1 thought on “Do Writers Need Social Networks?

  1. Social networking can be beneficial, but I would put my bet on Facebook above Twitter having tried both.

    Having worked in journalism, I stick by the old rule,’every picture is worth a thousand words’ and I’ve found that postings coupled with an interesting photo on Facebook get you far more attention than a Tweet.

    Also it takes time, lots of time, probably more time than you have to spare to build up a viable audience. A Facebook account I started back in November 2011 is only now just starting to grow rapidly and bring me sales referrals.

    I would say Amazon is, probably, a mightier resource for marketing self-published works, far more so than social networks. A UK author who saw a book he wrote 20 years ago fall out of print republished it himself as an e-book and offered it for free. Within weeks he had hundreds of readers leaving positive comments about the book. And then guess what the readers started rapidly buying his other works which were for sale, as they’d been so impressed by his freebie.

    From obscurity a very capable writer is now back in the top selling list. So I reckon good marketing has to be a blend of efforts!

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