Daily Writing Prompts every writer should try
Daily writing prompts are essential to the creative writer. They can serve several purposes.
- They can help you if you have writer’s block
- Writing prompts can introduce you to new structures and conventions
- They keep your Writing flow fresh
Writing prompts help with writer’s block.
It happens to every writer. You finish a project or are in the middle and suddenly develop a hitch in your swing. Every time you write, you find it challenging to get going. It isn’t easy to come up with new ideas. It’s just difficult to write, and you suddenly realize you have writer’s block. It’s a nightmare for many professional writers.
Writing prompts have always helped me to get going again. If I can’t come up with an idea, I usually get something down on paper when given an idea. Also, some writing prompts are so creative they make you want to write. So if you have writer’s block, I’m very sorry. Below are daily Writing prompts that might help you.
Writing prompts introduce you to structures and conventions.
If you are interested in creative Writing, you should be aware of some conventions in Writing. Short stories, though very young, are full of Writing structures and patterns that authors use. Authors know the rules of these conventions and then break them. These prompts can help you get started in writing a novel too. Many of these writing prompts are modeled on famous stories. The stories are examples of conventions being used or broken. When we use a pattern, we will give you an example of a story we feel used that convention.
We hope this helps you get acquainted with some of the often-used structures and conventions used in creative Writing.
Writing Prompts keep your Writing flow fresh.
So every writer has two essential parts to their Writing. Writing is made of the skills of flow and control. Control is about grammar, conventions, and metaphors solidly woven into your work. Flow is the simple ability to keep the words coming one after another. Both are addressed with practice. There are all sorts of tools that address flow and control. Daily Writing will help with both. We hope the Writing prompts we are posting here will present you with new ideas and approaches that will keep your writing flow moving. The more you write, the better.
We have many other lists of writing prompts to pick from. If you have a comment, please leave it below.
Describe being in a car crash as the beginning of your story.
Write a story about someone you know very well winning 100,000$ and spending on something you would never spend the money on.
Write a story about this picture.
Coming of an age gone wrong. Write a story about someone being asked to become a man too early.
Example: Hemmingway’s A Day’s Wait
The Intruder (A story “formula” that became very popular in the 1980s) Write a story about someone sitting down with you and a date at dinner. The person will not go away, and you don’t know who they are when they sit down.
Example: So Why Don’t You Dance by Raymond Carver
Write a story about old values, money, or respect for protecting someone who should be considered dangerous. Your grandmother is a serial killer. Your sweet little brother is the thief. A police officer is a bad guy. The firefighter is the one starting fires.
Example: A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
Write a story with a character who always hides their face. The character should be important in the story, and the reason for hiding their face should be unknown to the other characters.
Inspiration: Ministers Black Veil by Nathanial Hawthorn
You are a ghost, and you have returned to your childhood home. You interact with the family, not knowing that you are dead.
You are in love with a girl who doesn’t know it! You want to impress her. You have a plan, but you watch it fall apart.
Inspiration: Araby by James Joyce
Write a story of juxtaposition. Write a character at odds with his setting or role in life, for example, someone afraid of heights getting their dream job on the 180th floor or afraid of wide open spaces having to watch a meteor shower.
Write a story about falling asleep at the wheel of a car.
Write a story about sitting with a sick friend. Your friend is dying and thinks you are someone else. They want to apologize to you for the things they have done. Do you let them? Do you tell them the truth?
Write a story about falling in love with your worst enemy.
Write a story about being addicted to the internet.
Write a story about falling from an airplane and relive your life on the way down.
Write a story about something changing in your past and making your whole life different.
Write a story about being a monster.
Write a story where your friends no longer understand you.
Write a story about a holiday with your family that goes way better than you thought it would.
Write the story about 2 wealthy men making a bet that one many can’t really take all the money from his workers and not go to jail.
Write a story about a vampire who becomes your friend.
Write a story about robots we create in the future wanting to live an having more free will than we ever though possible.
You are a firefighter and you have to run into a burning building. The person you have to save is the criminal who has started the last 5 fires in your town.
Write a story that starts the same way it begins.
Write a story about the day you found out you can move things with your mind.
A new app is coming out. All your friends and family are doing it. Slowly you see they are changing. It is obvious that they are all heavily addicted to the app, but they are also evolving into monsters.
When you woke up this morning, you felt weird. Last night in your sleep, something happened, and by chance, you focus just a little too hard and realize you can now move things with your mind.
You find a time machine. You can travel back to any day in your life and change things. You go back to your worse day and make a change. What happens to the world when you return?
You are in love with a woman who does not know you. You follow her to a bookstore to get her number.
You fall asleep, and when you wake up, it’s 200 years into the future.
Aliens are on the news for invading Earth. You look outside, and a ship is landing on your street.
When you wake up in the morning, you are no longer yourself. Something odd has happened, and you have switched bodies with your lover.
You are selected to save the world. Something you know can save humanity, but you must leave your family. Start with your goodbyes.
You find out you are living in a simulation and have proof. Who do you send it to?
You are going to have a meal with friends. They have just had a new baby. The baby is so so ugly. Start your story by letting it slip out that you think the baby is ugly.
You are at the beach swimming. You go out in the water. You are far from the show when you realize a shark is circling you.
You got a new job. They told you it was an administrative assistant. When you come to work, you mostly file papers. One day of the first week, you accidentally walk into a room and you realize they have someone tied up brainwashing them. You run out of the building, but they catch you on the way out.
Someone is trying to convince you to break specific rules at work.
You go to a concert, and a riot breaks out. As you run from the police, you realize they think you started it.
When you think everything in your life is going your way, you find out robots have replaced all your close family members.