average suburban life when they suddenly experience a burst of random psychic events.
July 30, 2020
7/30/20 – Write about a character who is a kleptomaniac. Is it a person? An animal? What do they do with the items they take?
July 31, 2020
7/31/20 – Write about a hoarder.
August 1, 2020
8/1/20 – Happy August. Write about this or a spin on it.
August 3, 2020
8/2/20 – Write about a situation where someone tries to frame someone else for a crime.
8/3/20 – Your character finds a bloated plastic bag on their doorstep. It’s filled with water and a Siamese fighting fish…
August 4, 2020
8/4/20 – Use this story as inspiration https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/lifestyle/fox-in-germany-discovered-with-hoard-of-100-shoes-1.5048358
Fox in Germany discovered with hoard of 100 shoes
A fox in a Berlin suburb was caught stealing shoes in the neighborhood, having amassed a hoard of 100 slippers, sandals, and running shoes.
8/5/20 – Write about an unusual trip to the zoo.
August 6, 2020
8/6/20 – Write about a character who finds out their significant other/partner is a semi-professional hit man (or woman).
August 8, 2020
8/7/20 – Write about a long-planned trip abroad.
8/8/20 – Write a piece from the perspective of a circus participant.
August 9, 2020
8/9/20 – Use these words in a new piece: fortify, marshmallow, rankle, doubloon, and vertigo.
August 10, 2020
8/10/20 – Write about one of your characters most-prized possessions and how they came by it.
August 12, 2020
8/11/20 – Write about a kidnapping.
8/12/20 – Write about a night at the drive-in theater.
August 13, 2020
8/13/20 – Write about a character’s 13th birthday.
August 14, 2020
8/14/20 – Write about someone waking up from a long coma.
August 15, 2020
8/15/20 – Use this photo by Matei Marcu on Unsplash as inspiration.
8/16/20 – Your character gathered a box of items to bury in a time capsule as a tween. Many years later they realize one of the items is crucial to have and they set out to unearth it. What was it? What obstacles will they face to find it?
8/17/20 – Write about a character getting their bestie to help infiltrate a group/cult to try and free another friend.
August 18, 2020
8/18/20 – Write about the process of someone seriously altering their appearance after committing a crime to avoid being convicted.
August 20, 2020
8/19/20 – Explore an unusual parent/child relationship.
August 21, 2020
8/20/20 – Write about a person who is part of a witness protection program.
8/21/20 – Write about a character who is wrongly imprisoned.
August 22, 2020
8/22/20 – Write about a walk along the coast and what is discovered.
August 23, 2020
8/23/20 – A 911 operator runs away, leaving behind a wine glass with her lipstick on it.
August 24, 2020
8/24/20 – Write something that includes a new puppy, a holiday, a deserted house, and a crown.
August 25, 2020
8/25/20 – Explore the idea of a character who wanted to do something during childhood but was dissuaded. It bothered them so they finally decide to pursue it later in life and have obstacles to overcome.
8/26/20 – Use something from this article as inspiration. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/aug/26/hong-kongs-terracotta-tile-army-marches-to-the-rescue-for-coral?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
the Guardian
Hong Kong’s terracotta tile army marches to the rescue for coral
Scientists are using 3D-printed hexagons to create artificial reefs after a super-typhoon brought devastation
8/27/20 – Imagine one of your characters is given a grim diagnosis and short time left to live. How do their priorities change? What must they do?
8/28/20 – Tell the story of a character encountering a young woman with a handmade sign offering free hugs.
8/29/20 – Write about someone taking classes to learn about wine.
8/30/20 – Imagine a character has a prejudice and then discovers their significant other is part of a group the character is prejudiced against.
8/31/20 – If you want to go down a very strange rabbit hole and discover a few zany plot points or character conflicts, Google hobby drama or take a peek at these threads. I’m sure you could come up with your own. There have been fights over painted rocks, sewing machine grease and all sorts of bizarre fights in between. https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama(edited)
9/1/20 – Eliza flipped the light switch to off and waited for her eyes to adjust as she made her way across the living room…
9/2/20 – Use this Tarot card reading from Labryinthos.co to inspire your writing. The Moon Tarot Card Description When we encounter the Moon, we see a path that leads off into the distance. On either side of the path stand a wolf and a dog, representing our animalistic nature – one is civilized, and the other wild and feral. There is a crawfish that is crawling out of the pond from which the path stems from. In the distance, we can see two towers flanking the central path, once again alluding to the doubles visible in this card. Everything in this card seems to echo the other, as if to allude to two possibilities. When we walk down the path, we walk the fine line between conscious and unconscious, between the tamed side of civilization of the dog, and the forces of nature represented by the wolf. The towers on the opposing ends represent the forces of good and evil, and their similarity in appearance can allude to the difficulties that we face in distinguishing between them. Upright Moon Meaning On one hand, the Moon card can symbolize your imagination is taking the best of you. In the dark of the night, you are taking a path that you are unsure of, for there could be danger lurking in its depths. You are the crawfish embarking on the path in the card. The moon’s light can bring you clarity and understanding and you should allow your intuition to guide you through this darkness.(edited)
9/3/20 – Write about the first day of school or class.
9/4/20 – Use this photo by Alexandre Chambon on Unsplash for inspiration in today’s writing.
9/5/20 – Write about a cop who robs drug dealers to put their kids through private school.
9/6/20 – Use the following words in your writing: penchant, mahogany, oblique, tapas, butterflied.
September 8, 2020
9/8/20 – Write about a character who betrays their family in a deep, fundamental way. What does it do to them? To the family? What drove them to it?
September 9, 2020
9/9/20 – Write about a couple who has a large age gap between them.
9/10/20 – Write about an evil wanna-be dictator.
9/11/20 – Write about a woman who takes in foster children and raises them to be a gang of thieves.
9/12/20 – I tiptoed out of the hotel room and pulled the door closed behind me with a soft click. Sidestepping our room service tray, I made my way down the hall to the bank of elevators. Four rooms ahead, the door opened and a man crossed the threshold. A woman in a lilac negligee clung to him, pulling him back for a last passionate kiss. I recognized him as he leaned into her. It was my father-in-law…(edited)
9/13/20 – He waved his clockwork fingers at her, and while she could not see in the dim light of the smoke-filled skies, she heard the freak of cogs, the grind of gears, and she shivered in spite of the heat…
9/14/20 – Write a fun romp with students setting their new teacher up for a potential love connection.(edited)
9/15/20 – Write about a doctor who makes house calls to terminate their patients.
9/16/20 – Examine a character who starts a one-person parade. Why? Where? How do others react? Who joins them?
9/17/20 – The last text you sent is the title or basis of your next story. Go. Mine is ‘Are You Bringing Drinks?’
9/18/20 – Fan fiction Friday. Write a new story spun off one of your favorite tv shows.
9/19/20 – Write about a character who discovers one of their parents had a whole different life that they didn’t know about.
9/20/20 – Write about a character who ends up turning tricks because they suddenly lose a job.
9/21/20 – Write about a character who constantly thinks they already performed a task, but many of the tasks are undone.
9 /22/20 – Use one of these band names as a title/chapter for a story… Young the Giant Jimmy Eat World Cigarettes After Sex Porcupine Tree Pineapple Thief Civil Wars Milo Greene Editors Black Gold The Killers New Order Opeth Echoes Veela Explosions In The Sky The Black Dahlia Murder Eluveitie Primordial(edited)
9/23/20 – Write about a character who is obsessed with Fall.
9/24/20 – Use these words in your writing: instigate, magenta, Poplar, dribble, and helium.
9/25/20 – Examine a situation where siblings discuss/come to grips with having to deal with an aging parent who shouldn’t be left alone.
9/26/20 – Write about a lost/found dog.
9/27/20 – Write about a character who fakes their disappearance to frame a significant other.
9/28/20 – Write about a character who is not at home, but gets a security alert on their phone. They look at their home security camera and find something bizarre.
9/29/20 – A florist, a corrupt banker, a politician, and a weight lifter are trapped in an elevator for 3-4 hours. What takes place? What drives each? How do they interact? What daily event is each person missing while stuck?
9/30/20 – Write a scene from multiple povs.
. . 10/1/20 – Happy October!! Write about a character who tackles the #inktober project and finds some of their drawings come to life.
10/2/20 – Use the following oracle card and description to chart a path for your character.
10/3/20 – Write about an abduction.
10/4/20 – Write about a creature in the woods.
10/5/20 – Use the following words/phrases to create new writing: stepping stone, vague, semi-professional, ten, nexus, and clerk.
10/6/20 – Imagine a group of modern day nomads/travelers and what they may encounter.
10/7/20 – One morning, your character wakes up to find dead birds all over their patio, windowsills, and roof…
10/8/20 – Write about a pathological liar.
. . 10/9/20 – Write about someone who works on a small town political campaign.
10/10/20 – Use this photo by Molnár Bálint on Unsplash for writing inspiration.
10/11/20 – Write about a battle over political yard signs and make it a comedy.
10/12/20 – Write about a character who is witness to a minor fender bender.
10/13/20 – Write about a power outage during a storm.
10/14/20 – Write about twins who marry twins.
10/15/20 – Write about a character who runs into their favorite TV newscaster in an unusual location.
10/16/20 – Explore the inner workings of a character who constantly sabotages relationships.
10/17/20 – Write a day in the life of a pumpkin patch employee.
10/18/20 – A character was estranged from their father when he died. Fifteen years later, the character is tracked down by a young step-sibling they never knew.
10/19/20 – Write about a character who has made it in the art world only to have their work destroyed in a tragic natural event. They are unable to rebuild because they’d been stealing others’ art all along… what do they do next?
10/20/20 – Write about a serial killer’s family life… not from the serial killer’s point of view.
10/22/20 – Write about a character keeping a medical secret from a significant other.
10/23/20 – Write about an oracle seeking revenge.
10/24/20 – Take the closing line from the last book you read and use it as inspiration for the first scene of a new story.
10/25/20 – Write about a character who is emotionally stuck in his high school glory days.
10/26/20 – Ripped from the headlines… use this as a plot point or mention in a new piece of writing. “Escaped cloned female mutant crayfish take over Belgian cemetery”
Contributing Editor Kimberlee Gerstmann is attempting to work her way out of a serious post-MFA slump. When she’s not writing fiction or poetry, taking care of her menagerie (and/or extended family), she’s railing against injustice, and advocating for/teaching art to children. She’s currently writing/editing at In the Pantheon. You can catch Kimberlee tweeting at @Urania_theMuse
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